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Brukertips i Visma.net Calendar

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If your current password have become known to others, you can follow these steps to change it.   1. Go to Visma.net. 2. Firstly, click on your name at the top right corner and click My details.         3. Look for the banner Security, and click Change password. In the next window write your current password inside the Current password field. Thereafter, fill in your preferred password in the fields New password and Confirm password. Be aware of the password criteria, such as length etc, all of these criteria must be fulfilled to successfully change your password (see picture below). 4. Click Change password and your new password will be created if all criteria are fulfilled. The browser will redirect you to the sign in page, and ask you to re-log for security reasons. Therefore, it is important to make sure to sign in with the new password you just created. 
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03-07-2019 15:12
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Inside the Calendar you can find the term Balances. The function balance is used to keep track of saved overtime and flexitime. Through this function the manager/employer can change both the balance for hours and flexitime, and at the same time make payouts from saved overtime. In this window you can change the amount of saved overtime and flexitime. In this window you can choose how many hours of the saved overtime you wish to payout.
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03-07-2019 15:15
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Ja. Bruker kan endre registrert fravær. Fraværet må eventuelt godkjennes på nytt.
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04-01-2016 16:30 (Sist oppdatert 19-07-2019)
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Once you have logged into your calendar and registered your hours you must submit the time sheet for approval. By clicking Confirmed until in Calendar, you will see an orange bar indicating that your time list has been submitted for approval. The Orange Line will span the period you have recorded the hours on. When your calendar gets a green line, this indicates that your time sheet has been approved by the employer. As long as the calendar consists of only an orange bar, you can still make changes, but when you get a green line, you can no longer edit the calendar.  
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03-07-2019 15:06
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To be able to register a sick child in the calendar, you HAVE to add a child as your relative in Employees | Employee | Relatives.  When you have added a child under relatives, you will be able to register Sick Child in the calendar.   
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03-07-2019 15:05
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In the case that you have forgotten your password, do not worry! You can easily attain a new one by using our forgotten password function.    Go to Visma.net. then click Forgot your password?.  Fill in your email address. This has to be the email address you have registered your account with Visma.net. If you happen to not remember this email address, contact your payroll executive within your company.    For security reasons you have to mark off I am not a robot. Thereafter, click Send request.    From time to time it may happen that you get the following window, where you have to mark the pictures asked for. This is an additional security measure to make sure that no robot can make changes to your account.  If the page looks like this, click Send request. The following window will pop up, and the next step is to follow the informational steps that is sent to your email address. The email you have received will contain information about the reset of your password, click Enter new password.   Choose a password, and confirm it once more. Make sure that you fulfill all criteria which are listed in the box to the right. Once the password is changed, you will be sent an confirmation email. Click on Go to sign in, to sign in with your newly created password.  Common questions I have clicked Forgot your password?, but I have not received any emails. - First of all, a common mistake is that the email have been sent to your Spam or Trash filter. Another common reason could be that your company's email server does not accept our forgot your email address emails. Visma.net uses two different email transmitters, these are "do.not.reply@platform.visma.com" and "do.not.reply@connect.visma.com". Make sure to ask the one organizing emails within your company if these emails are restrained, and if they are, ask them to remove the restrain. 
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03-07-2019 15:13
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Sign in at: connect.visma.com. 1. If the employee have registered accumulated overtime, but does not wish to take time off, the employee can get paid their accumulated overtime. How much overtime the employee has can be seen on the right side in the calender, under the banner balances and overtime. 2. As manager click on the circle with three dots, on the right side of balances. When you click on this button you will get two options, Change time balances and Payout saved overtime. Choose Payout saved overtime.  3. In this box you can chose how many hours you wish to convert from accumulated overtime to payout. Once you are happy with the amount of hours to convert, click Convert. 4. The calendar will now include the following window with Payout saved overtime.  
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03-07-2019 15:09
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Nei, en ansatt får ikke registrert fravær utover regelverket.
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05-01-2016 13:00 (Sist oppdatert 22-07-2019)
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Sign in at: Connect.visma.com. Once signed in, the first page will have a menu where you can choose between; Calendar | Expense | Payslip | Community. To register work hours, click on Calendar 2. If this is your first time using the Calendar a guide will pop up and show you a few functions on how to use the Calendar. Click the green arrow when you are done.  3. To register the same amount of hours to multiple days, mark the days you wish to register hours for, and make sure they turn green. 4. Look for At work and other attendance, click here and find the code Working hours. 5. In this area you can register how many working hours you have worked these days. When this is completed, click Save.  6. After clicking save, the calendar should be updated with the correct working hours on the registered days. 
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03-07-2019 15:06
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Sign in at: Connect.Visma.com. Once signed in, the first page will have a menu where you can choose between; Calendar | Expense | Payslip | Community. To register a sickness note, click on Calendar 2. If this is your first time using the Calendar a guide will show you a few functions on how to use the Calendar. Click the green arrow when you are done.  3. The calendar will show the current month, but you can freely go back and forth by using the arrows in the bottom left and right corner.  4. To register a sickness note, click on the day the sickness note applies to. You will then get a menu, where you can chose away from work and other absence.  5. In this window you can change the absence to Sickness and mark off medical certificate from. You can also change the dates to whatever your sickness note applies to. Once completed, click Save. 6. After you have clicked Save the calendar should be updated with your registered sickness note.
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03-07-2019 15:05
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Godkjenningen av ferieønsker o.l skjer basert på "avdeling".
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25-02-2016 17:09 (Sist oppdatert 23-07-2019)
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Ja. Leder og lønn/HR kan registrere ansattes fravær.
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07-10-2015 19:58 (Sist oppdatert 22-07-2019)
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Her kan du lese hvordan fravær overføres fra Absence til Visma Lønn.
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12-09-2016 21:57 (Sist oppdatert 15-07-2019)
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Absence har støtte for regelverk rundt fravær som følge av barn (barnepassers) sykdom. Les hvordan du registrerer dette i Absence. 
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07-10-2015 19:50 (Sist oppdatert 19-07-2019)
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Leder kan få e-post når fravær registreres.
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04-01-2016 17:30 (Sist oppdatert 19-07-2019)
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Ja, du kan teste Visma.net Absence helt gratis.
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08-10-2015 16:00 (Sist oppdatert 23-07-2019)
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Visma.net Absence er en løsning for registrering av ferieønsker og fravær.
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05-01-2016 18:30 (Sist oppdatert 22-07-2019)
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Ved registrering angir bruker om sykefraværet kan dokumenteres av lege. Om lønn/sykepenger forskutteres eller utbetales av NAV, angis på (nytt) felt i Visma Lønn (firmainnstilling, kan endres pr ansatt). Utover dette, kobles standard fraværskoder automatisk mellom Visma Lønn og Absence. Egendefinerte fraværskoder i Visma Lønn må opprettes også i Absence, og kobles.
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07-10-2015 19:58
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The app Visma Employee does not support the function to register hours on projects or department yet, therefore you have to do this on our website. You can do this with your phone as well.   Follow these steps to do this: Open a webbrowser on your smartphone and go to Visma.net (Google Visma net sign in). Sign in with your username and password Once you are signed in, click Calendar and add your hours and sync it on project or department.  We wish to have a function to support this in Visma Employee after the summer, but for now this has to be done through the website.   
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03-07-2019 15:11
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Ja du kan føre fravær fra mobiltelfonen!
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19-05-2016 01:18 (Sist oppdatert 22-07-2019)
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