to get a personalized navigation.
to get a personalized navigation.
Recently I'm getting an error trying to update an ordertype of an order.
Here is my query and the answer from VBNXT:
mutation update_order($cid: Int!, $order: Order_Input!, $orderNo: Int!) {
useCompany(no : $cid) {
order_update(value: $order, filter: {orderNo: {_eq: $orderNo}}) {
items {
}","operationName":"update_order","variables":{"cid":xxxxxx,"order":{"orderType":3,"customerNo":101175,"name":"Harder Sm嶩k","sellerOrBuyer":5,"information1":"RECEIPT:1 - 2740","totalDiscountPercent":0.0,"totalDiscountAmountInCurrency":0.0,"totalDiscountAmountDomestic":0.0,"orderPreferences":272},"orderNo":68352}}
Answer from VBNXT :
{"errors":[{"message":"Error: It is not possible to change order type after order has been finished.","path":["useCompany","order_update","values/0"],"extensions":{"data":{"status":15,"status_name":"valueNotAccepted"}}}],"data":{"useCompany":{"order_update":{"affectedRows":0,"items":[{"orderNo":68352,"orderDate":20241218}]}}},"extensions":{"vbnxt-trace-id":"90d80f85cd459cc3b2ac3cb2291504bd"}}
Is there something wrong in the query, update/change in VBNXT I'm not aware of?
We made a change in the December 5th-release (documented in release notes), it is no longer possible to change the order type of an order which has been finished or invoiced. This was a bug in BNXT, and inconsistent with behavior in Visma Business.
I noticed that if I finish just one orderline of several, the ordertype can't be changed. It says that the order is finished as a reason.
I wonder if it could be allowed to change the ordertype as long as there is orderlines that or still not finished?
Of course I can see that, but why? I'm pretty sure that has worked earlier.
I don't think you're supposed to change the order type of a finished order. Any reason you want to do that?
Our customers have this work flow, but I don't know for sure why. The consequence of that it doesn't work now is that they can't charge for orders in the cash register anymore if the order is finished.
You can't change the order type, but I think you can create a customer transaction with reference to the openCustomerEntry (crossReference) that will mark the invoice as paid.
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