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Releases Youforce Dossier

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New New user interface Why The current user interface of Payroll File is in line with the user interface of Youforce. Recently several modules became available with a new and modernized user interface, the most obvious of which is Home. The user interface of Payroll File has been adjusted to match this new user interface to create a more uniform user experience. Other modules will also adopt the new user interface soon. The functionality remains the same and some visual enhancements have been applied.  How After opening Payroll File the new user interface will be visible right away.   This new user interface will provide the same functionality as the old user interface. The application features modern visuals and a more spacious canvas than before for displaying data. When viewing a document, the same navigation options are provided, including the option to scroll through a document instead of using the next and previous buttons. Your action All users will automatically get the new user interface after the release. Layout mode Why The new user interface uses larger line spacing than before. For most users, the information will be displayed in a wider layout, which makes it easier to determine the document needed. For users who view a large number of documents, it might be preferable to show as much information as possible on one screen. To make this possible the new Layout option has been added. How At the top right corner of the screen, a new icon shows the current layout type. By clicking the icon, a different layout can be selected. The types available are Low density layout, Medium density layout, and High density layout. When using High density layout, the information is shown with the same line spacing as the old user interface. The most recent layout choice is saved as a user setting, and will be applied after login. Your action This functionality is automatically available for all users. During the release, we also publish new release notes because of Dossier's new user interface. You can download these manuals from the Visma | Raet community in the Dossier Product Group. Publishing Date : 2/25/2020
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25-02-2020 16:28 (Bijgewerkt op 28-01-2022)
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This document describes the new functionality and improvements introduced by this release. The changes were partly prompted by notifications from our customers. Where relevant, we have included a number in the section title to refer to the identification of the message (change .....) in question in our system. New Replacement 'Employees' interface file Why The Employees interface file is used to export employee data from Personnel File. This is sometimes done for scanning partners, for example, who have to link scanned hard copy documents to Youforce employee numbers. However, this file currently contains the employee's citizen service number (BSN), which, according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), may no longer be included in personnel files. Therefore, in order to remain GDPR compliant, we will eventually remove the BSN from the interface file. Because the interface file is used by many different parties, we will not be implementing this change right away, as removing the BSN could cause problems for your organization. To avoid such problems, we will add a new interface file to Personnel File's Authorization module, in addition to the existing interface file. After we have added the new file, the old file will remain available for a number of months. In addition to removing the BSN, we will also be expanding the number of fields available in the interface file. This means that the file will contain more information per employee, making it easier to find the employee you are looking for.  The following fields are available in the existing interface file: Klantnummer Actnaam PersoonsCd PersoonsNr DvbNr BSN GebDatum Afdeling DatumInDienst DatumUitDienst The following fields will be available in the new interface file: CustomerID ProductCombination EmployeeID EmployeeCode ContractID Initials Prefix Name BirthDate BirthPrefix BirthName Gender StartDate EndDate OrganisationalUnit AdministrationID Department DepartmentIDDepartmentAbbr Function Both files will remain available until the end of 2019. After this, the file entitled Employees (until 01-01-2020) will be removed. How Personnel File Authorization | Generate interface files | Employees In Personnel File Authorization module, there are currently two available options to request an 'Employees' interface file: To download the old version of the interface file, use Employees (until 01-01-2020). For the new version, use Employees. This version offers additional fields but does not include the BSN. Your action  Because the old interface file will be phased out at the end of 2019, it is important to adapt any processes within your organization that depend on the interface file, and to make sure that they are configured to the new file. It is also important to note that the number of fields and the names of the headers will be different in the new file, and that the naming components included in the separate fields will change as well. Please take this into account when modifying the process that reads the data in the interface file. If your organization shares the interface file with any external parties, please inform them of this change as well. Changed and improved New 'Effective date plus 100 years' retention period Why In certain specific cases, it may be desirable to save a document 'for life,' for example in the case of certain governmental and semi-governmental organizations. The basic principle in these cases is that the document cannot be kept on file indefinitely, but that it may be retained until the employee in question has passed away, or until a few years after their death. Because a retention period cannot be based on a date of death, we have opted for a retention period that is not unlimited, but that, in most cases, will be longer than the life of the employee in question. That is why we have added a new 'Effective date plus 100 years' retention period. How Personnel File Configuration > Document types When defining the retention period of document types, it is now possible to select 'Effective date plus 100 years' as the retention period. Your action If you create a new document type, you can assign this retention period to the new document type. If you apply the new retention period to an existing document type, all documents linked to that document type will be assigned this new period. In the case of large numbers of documents, it may take some time (up to a few hours) before the new removal date becomes visible, as the changes will not be processed immediately. Resolved notifications Pressing Enter now attaches user filter in Personnel file Authorization Notification  When using browsers other than Internet Explorer, attaching a user filter inadvertently caused an interface file to be downloaded. When a user filter was attached for the options Individual authorization or Group authorization by pressing Enter, unexpectedly the first menu item of the 'Generate interface files' menu was executed. Solution In this release, pressing Enter will no longer lead to downloading an interface file. Instead Enter will not perform any action, unless Tab was used to make the Filter users button active. Your action No action is required. Publishing Date : 7/25/2019
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23-07-2019 20:19 (Bijgewerkt op 28-01-2022)
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2022-11-08 Ingangsdatum in mobiele weergave Mijn Dossier  In de mobiele weergave van Mijn Dossier werd de 'datum laatst gewijzigd' getoond bij de documenten uit Personeelsdossier. In deze release is er voor gekozen om voortaan de ingangsdatum te tonen, omdat deze datum over het algemeen relevanter is voor de medewerker dan de datum laatst gewijzigd.   Foutmelding bij ontbreken 'Allow-Encoding' headers In specifieke situaties werd er een foutmelding getoond bij het starten van Mijn Dossier als er gebruik wordt gemaakt van een oudere versie van een browser of van specifieke instellingen in een proxy server of web security filter.   De foutmelding werd getoond omdat de applicatie niet in staat was om de pagina's naar de browser te sturen in een formaat die de browser herkent en kan weergeven. Dit werd veroorzaakt doordat een oudere browser soms de header 'Allow-Encoding' niet doorgeeft aan de applicatie. Ook kan het voorkomen dat er gebruik wordt gemaakt van een proxy server of web security filter die de betreffende header uit het verzoek filtert voordat het naar Youforce of YouServe wordt gestuurd. Het gevolg is dat de applicatie de pagina's niet naar de browser kan sturen, omdat de browser het gebruikte formaat niet herkent. Bij gebruik van een geadviseerde browser (recente versies van Chrome, Edge, Firefox en Safari) zal dit probleem niet optreden. Als er binnen een bedrijfsomgeving echter gebruik wordt gemaakt van een proxy server dan is het van belang om de instellingen daarvan te controleren, zodat er geen onnodige filtering plaatsvindt die de werking van moderne applicaties kan beïnvloeden.    We hebben echter een aanpassing doorgevoerd, zodat de applicatie zonder deze header toch probeert de pagina's naar de browser te sturen. In de meeste gevallen werkt de applicatie dan toch naar behoren.
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08-11-2022 23:09 (Bijgewerkt op 09-11-2022)
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2021-10 Nieuwe look and feel Medewerkerdossier Sinds 1 juli heb je de beschikking over de nieuwe versie van het medewerkerdossier - ook wel Mijn Dossier genoemd. De oude versie hebben we nog enige tijd behouden. Tijdens de release van oktober zetten wij het oude dossier voor iedereen uit. Vanaf dat moment heb je alleen de nieuwe versie tot je beschikking. Je hoeft hier verder niets voor te doen. Lees meer...
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17-09-2021 14:28
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General Decommissioning Payroll File CASO Why In Payroll File CASO no new payroll productions are added since 2014. This year all data in Payroll File CASO are 7 full years old and this data is only available for viewing. For this reason, Visma has decided to decommission Payroll File CASO and remove the application from Youforce in the first quarter of 2021.  Note: If you still need data from Payroll File CASO, we can provide a copy of this data. You will receive a zip-file with all documents, including an index file with all metadata. Your action You can issue a request at the Service Center containing the relevant information, such as the employer number and employer name for reference. You will receive an export file with the relevant data. Deleting old payroll productions Why In both active Payroll Files Gemal and Payroll Business as well as in the inactive Payroll Files CASO And ASAP, many years of payroll productions are stored. For most organizations the General law on state tax states that you have to save the financial records of the last 7 full years, especially to be able to provide this information at a tax inspection. However, the General Data Protection Regulation states that you are not allowed to save unnecessary personal data. For this reason, it is advised to delete the payroll productions from 2013 and earlier from Payroll File. You have to determine for your own organization which obligations are relevant, which could possibly deviate from the general guidelines described above. How Settings > Import report You can delete old payroll productions by selecting the menu item Settings > Import report and filter the payroll productions that you want to delete. You can delete a payroll production by clicking on the document type and select the option 'Delete production' in the context menu that appears. Note: If a migration has been performed in the past, it could be those salary specifications and annual statements remain visible after deleting payroll productions. These documents were migrated and they are not linked to an import report anymore. In that case, you can issue a request at the Service Center to have those documents deleted by Visma.  Modified and Improved Updated background Payroll File Gemal Direct Why  Until now the Raet logo was shown on the payroll documents available in Payroll File Gemal. As of 2021, the Raet logo is replaced by the Visma logo. Also, the background colors of the columns on the salary specifications have been changed to a color that matched the Visma Nordic Cool design. How  The new background is automatically shown, also for older documents. This is the case for all documents in IOC format that can be recognized by this logo in the result view: Documents that are available in PDF format are not changed and remain available in the original state, such as salary specifications that are designed in the Specification Manager. Your action There are no actions needed. Flash support discontinued Why Until a few years ago Adobe Flash was used to show salary specifications and other reports in Payroll File Gemal. This technology was also used to enable uploading multiple documents at once to the Inbox functionality of Personnel File in Internet Explorer. Since some years ago Flash is no longer needed for this functionality, but when Flash was available and enabled in the browser it still was used.  After the announcement of Adobe that Flash would no longer be supported as of December 2020, all browser manufacturers planned to stop supporting Flash in their browsers too. Microsoft distributes Flash as part of Edge and Internet Explorer 11, to make sure the software was kept up to date. The intention of Microsoft was to remove Flash using a Windows Update, and that was already done for Edge. For Internet Explorer 11 this was not done yet and unfortunately, it appeared that Adobe had built in a timer-controlled switch. For this reason, Flash was still available in Internet Explorer 11, but it was no longer functional. On January 12 users were shown a large Flash-icon instead of a salary document. For this reason, Visma decided to discontinue Flash support in Personnel and Payroll File as of January 12. All salary documents in Payroll File Gemal will now be shown as an image, to enable viewing the document in all browsers supported by Youforce. In Personnel File it is no longer possible to upload multiple documents at once when Internet Explorer 11 runs in Compatibility View. When Internet Explorer 11 runs with Compatibility View and in other browsers, it remains possible to upload multiple documents at once.  Your action The use of Flash is not recommended, because of possible security risks that may appear. Flash is available as a plugin or an add-on in browsers, or with a separately installed Flash Player. Because the support of Flash was stopped in December 2020 by Adobe, we advise to deinstall the Flash Player and/or remove or disable the plugin in the browser. Link to Gemal Mutations & Signals changed Why In the menu item, Salary productions | General Summaries | Standard summaries | Change reports, the link to Mutations & Signals is changed. In the event that you did not select a production type on the tab page Filter, still the production type Salary productions was passed on to Mutations & Signals. How Salary productions | General summaries | Standard summaries | Change reports When you click on this link, the reporting tool on mutations and signals is opened with the same filter as used on the tab page Filter. However, even when you did not select a production type, still the production type Salary productions was passed on.  In this release, the link has been changed to leave the production type empty in case no production type is selected on the tab page Filter. Only when you explicitly select a production type, it will also be passed on to Mutations & Signals. Your action There are no actions needed. Publishing Date : 1/26/2021
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26-01-2021 15:13 (Bijgewerkt op 28-01-2022)
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Modified and improved Replacement 'Employees' interface file Why Attention: In addition to the release notes of the 2019-08 release, we want to remind you that the existing interface file Employees will be removed as of 1-1-2020. The Employees interface file is used to export employee data from Personnel File. This is sometimes done for scanning partners, for example, who have to link scanned hard copy documents to Youforce employee numbers. However, this file currently contains the employee's citizen service number (BSN), which, according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), may no longer be included in personnel files. Therefore, in order to remain GDPR compliant, we will eventually remove the BSN from the interface file. How Because the interface file is used by many different parties, we will not be implementing this change right away, as removing the BSN could cause problems for your organization. To avoid such problems, we will add a new interface file to Personnel File's Authorization module, in addition to the existing interface file. After we have added the new file, the old file will remain available for a number of months. In addition to removing the BSN, we will also be expanding the number of fields available in the interface file. This means that the file will contain more information per employee, making it easier to find the employee you are looking for.  The following fields are available in the existing interface file: Klantnummer Actnaam PersoonsCd PersoonsNr DvbNr BSN GebDatum Afdeling DatumInDienst DatumUitDienst The following fields will be available in the new interface file: CustomerID ProductCombination EmployeeID EmployeeCode ContractID Initials Prefix Name BirthDate BirthPrefix BirthName Gender StartDate EndDate OrganisationalUnit AdministrationID Department DepartmentIDDepartmentAbbr Function Both files will remain available until the end of 2019. After this, the file entitled Employees (until 01-01-2020) will be removed. How Path: Personnel File Authorization | Generate interface files | Employees. In the Personnel File Authorization module, there are currently two files available files. To download the old version of the interface file, use Employees (until 01-01-2020) For the new version, use Employees. This version offers additional fields but does not include the BSN Your action Because the old interface file will be phased out at the end of 2019, it is important to adopt any processes within your organization that depend on the interface file and to make sure that they are configured to use the new file. Important: not only the number of fields and the names of the headers will be different in the new file, the naming-components now are included in the separate fields. Please take this into account when modifying the process that reads the data in the interface file. If your organization shares the interface file with any external parties, please inform them as soon as possible about this change. New New user interface My File Why The current user interface of Personnel File - and therefore also My File - is in line with the user interface of Youforce. However, it is also possible to open My File directly from Home or from HR Core Business Global. These modules use the new user interface for Visma | Raet  applications, and to create a more uniform user experience the user interface of My File has been changed too. The functionality remains the same, and some visual enhancements have been applied. The new user interface will be available at first for HR Core Business Global users in this release. In one of the next releases all users of My File, Personnel File and Payroll File will be available. How Within the Apps menu of HR Core Business Global a link to My File is shown.  When clicking on My File it will be opened using the new user interface. This new user interface will provide the same functionality as the old user interface. The application has a modern visual appearance with a more spacious canvas as before to show the data. When viewing a document the same navigation options are provided, including the option to scroll through a document instead of using the next and previous buttons. Your action All users of HR Core Business Global will automatically get the new user interface after the release. Remark: If these users start My File or Personnel File from the Youforce Desktop, they will see the information in the old user interface. Layout mode Why The new user interface uses a larger line spacing than before. For most users, the information will be displayed in a wider layout, which makes it easier to determine the document needed. For users that view a large number of documents, it might be preferable to show as much information as possible on one screen. To make this possible the new option Layout has been added. How At the top right corner of the screen, a new icon shows which layout type is applied. By clicking the icon, a different layout can be selected. The types are Low density layout, Medium density layout, and High density layout. When using the High density layout, the information is shown with the same line spacing as the old user interface. The last made layout choice is saved as a user setting, and it will be applied after login. Your action This functionality is automatically available for all users of the new user interface. Publishing Date : 10/29/2019
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29-10-2019 19:23 (Bijgewerkt op 28-01-2022)
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Modified and improved Changes in the user interface Why In the March release the user interface of Personnel File - and My File - was changed to match it with other modules in Youforce, such as Home and Flex Benefits. This month also HR Self Service will update the user interface, and gradually all modules in Youforce will apply the unified user interface design called Nordic Cool. Based on the feedback of our users, small changes will be applied to improve the user experience even further. In this release the font has changed and some colors were adjusted to improve the readability. How After opening Personnel File or My File the menu bar now has a light grey background, and the active menu item has a blue background. This way there is a clear distinction between the menu and the tabs and the active menu item stands out. Also the icons of the document format are shown in blue and the lines in the Results view have an alternating background now: This new user interface will provide the same functionality as the old user interface Your action All users of Personnel File and My File will automatically get the new user interface after the release. Publishing Date : 6/23/2020
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23-06-2020 19:55 (Bijgewerkt op 28-01-2022)
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Modified and improved Replacement of Employees interface file Why Attention: In addition to the release notes of the 2019-08 and 2019-11 releases, we want to remind you that the existing interface file Employees will be removed soon. On special request, we have kept this option available for an additional few months, but we will end this version soon. The Employees interface file is used to export employee data from the Personnel File. This is sometimes done for scanning partners, for example, who have to link scanned hard copy documents to Youforce employee numbers. However, this file currently contains the employee's citizen service number (BSN), which, according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), may no longer be included in personnel files. In order to remain GDPR compliant, we will therefore remove the BSN from the interface file. How Because the interface file is used by many different parties, we will not be implementing this change right away, as removing the BSN could cause problems for your organization. To avoid any such problems, we will add a new interface file to Personnel File's Authorization module, in addition to the existing interface file. After we have added the new file, the old file will remain available for a number of months. In addition to removing the BSN, we will also expand the number of fields available in the interface file. This means that the file will contain more information per employee, making it easier to find the employee you are looking for.  The following fields are available in the existing interface file: Klantnummer Actnaam PersoonsCd PersoonsNr DvbNr BSN GebDatum Afdeling DatumInDienst DatumUitDienst The following fields will be available in the new interface file: CustomerID ProductCombination EmployeeID EmployeeCode ContractID Initials Prefix Name BirthDate BirthPrefix BirthName Gender StartDate EndDate OrganisationalUnit AdministrationID Department DepartmentIDDepartmentAbbr Function Both files will remain available for this moment. The file entitled Employees (until 01-01-2020) will be removed soon. How Path: Personnel File Authorization | Generate interface files | Employees. In the Personnel File Authorization module, there are currently two files available. To download the old version of the interface file, use Employees (until 01-01-2020). For the new version, use Employees. This version offers additional fields and does not include the BSN. Your action Because the old interface file will be phased out at the end of 2019, it is important to adapt any processes within your organization that depend on the interface file and to make sure that they are configured to use the new file. Important: Not only will the number of fields and the names of the headers be different in the new file, but the naming components will also be included in the separate fields. Please take this into account when modifying the process that reads the data in the interface file. If your organization shares the interface file with any external parties, please inform them as soon as possible about this change. New New user interface Why The current user interface of Personnel File - and therefore also My File - is in line with the user interface of Youforce. Recently several modules became available with a new and modernized user interface, the most obvious of which is Home. The user interface of Personnel File has been adjusted to match this new user interface to create a more uniform user experience. Other modules will also adopt the new user interface soon. The functionality remains the same and some visual enhancements have been applied.  How After opening Personnel File or My File the new user interface will be visible right away. This new user interface will provide the same functionality as the old user interface. The application features modern visuals and a more spacious canvas than before for displaying data. When viewing a document, the same navigation options are provided, including the option to scroll through a document instead of using the next and previous buttons. Your action All users of HR Core Business Global will automatically get the new user interface after the release. Remark: If these users start My File or Personnel File from the Youforce Desktop, they will see the information in the old user interface. Layout mode Why The new user interface uses larger line spacing than before. For most users, the information will be displayed in a wider layout, which makes it easier to determine the document needed. For users who view a large number of documents, it might be preferable to show as much information as possible on one screen. To make this possible the new Layout option has been added. How At the top right corner of the screen, a new icon shows the current layout type. By clicking the icon, a different layout can be selected. The types available are Low density layout, Medium density layout, and High density layout. When using High density layout, the information is shown with the same line spacing as the old user interface. The most recent layout choice is saved as a user setting, and will be applied after login. Your action This functionality is automatically available for all users of the new user interface. This functionality is automatically available for all users. During the release, we also publish new release notes because of Dossier's new user interface. You can download these manuals from the Visma | Raet community in the Dossier Product Group. Publishing Date : 2/25/2020
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25-02-2020 16:21 (Bijgewerkt op 28-01-2022)
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Modified and improved Changes in the user interface Why In the March release the user interface of Payroll File - and My File - was changed to match it with other modules in Youforce, such as Home and Flex Benefits. This month also HR Self Service will update the user interface, and gradually all modules in Youforce will apply the unified user interface design called Nordic Cool. Based on the feedback of our users, small changes will be applied to improve the user experience even further. In this release the font has changed and some colors were adjusted to improve the readability. How After opening Payroll File or My File the menu bar now has a light grey background, and the active menu item has a blue background. This way there is a clear distinction between the menu and the tabs and the active menu item stands out. Also the icons of the document format are shown in blue and the lines in the Results view have an alternating background now: This new user interface will provide the same functionality as the old user interface Your action All users of Payroll File and My File will automatically get the new user interface after the release. Publishing Date : 6/23/2020
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23-06-2020 20:02 (Bijgewerkt op 28-01-2022)
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2020-07 Aangepaste gebruikersinterface Na deze release zie je een aangepaste gebruikersinterface. De aanpassingen zijn gericht op het vergroten van de leesbaarheid. Voorbeelden zijn de kleuren van het menu en het lettertype. Dit gebeurde op basis van de ervaringen van gebruikers. 2020-03 Nieuwe gebruikersinterface Een nieuwe gebruikersinterface voor Personeelsdossier, Salarisdossier en Mijn Dossier. Je kan nu jouw specifieke voorkeur voor de weergave selecteren: standaard, compact of extra compact. Afhankelijk van het apparaat dat je gebruikt, heb je optimaal zicht op jouw gegevens. De werking van deze applicaties is niet gewijzigd. De nieuwe gebruikersinterface is direct na de release voor iedereen beschikbaar.
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04-03-2020 17:21
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Solved changes Departments are not shown in Personnel file Authorization module (2184857) Subject: The same department within different administrations is not shown everywhere. Change In some situations, users can have rights to a specific department, while this department does not seem to be checked in the authorization module. In these situations, it appears that the same department - that is, with exactly the same name and department code - is linked to two different administration numbers. However, the authorization module only shows the active or last known department by default, so the department with the checkmark is not visible. If the user has been granted rights to the department that is not shown in the past, there is no possibility to revoke these rights. Solution The problem is usually related to departments used in the past by employees who are now out of service. This means that the relevant departments have become inactive, but the relevant employees are still present in the Personnel File. In this release, a change was made to the Authorize departments tab to include also these inactive departments with the same department code. To facilitate this, a new column AdministrationId was added. Example before the change Example after the change As of this release the column AdministrationId is shown in the result list and departments with the same department code and description that are or have been linked to a different administration IDs will be shown. In this example, it appears that the user still has rights to the Sales & Marketing department that was once linked to administration number 577. Because the department code has remained the same, the user will therefore also see all employees who are currently linked to this department. Your action This change does not require any actions. If there are multiple departments with the same department code linked to different administration numbers, they will automatically be shown in the list. Publishing Date : 9/22/2020
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22-09-2020 21:47 (Bijgewerkt op 28-01-2022)
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