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Brukertips i Visma.net Calendar

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Ønsker du at ansattes nærmeste leder er den som først godkjenner reiseregninger, utlegg, ferieønsker og timelister? Deretter lønningskontoret (eller omvendt rekkefølge)? Det er en veldig enkel måte å sette opp og administrere en slik godkjenningsflyt,  les mer om det her!      
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01-11-2019 15:39 (Sist oppdatert 03-12-2019)
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 Logg deg på: connect.visma.com
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28-09-2018 13:21 (Sist oppdatert 21-04-2022)
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In this article, you can read about how employees (and others in connection with the company) can confirm and send their timesheets. Verification is necessary for an employer to be able to process and confirm the timesheet for an employee. You can "avoid" the process if the employer confirms the timesheet on behalf of the employee.    Sign in at Visma.net. Go to Calendar. Click on the period's last day (= confirm all registration till this day, make sure to include this day as well) Click Confirm until in the dialogue that shows up (the orange line in the calendar illustrates the verification)  The time sheet will now be sent for approval.    NB! Any registered absences (sickness/vacation) will not be transferred to the payroll system before the employer has confirmed/approved this period.   Can employees change confirmed/submitted timesheets? Yes, it can be changed, but not after the timesheet is confirmed.
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03-07-2019 15:10 (Sist oppdatert 05-09-2023)
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Visma.net Absence gjør det enkelt for ansatte å registrere ferie- og fravær. Med det får virksomheten full oversikt!
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05-01-2016 17:00 (Sist oppdatert 15-07-2019)
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This user tip is aimed to help customers of Visma.net Time & Absence. Click here to review the entire user tip guide.  Go to Visma.net. To sign in, make sure to fill in with your username and password. If you would like the website to save your login credentials, make sure to mark off Remember email address.    If you wish to select a different language there is a dropdown button for that in the bottom right corner , where you can choose a language to your personal preference.    Whenever you feel comfortable signing in, click Sign in. You can now register mileage, expenses and travels.    Did you get the help you needed? If not, click here to review the entire user tip guide for Visma.net Time & Absence.
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03-07-2019 15:04
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Foreldre kan bruke omsorgsdager hvis de må være hjemme fra jobb fordi de har barn som ikke kan gå i barnehage eller skole på grunn av særlige smittevernhensyn i forbindelse med korona. Du finner mer informasjon om dette på NAV sine sider.   Som følge av dette har vi lagt til koden Sykt barn-Omsorgspenger m. legererklæring i Visma.net Calendar som skal benyttes ved slikt fravær. Koden er gyldig for fravær fra 22.04.20.
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17-06-2020 16:26
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Hvordan kunne registrere halv dag ferie i Visma.net Calendar / Payroll
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15-09-2021 08:11 (Sist oppdatert 20-09-2021)
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Guide til hvordan man kan registrere utbetaling av oppspart overtid i Visma.net Time & Absence.
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28-09-2018 13:33 (Sist oppdatert 19-07-2019)
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Hvordan få oversikt over feriedager til de ansatte i Visma.net Calendar / Payroll
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02-07-2019 14:58 (Sist oppdatert 10-09-2021)
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Her er en oversikt over hvilke data i Visma Lønn som påvirker Visma.net Time & Absence.
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12-09-2016 21:48
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 Hvis du har ansatte som ønsker å registrere ferie for neste år allerede er dette mulig i Calendar. 
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05-11-2018 08:19 (Sist oppdatert 25-07-2019)
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Se vår film for fremgangsmåte.
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05-01-2016 14:30
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1. When you register hours or absences and send these for approval, an orange line will occur in the Calendar. This line indicates that you have sent a request for approval to your employer. If you wish to change or adjust these hours/absences that you have sent to approval, you have to revoke the approval request.  2. Let's say that you wish to change a registration back four days in time, select that date on the orange line. Once this is done, the same menu that you used to register this time sheet will show. In this window you still have to click Confirm until, but make sure that the date is changed back a few days, so that you can make your changes.  3. The calendar should now be updated automatically and the orange line should be removed from the days after the day you selected. You can make changes on these days and change codes for them, with for example sickness, absences or overtime etc. Thereafter, click Save. 4. When you have completed the changes you wish to do, click on the last day that is registered with something in the calendar and click Confirm until, and these days will be sent to approval again.
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03-07-2019 15:14
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Gå inn på approval og unden fanen "mine oppgaver" finner du oppgaver du må behandle. 
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28-09-2018 14:37 (Sist oppdatert 25-07-2019)
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Sign in at connect.visma.com.   The outline for vacation can be found in the Calendar. If you click Calendar you will be redirected to an outline of the current month. In the bottom right corner you can find a banner for Vacation days and your Vacation balance.  If you click Vacation balance you will be redirected to this window, which shows how many vacation days you have left.
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03-07-2019 15:15
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Sign in at: connect.visma.com Once signed in, the first page will have a menu where you can choose between; Calendar | Expense | Payslip | Community. To register flextime, click on Calendar. 2.If this is your first time using the Calendar a guide will pop up and show you a few functions on how to use the Calendar. Click the green arrow when you are done.  3. The calendar will show the current month, but you can freely go back and forth by using the arrows in the bottom left and right corner.  4. Click on the actual day you wish to register flextime on. You will now get a pop up window with multiple options to chose between. By registration of flextime, look for the banner At work and click on Other attendance.  5. In the next window you will get more options - click on the area Event code and chose Flextime+. Thereafter, add hours and dates that applies to the Flexitime you wish to register. Click Save.  Your calendar should now be updated with the registered Flextime+.  Once the registration of all your hours is completed, and you wish to send it to approval, click on the last day and select Confirm until. Once this is done, you should have an orange line which indicates that your days are confirmed and sent to approval. 
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03-07-2019 15:07 (Sist oppdatert 03-07-2019)
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You have the option to register your hours and absences on your phone now too. Customers of Visma.net Time & Absence can use the app Visma Employee to do this.    Firstly, download Visma Employee on your mobile device, either from App Store or from Google Play. To sign in, use the same username and password that you use to sign in at Visma.net.    When you are signed in, click on the + sign.        Thereafter you will be redirected to this overview banner, which has all the codes you can register with. Choose the code that is applicable to your task and register your hours or absence in the next page.     This is where you can add the amount of hours / days you wish to register, you can also add a comment. Once completed, click Send.    NB! If you wish to select a project while registering, read more here. 
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03-07-2019 15:11 (Sist oppdatert 03-07-2019)
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Her finner du valgmuligheter for hvordan registrert fravær kan behandles.
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05-01-2016 04:30 (Sist oppdatert 23-07-2019)
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Sign in at: Connect.visma.com. Once signed in, the first page will have a menu where you can choose between; Calendar | Expense | Payslip | Community. To register accumulated overtime, click on Calendar. 2.If this is your first time using the Calendar a guide will pop up and show you a few functions on how to use the Calendar. Click the green arrow when you are done.  3. The calendar will show the current month, but you can freely go back and forth by using the arrows in the bottom left and right corner.  4. Click on the actual day you wish to register accumulated overtime for. To register accumulated overtime, look for the banner At work and click other attendance. 5. Click on the area Event code and choose between overtime 100%, 50% and 40%. Thereafter, click Save.  6. Once you have registered overtime, the calendar will update accordingly. Remember to send in the calendar for approval by clicking Confirm until and thereafter Save. 
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03-07-2019 15:08
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If the case is that you are a brand new user of Visma.net Expense and have never been signed in before, you should have received an email with the following message activate your user. This mail has the title Welcome to Visma.net.      Click on the button Click here(Klikk her) to activate your new account and a new window will pop up in your browser, which gives you the following message(Account activated):     Additionally, there will be sent another email with information about creating a new password.     Click on the button create new password and create a password to your own preference. Be aware that the password has a variety of criteria, to length, no spaces etc. All of these criteria has to be fulfilled to create the new password.    A confirmation window will pop up once you have successfully created a new password, and you can now sign in with your new password and username.    Click here to get started with Visma.net Expense. 
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03-07-2019 15:13
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