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Releases Youforce Home

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Opgeloste meldingen Vermijden dat de browser pagina's vertaalt (change 2341499) Waarom In sommige gevallen vertaalde de browsers Edge en Chrome automatisch inhoud van Youforce Home die juist niet moet worden vertaald. Hoe We hebben ingesteld dat Youforce Home niet automatisch moet worden vertaald door de browser. Jouw actie Geen actie vereist. Publishing Date : 6/18/2021
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18-06-2021 17:18
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Home is sinds kort beschikbaar. Je bent snel op de hoogte door de video te bekijken
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23-08-2019 20:18
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Gewijzigd en verbeterd Verwijder feedback knop Waarom Enige tijd geleden hebben wij in Home de mogelijkheid toegevoegd om feedback te krijgen over deze applicatie. We hebben heel nuttige feedback gekregen en we werken aan een aantal verbeteringen op basis van deze opmerkingen. Zodra we de verbeteringen opleveren, zullen we deze releasen en opnieuw om jouw feedback vragen. Wij willen je dan ook hartelijk bedanken voor je hulp! Hoe We hebben tijdelijk de feedback knop aan de rechterkant van het scherm verwijderd. Na de updates stellen we je weer in staat feedback te geven. Jouw actie Geen actie vereist. Publishing Date : 7/23/2021
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23-07-2021 16:08
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Opgeloste wijzigingen Snelle bewerkingen voor HR Selfservice-meldingen (change 2043425) Wijziging  Snelle bewerkingen voor HR Selfservice-meldingen werden niet juist verwerkt. Oplossing Bewerkingen die worden uitgevoerd in de HR Selfservice-melding in Home, worden nu juist geregistreerd. Jouw actie Je hoeft niets te doen. Publishing Date : 6/22/2020
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22-06-2020 18:04
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Modified and Improved Feature toggle for All colleagues page Why The administrator already could disable or enable Your colleagues and Your reports cards, and now is it possible to configure All colleagues as well.  How  As administrator go to the Main menu option System settings / Feature settings and (de)activate Enable All colleagues. Your action No action required. Medical Leave Management 2.0 notifications in Home Why Moving forward with the integration of Medical Leave Management 2.0 in Home, now users can navigate to Medical Leave Management 2.0 directly from the Notification in Home. How  Users can navigate to MLM 2.0 by clicking on the link of the notification. Your action No action required. Solved Changes No applications in the hamburger menu (change #17209384 and  change #17154161 ) Message A number of Home users did not see any applications in the hamburger menu. Solution  This was caused by an issue in the configuration of one of our server and is solved. Your action No action required. Publishing Date : 10/26/2020
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26-10-2020 17:51 (Bijgewerkt op 28-01-2022)
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New  Welcome Home Video Why To give you an easy tool to show your employees what Home is all about!  How We have created a video that explains to users what Home is all about.  The video is set to inactive by default. This means that you need to activate it before your employees can watch it. Videos can only be activated by a Youforce administrator. To activate the video, go to the System settings menu and click on the Edit button. After the video has been activated, employees who log in to Home for the first time will be shown the video on the landing page. Users can close the video at any time by pressing Escape or by clicking the X in the upper-right corner of the dialog. There will also be a Notification message on the landing page that reads: Welcome to your new Youforce portal! Discover all of our features here. Users can watch the video again by clicking on the Video icon. If users do not want to see the Notification message or the video, they can simply close the Notification message by clicking the X in the upper-right corner. Your action No action needed. Wootric feedback integration Why We want to prioritize new functions and improvements based on customer feedback How You can give immediate feedback on our software by using our Wootric online survey solution. If you use Home, you may be asked to give feedback from January 2020. The Wootric software will ask you one closed question about Home. After you have submitted your response or declined to give a response, the survey will not be shown again until a substantial number of days have passed. For now, this is 100 days. Your feedback will help us gain more insight into your needs and desires so we can better prioritize the planning and development of new functions and improvements. The results of the survey will not be shared with the respondents, nor will they be published or distributed to parties outside of Visma | Raet. Participation is completely anonymous. Your action No action needed. Submenu on Profile page Why In order to make it easier to navigate between the different sections of the profile page, we have introduced a submenu. How By clicking on the Profile option in the main menu, or on the footer of a Profile card, the different sections of the Profile page are displayed as a submenu to help the user navigate the page more easily.     Your action No action needed. Publishing Date : 12/20/2019
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20-12-2019 19:13 (Bijgewerkt op 28-01-2022)
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New Change the title of the Profile page sections Why Home is currently offering a standard user profile page in which you cannot customize content. To improve the user experience now we have the Profile page builder, a system administration tool for configuring profiles.  The second iteration of the Profile page builder is the option for the system administrator to configure the title of the sections of the profile page. How The system administrator has a new option in the Profile page builder: Edit name. This allows you to change the title of the section of the Profile page. Log in as a Youforce user with certificate (HR professional with administrator access) and go to System settings / Profile page builder. Select the option Edit name. By clicking Edit name , a new window will be displayed where the user can type the title for each section. Just click the button Apply and the new title will be available intermediately for all users in all languages (Multilingual will be supported in next releases). Your action No additional action is required. Remember that these system settings are only available for level 2 users with administration permissions and a contract with this organization. Search Workflows in the Self Service card Why In the earlier releases, we have enhanced the Self Service card on the landing page of Home to allow you to select your top 4 favorite workflows. Selecting your top 4 favorite workflows would be cumbersome if you have access to 100's of workflows from Self service. To help you to find youre favorite workflows more easily we added a Search option. How On clicking on Edit favorites in the Self Service card the new Search box will be presented where you can search your favorite workflows. The search results are shown as soon as you entering text in the Search box, based on the complete or partial text. There are multiple ways you can search on workflows. Based on:  a name  a specific role a contract the combination of role and contract Search based on Workflow name  As you start entering the name of the Workflow in the search box - in the example below say Verl - all the workflows that match the entered text will be shown. Then select your preferred workflow from the search result. Search Workflows belonging to a specific Role As you start entering the role name of the Workflow in the search box - in the example below say Personal - all the workflows that match the entered text will be shown. Then select your preferred workflow from the search result. Search Workflows belonging to a Contract As you start entering the contract of the Workflow in the search box - in the example below say 2001 1 - all the workflows that match the entered text will be shown. Then select your preferred workflow from the search result. Search Workflows based on the combination of Role and Contract  As you start entering the role and contract of the Workflow in the search box - in the example below say Personal 2001 1 - all the workflows that match the entered text will be shown. Then select your preferred workflow from the search result. Your action No action required Publishing Date : 4/24/2020
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24-04-2020 19:15 (Bijgewerkt op 28-01-2022)
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  Solved Changes Address of report in Your Reports is wrongly displayed as the manager's address (change #2287747) Message Managers can see their reports via the card Your Reports . However, when opening the address information of one of the reports the manager sees his own address displayed instead of the team member's address. Solution  Now the proper address is displayed in the report. Your action No action required. The workflow menu is not displayed on some pages. Message The workflow menu is not displayed on the next pages: contracts page, address information page, family details page and personal details page. Solution  Now the workflow is displayed correctly. Your action No action required Publishing Date : 11/24/2020
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23-11-2020 19:43 (Bijgewerkt op 10-02-2022)
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New & Improved Nordic Cool look and feel Why Nordic Cool is a design specification that defines design guidelines to design a web site or any other kind of application in Visma. Home has adopted this new design to be consistent with the rest of the Visma products. How In the first iteration of implementing Nordic Cool we apply the topics mentioned below in Home: Colours Fonts Sizes Icons Also, we have replaced the main menu icon from the top right to the top left corner. Your action No action required, this new look and feel will be automatically available. We have not introduced any functional changes. Medical Leave Management (2.0) integrated in Home Why This new product is now fully integrated in Home. How If your company uses the new Medical Leave Management (2.0), we present the team Health card and the Notifications from this new product. Notifications Notifications from Medical Leave Management (2.0) are now available on the Notifications page of Home. Team Health card The content of the Team Health card is the same that we already have for Medical Leave. This card is available for managers only and shows:  The number of employees sick today and the total members of your team   A list of employees that are sick today. This view is sorted by the number of days sick. The lowest amount of days comes first. Today's Health comparison rate:  In green: Positive: your team health is better than the company rating In red: Red Negative - the company rating is better than your team health When both rates are equal, this text is presented:  % Same as company rate Company health rate: today's health rate of the company  Your action To enjoy this feature there are some requirements: The company has to have a subscription to Medical Leave 2.0 The user has to be logged on with the New login. The login URL for Home is home.youforce.com Text watermark in Search box of Workflows Why In the last release, we provided the option to search for workflows in the Self service card. Now, we added a text watermark in the search box to explain on which item you can search. How Clicking on Edit favorites in the Self Service card, provides a watermark text in the Search box so you can see on what criteria you can search. The four search options are on: a name  a specific role a contract the combination of role and contract Your action No action required Text in Welcome video settings Why To make it consistent with all the screens that are available for Professional users with administrator permissions we have changed the text in the screen below. How For the users which meet the criteria above we changed the status of the video settings screen from Active/Inactive to  Enabled/Disabled.   Your action No action needed Solved changes Back button does not work in Language screen (change 2081006) Issue After changing the language preference in Home, clicking on the back button on that page did not result in redirection to the previous page. Solution After a successful change of language, you will now be redirected to the landing page of Home in the new language setting. Your action No action needed  Home is also shown in Home Apps menu (change 2077769) The link to Home is also displayed in the Apps section of the Home Main Menu. Solution The Home links is removed from this section Your action No action needed  Language change fails (change 2080945) Issue In rare cases changing the language in the user profile screen resulted in an error message. Solution We have solved this issue and now the change will be successful. Your action No action needed  Publishing Date : 5/26/2020
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26-05-2020 18:04 (Bijgewerkt op 28-01-2022)
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Modified and Improved Show a message to users without a contract Why Currently, Home does not support users without a contract. If a user logs into Home without a contract, they see a loading spinner without any content. We also received remarks from customers that they were unaware that we do not support users without a contract. How During the login process, we identify whether a user has a contract or not. In cases where the user does not have a contract, the user will see the message below and will be redirected to Youforce. Note: The message that will be in English, as we cannot determine the user's preferred language if they have no contract. Your action No action required. Solved changes Broken link in footer Message If a user whose language is set to English clicks on the 'Responsible disclosure policy' footer link on any of the pages, they were redirected to a broken URL. Solution After clicking the footer link the users are now redirected to the correct page. Your action No action required. Publishing Date : 11/27/2019
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27-11-2019 13:07 (Bijgewerkt op 28-01-2022)
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New Home for users of HR Core Business Why  From now on, Home is integrated into HR Core Business (HRCB). Users - employees and managers - in the business segment can log in to the new landing page of Home instead of the existing Youforce portal. This means that Home is the new landing page of the Visma | Raet Youforce portal for employees and managers. Home gives users access to all their HR applications. It is where they will immediately find direct insight into relevant HR information and where they can easily handle any open HR tasks. Benefits Direct insight into relevant HR information Active alerts when there is something new (notifications) Handling HR tasks directly from the portal User interface with a new look and feel How  Home is now available for the employees and managers of any HR Core Business customer and offers the same functionality as the Home version used by the HR Core Beaufort Online customers; the Public segment. Remark: the cards Your employees en Your direct colleagues, and the notifications from HR Core Business will follow as soon as possible. Cards and the rest of the features it offers will work exactly in the same way. For further details of each feature, we have the Product information page in the community. You might have to ask for permission to enter the community group of Home. Disclaimers Please keep in mind that the information that is displayed in the Profile page of the user, depends on what the user has in the HR Core application, so the structure of the information offered in HR Core Online (Beaufort) and HR Core Business is slightly different. Notifications from HR Core Business and People & Organization will be introduced in the upcoming releases. Your action Enabling access to Home is very easy, simply follow this step-by-step process: Get a professional account with access to Youforce settings. Log in and go to Portal Management / Youforce Management / User Management / Change authorizations by group. Select the roles you want to grant access to Home. Follow the wizard. Please take into account that Home is working with the standard roles Manager (MGR) and Employee (WRN) only. Solved Changes Workflows topic always opens the same workflow (change #2210346 ) Message On the workflow topic page - when selecting a Self Service process from the list in the Home processes card -, it opens always the same process in Self Service, regardless of the one that was selected in the first place.  Solution  The issue has been fixed. Your action No action required. Publishing Date : 9/21/2020
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21-09-2020 22:08
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New Configure your favorite Self Service workflows in the Self Service card Why The current Self Service card on the Home landing page only shows the total number of workflows the user is authorized to view. We have enhanced this card to provide you with greater flexibility.  You can now configure your favorite/most used workflows in the card. You can then navigate directly to your favorite Self Service workflows by clicking on them. How In the existing Self Service card, we have introduced a new option called 'Edit favorites'. This option enables you to select up to 4 workflows that will then be shown in the card. Depending on your role, you can select up to 4 managerial or employee workflows as favorites. Please find the steps to configure your favorite workflows below: By default, in the enhanced Self Service card you will find the message Click on this card's menu to add up to 4 shortcuts to your most used HR processes as shown below. This message replaces the total number of workflows, which was shown prior to this release. After this, click on the ellipsis option, which allows you to select your favorite workflows.   When you click on the 'Edit favorites' option, a dialog will open and show your authorized workflows in Self Service. Depending on your role, these can be managerial and/or employee workflows, sorted by workflow name. In the dialog header, we also show the number of workflows you can select and how many are selected. Per workflow, we present the workflow name and, depending on your role, managerial or personal workflows, along with your contact number. You can select up to 4 workflows by clicking on them. Click on 'Done' when ready. From now on, the workflows you selected will be presented in the Self Service card. You can then navigate to your favorite workflows in Self Service simply by clicking on the workflow name. At any point in time, you can go back and select other workflows by clicking on the 'Edit favorites' option. Note: Authorized workflows are determined in Self Service. If permission to view a workflow is removed, it will automatically be removed from the Self Service card even if you have selected it as a favorite. Your action Select your favorite workflows in the Self Service card. Publishing Date : 2/25/2020
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25-02-2020 16:11 (Bijgewerkt op 28-01-2022)
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New  Redirection to Log out screen Why Currently, Home-users are redirected to the login screen when they logout from Home. We changed this process. Users will redirected to a specific log out screen. How When clicking the Log out option in the Home main menu, users are now redirected to log out screen instead of the login screen. This will also happen when a user session expires.  Note: For now, this logout page will be in Dutch. Soon we will present this page in the user's preferred language (if available). Your action No action needed. Feature settings Why We have added new functionality to the Cards configuration section, and we have changed the name to Feature settings. Now you can also enable or disable notifications in this section. How The existing Card configuration page has been renamed Feature settings. This is where you can configure cards and notifications. When selecting the Feature settings, you will navigate to a page where you can check and edit cards and notifications. In the Notifications overview screen, you will see Notifications only for those applications that have been enabled for your organization. Employees will only see applications with one or more notifications. Example: if the administrator has disabled notifications for HR Core Public, this application will not be shown in filters and no notifications or notification cards will be presented for this application. Your action No action needed. Publishing Date : 1/27/2020
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27-01-2020 15:30 (Bijgewerkt op 28-01-2022)
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New Start workflow from Profile page section Why Home is currently offering a standard user profile page in which you cannot customize content. To improve the user experience, we are introducing the Profile page builder, a system administration tool for configuring profiles. In this first development phase of this tool, the system administrator can configure the workflows that users can start from their profile page. How  You can configure workflows that will be shown to employees in each section of their Profile page. Log in as a Youforce user with certificate (HR professional with administrator access) and go to System settings / Profile page builder.     By clicking Edit actions, the user navigates to the page where they can select workflows for each section: just click the button Add new action and choose one workflow from the list of available workflows for the company. Workflows can be sorted using the up and down buttons. Removing one of them is as easy as clicking the Remove action link.  Using the Preview option, the system admin can see how the workflows will be displayed to the employee. How employees can start workflows from the profile page The triple dot button is shown in each section of the profile page (next to the title). By clicking the button, a drop-down list is displayed showing the workflows selected for the section. You can start the workflow from there; HR Self Service opens in a new browser tab. Keep in mind that: The button is displayed only if there are workflows configured for the section. Only the subset of applicable workflows is shown. Your action No additional action is required. Modified and Improved Notifications card and Notifications topic page enhancements Why  To visualize the notifications, we have enriched the information of each notification. How Notifications now shows you the picture of the user to which the notification is referring. You can open individual notifications directly from this card by clicking on the title. To access other active notifications, you must click on the footer of the card. Your action No additional action is required. Payroll card enhancement Why  The payroll card was displaying the last 3 documents of the current year. To prevent having an empty card in January, we have removed the year filter.  How The Payroll card now shows the last three documents regardless of the year. Your action No additional action is required. White Labeling enhancements Why  We now offer you the ability to customize the appearance of Home to make it more consistent with your organization. You can now change the color of the bar, add your company logo and your own banner, which will be shown to all users on the landing page of Home. How As an administrator of Home, you have a new option called White labeling settings under the Home System settings menu. You can apply the White labeling settings for your company here. When clicking the White labeling settings option, you will see the 'Visma | raet' brand logo and brand color. You can change the settings by clicking the 'Edit' option, where you have an option to change the Brand Logo, Brand Color, and Home Banner. You can choose to change all of them together or to change them individually. Brand logo On clicking the Upload brand logo, a dialog box will open in which you can upload your company logo. Below the brand logo container, you will be shown the recommended attributes of the image: Width & height (90 by 47 pixels is recommended) The type of images that is allowed (PNG or JPG/JPEG) The size of the logo (maximum 500KB)        If you upload a logo that has more than the recommended pixel size, you can change this by cropping the image. While doing this, we show the change in image pixels in W x H (width x height).            On clicking the Select button, the selected logo will be shown in the brand logo container but to save the changes, you will have to click the Save button on the page.          You will be redirected to the view mode after you click Save.         Additionally, you can reset the logo (Undo) by clicking the Reset logo button. This will reset the logo to the default Visma | raet logo.          You need to click the Save button to apply the changes.           Brand color You can also change the brand color of the company by clicking on the colored box. You can then select your preferred color by selecting any of the available colors. You can also enter the hexadecimal value of the color code in the text box.          After selecting your preferred color, you can click outside the colored box and the newly selected color will be shown.                       You can click the Save button to apply the changes.             Home banner When you click the Upload brand banner option, a dialog box will open where you can upload a banner. Below the brand banner container, users will be shown the recommended attributes of the image:  Width & height (1344 and 192 pixels recommended) The type of images (PNG or JPG/JPEG) The size of the banner (max 1MB)        If you upload a banner that is bigger than the recommended pixel size, you can change this by cropping the image. In that case, we show the change in the image pixels in the format WxH (width x height)            When you click the Select button, the selected banner will be shown in the Home banner container. To apply your changes, click the Save button on the page.          You will be redirected to the view mode after Saving.        You can also remove the banner by clicking Remove banner.       To apply the removal, click the 'Save' button.            Landing page Once the changes are applied by the System admin, all users within your company will see the newly updated corporate settings.                           Preview changes All changes related to the brand logo, brand color, or home banner are shown in a notification message to the administrator. The administrator can first preview the changes to verify the new look and feel before applying the changes.   Clicking the 'External link' icon in the message will open a new tab in which all of the changes (brand logo, brand color, and/or home banner) will be shown. Note: This screen is only a Preview screen so all the data that is shown below the banner is a default text without translations (it is only there to give an impression of the page). You have to go back to the White labeling settings page to save the changes.     Important: Even though the customer has already configured the White labeling settings in the Youforce portal, they will have to reapply these changes again in the Home application after this release. The changes that are now made in Home will not have any effect on the White labeling settings in the Youforce portal applications and vice versa. By default, the 'Visma | raet' brand logo and color will be shown if the customer does not apply any White labeling changes. Your action  The administrator has to configure the White labeling settings for their company in Home, irrespective of whether they have already configured it in the Youforce portal. Updated Footer component and Responsible disclosure policy Why As a result of the acquisition of Raet By Visma, we have: Changed the footer component to show the new Visma | raet logo Updated the Responsible disclosure policy. On clicking the corresponding link, you will be redirected to the Visma security page, which is in English, irrespective of the language preference of the user Your action No action is required. Publishing Date : 3/20/2020
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20-03-2020 19:49 (Bijgewerkt op 28-01-2022)
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Modified and Improved Tone of voice Why Some of our customers experienced our tone of voice of Home messages too informal. How We have changed the text of messages all over the Home application. Your action No action required. Training card: title update Why The card shows the upcoming trainings for the employee. The title of the card did not reflect this. Thats why we updated the title of the card. How Now the title of the card is "Your training schedule" Your action No action required. Solved Changes Skills Management in the Main menu without an active subscription (Change 2328934) Message Many customers of Home have Skills management in the hamburger menu, although the customer has no active subscription and the user has no authorization to this application. Solution Now Skills management is displayed properly only to users that have an active subscription and authorization. Your action No action required. Performance review card NL translation Change The Dutch version of the Performance review card showed an English term.  Solution We have changed the text TBD in status Voortganggesprekken to afgerond when this task is completed. Your action No action required. Publishing Date : 1/25/2021
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25-01-2021 19:46
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Solved Changes “Multiple contracts” NL translation Message The label "Multiple contracts" is not properly translated into Dutch. Solution We have changed the text to the proper Dutch term “Meerdere arbeidsovereenkomsten” Your action No action required. Notifications page NL translations Message Some product names are not properly translated into Dutch. Solution We have changed some product names to the proper Dutch terms. Your action No action required. Only for HR Core Beaufort - Closing alert message of a notification marked as read Message When a notification is marked as read the green alert message cannot be closed. Solution Now the alert message can be closed by clicking on the cross icon. Your action No action required. Publishing Date : 3/24/2021
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22-03-2021 13:36
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Modified and Improved Payslips card: title update Why The card is linked to Your dossier. The title of the card did not reflect this. That's why we updated the title of the card. How Now the title of the card is "Your dossier" Your action No action required. Solved Changes Notifications removed are still displayed (Change 2391547) Message When marking a Notification as read in the notification overview, the notification disappears from the overview at that time, but when going back to the Home page, the notification will be visible again. Solution Once a notification is marked as read is no longer visible. Your action No action required. Profile page shows workflows in the wrong section (Change 2462597) Message The workflows configured for a specific section of the Profile page, are visible in the rest of the sections.  Solution Now the Profile page shows the configured workflows properly. Your action No action required. User´s profile page NL translation Change The Dutch version of the User´s profile page showed a wrong translation for the term Personal number.  Solution We have changed the text to the proper Dutch term Persoonsnummer. Your action No action required. All colleagues page duplicated text Change On the All colleagues page search box there were 2 texts that were the same. Solution We have removed the one that is below the search box. Your action No action required. Your colleague's page navigation improvement Change When clicking on the card of a colleague, a menu with one section is displayed. From there the user can access the information of the employee. Solution To avoid unnecessary clicks when clicking on the card of an employee the user navigates directly to the information of the employee. Your action No action required. Adhoc review page special characters Change In the field Title of the Adhoc review form (Your team / Adhoc review) were allowed special characters that could be used for code injection. Solution Special characters are no longer allowed. Your action No action required. Profile card: Job title ellipsis Change The Job title on the Profile card was cut-off without showing any hint of it.  Solution Now we show a hint that the field has been cut-off by using the 3 dots behind the shortened job title. Your action No action required. Publishing Date : 2/22/2021
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22-02-2021 19:27 (Bijgewerkt op 28-01-2022)
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Modified and Improved Payslip PDF Download Why In the Salary Simulator, users would like to save the result of the simulation. How In the last step of the Salary Simulator users can download the pdf of the simulated paysplip. Your action No action required. Absences table alphabetically ordered Why Make it easier to find employees in the absences table. How The absences table shows the employees alphabetically ordered. Your action No action required. Capitalization in Home Why In the hamburger menu, links, card titles and buttons texts had inconsistent capitalization. How Now all texts are capitalized consistently. Your action No action required. Publishing Date : 5/25/2021
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25-05-2021 14:37
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This document describes the new functionality and improvements introduced by this release. Some of these changes have been inspired by messages and reports from customers. Where relevant, we have included a number in the section title to refer to the identification of the message (change .....) in question in our system. Modified and Improved Quick action on notifications Why We have made some changes to improve the usability of the notifications page. How In the Title of the page: the total amount of notifications is mentioned.  Filter by due date: The desired filter can now be selected from a drop-down list with the options: Today, This Week (a week from Monday to Sunday), Overdue, With due date, Without due date.  The new design of the  notifications list: The title is bold and it is always fully shown. For longer text, we use more lines. If you click on the title of the notification, it will open in a new tab. The description is now in grey (before the due date) Due dates are shown in the title of the notification The name of the employee who the notification is about is in grey, directly below the notification title The buttons are displayed by default for each notification The button Open the message is changed to Go to ...... (where ...... is the name of the module) In HR Self Service notifications are displayed buttons for additional actions, so that the users can execute the action directly from the Inbox page. (Note: the buttons displayed depends on the workflow configuration in Self Service) Sorting: Notifications are sorted by the oldest due date (if a notification has a due date). Notifications without a due date are shown at the top.  Infinite scroll: The current expandable footer to show more elements in the list, has been changed to an infinite scroll. The notifications are displayed automatically when scrolling down the page.  Your action No additional action is required. This release automatically makes these functionalities available. Publishing Date : 9/27/2019
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20-09-2019 15:56
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New Net Salary Simulator Why The Net Salary Simulator is a tool accessible from Home that allows a user to easily view how contract changes might affect his or her net earnings. Simplicity: The differential aspect that we provide is that the user doesn’t need to fill in all of the required information in the simulator. By pulling information from a contract that is already saved in the system, we are able to make the process simple and straightforward; providing accurate calculations in few seconds. Ease-of-use: Common scenarios are already set up for the user: change of hours and salary increase. How To start the simulation, the user just has to click on the card of the landing page.     Then, following a simple wizard the user can calculate the new net salary simulating a change of hours of his contract or a change of the gross salary:          This is the wizard when selecting a change of salary:       Your action This feature is available only for customers that are using the new login process. Remember that this feature can be enabled or disabled by the system admin from the Feature Settings menu option. Your reports card for managers Why  We have developed this new feature to facilitate communication between coworkers and make it easier for managers to access their employees' data. How The new Your reports card shows managers the Employees page that is also available under the menu item Your team. When you open the page of an employee from another organizational unit, you will only see their basic information and you won't be able to perform any actions. This card shows pictures of managers' direct reports: Employees from the same organizational unit Employees down to two levels below the organizational unit that do not have a manager Employees from lower-ranking organizational units that fall under the same manager The structure of organizational units can be configured in HR Core Beaufort. Keep in mind that only "MGR" role is being considered to identify a user as a manager. This card shows: If available: pictures of the employees Sorted alphabetically by full name If there are more than 11 employees, a circle formed by three dots will appear. Clicking on it will open the 'People' page (filtered default by Your reports) If no picture is available, the silhouette icon will appear Mouse hover will show the employee's full name Clicking on the picture will link directly to the employee's page Clicking Go to your reports will open the People page; filtered default by 'Your reports' Your direct colleagues card for employees Why  We have developed this new feature to facilitate easier communication between coworkers. How  Employees can see an overview of their fellow team members and of all other employees in their organization in the Your direct colleagues card under the menu item Your team. Employees can only see their colleagues' basic information and cannot perform any actions. This card shows the pictures of the employees who belong to the same organizational unit as the user, excluding the manager. The structure of organizational units can be configured in HR Core Beaufort. Keep in mind that only "MGR" role is being considered to identify a user as a manager. This card shows: If available: pictures of the employees who belong to the same team as the user (excluding the manager) Sorted alphabetically by full name. If there are more than seven employees, an image formed by three dots will appear. Clicking on it will open the People page (filtered default by Your direct colleagues). If no picture is available, the silhouette icon will appear. Mouse hover will show the employee's full name. Clicking on the picture will link directly to the employee's page. Clicking See your direct colleagues will open the People page (filtered default by Your direct colleagues). Your action No action required if you want to use these new features. If you want to disable them, remember that the administrator can do this in Feature settings, under System settings. Publishing Date : 8/24/2020
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24-08-2020 21:29 (Bijgewerkt op 28-01-2022)
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