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Release: 3. maj 2018 - Tilføjelse: Husk at oprette fraværskalender

af Anonymous (Opdateret ‎12-02-2021 23:59 af Thor Lundehoj VISMA )

Hvis I anvender fraværsregistrering i Visma HR, skal I oprette en fraværskalender.

I ser, at I mangler en fraværskalender, hvis I går ind på fraværssiden og får denne meddelelse:

Fraværskalender fejl.PNG




For at oprette en fraværskalender på enten kundeforhold, arbejdsgiver eller medarbejder:

  • Gå ind under Indstillinger
  • Vælg fraværskalender
  • Vælg kundeforhold (for at oprette en kalender der gælder hele kundeforholdet)
  • Vælg hvilken periode den skal gælde fra
  • Tilvælg evt. lørdage, søndage og helligdage som standard fraværsdage
  • Tilvælg evt. virksomhedens egne ekstra standard fraværsdage

Husk at gemme kalenderen, når du er færdig.


En fraværskalender oprettet på kundeforholdet gælder for alle arbejdsgivere og medarbejdere i dette kundeforhold indtil der evt. oprettes en fraværskalender på f.eks. en arbejdsgiver, der har andre fraværsdage end standard.


3 Kommentarer
Ikke relevant
af Anonymous
I don't know who made this discovery about the new calendar - but it is NOT better... Maybe it has some more functionalities. But You cancelled some pretty important things as well!!! I am missing the possibility to have 1 standard for all 3 companies - before I just entered 1 now I have to create a period (we have years why not have default peiords???) I have to add by clicking every single holiday - I can't just add all. I still have to find the exact month to add "grundlovsdag". Also now I have to add all extra vacation days in every company... Much more room for errors. Why was I not cantacted for having my standard calendar transferred? I had made alterations. Did you just deleted hundreds of our calendars and now we have to spend time doing it all again and again? Really? A Fantastic up-date???? And don't get me started on the community - it is so unfriendly to use...! I have not heard 1 say it is a great build-up. Best Regards, Kristina Kristiansen Payroll Controller.
Ikke relevant
af Anonymous

Dear Kristina Kristiansen

Thank you for your feedback. It is very usefull for us when our users take the time til provide comments - positive as well as negative.


You kan have 1 standard calendar pr. customer number (Kundeforhold). You do not have to have one pr. Employer number. Also you do not need to have one calendar pr year. You can just leave the end-date empty.


Regarding an option to 'Add all holidays' it is correct that it is not an option at the moment. It will become an option in the future. At present I do not know when. 'Grundlovsdag' will also be easer to add.


I am sorry if you have had untransferred calendars and was not contacted before the releae. We did try to contact all customers with calendars not transferred to Visma Løn.


The Community is very different from our former website (mitbluegarden.dk). This is due to the fact that Visma has a variety of products and we would like to be able to use the same site for all products. Content is being added regularly and hopefully this will contribute to making it easier to find the articles you are looking for in the future.


Kind regards,

Vicky Sorensen

Ikke relevant
af Anonymous

Thank you so much for this. I was into this issue and tired to tinker around to check if its possible but couldnt get it done. Now that i have seen the way you did it, thanks guys