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Guide for Visma HR - English Version

07-03-2018 09:42 (Senest opdateret 16-07-2019)
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1. Introduction

It is possible to give your employees access to Visma HR through the “Leader- employee module”, so they can record their own absence and variable salary registrations. Ex. Mileage, over time, absence and subsistence allowances.


Among other things, it is also possible to give the employees access to, their own personal data, employment record and vacation and absence balances. The module is process supported which means that the leaders automatically will be able to view salary- and absence recordings that are ready for approval. As soon as the leader approves the recordings they will be transferred to the payroll system (Visma Løn)


There will be access to the pages in Visma HR for the employee, leader and HR/Administrator in the organisation. This guide is mainly aimed at the administrator of the company and contains a description of the individual menu items and the access for these.


2. Icons

When you record wage types and absence the following icons will be used for editing, deleting, updating and regret recording.




3. Visma’s security solution – Login module

All users who need access to Visma HR need to be setup as users in Visma’s login-module, which is a security solution which are used for all Visma’s products.


As soon as the user has been setup in the login-module he/she will receive an e-mail with the text


“Du er den dd-mm-yyyy oprettet som burger af Vismas produkter med følgende oplysninger: CVR-nummer: xxxxxxxxxx Brugernavn: xxxxxxxxx Mobilnummer: xxxxxxxx E-mail: xxxxx@xxxx.com. Har du ændringer til dine oplysninger bør du kontakte din brugeradministrator. Før du kan logge ind på et Bluegarden produkt skal du oprette en adgangskode. Klik på nedenstående link. Vær opmærksom på, at nedenstående link er aktivt i 30 dage fra du modtager mailen. Hvis du ikke når at klikke inden for de 30 dage, skal du logge ind via mitbluegarden.dk og finde dit produkt under "System genveje". Når du har valgt dit produkt, klikker du på "Hvad gør jeg hvis jeg har glemt min adgangskode" og følger vejledningen på skærmen. Link til Login Modul Bemærk at denne mail ikke kan besvares. Hvis du har spørgsmål, er du velkommen til at kontakte teknisk support”

(You have been setup as a user of Visma’s products with the following informations: CVR-number: xxxxxxxxxx User name: xxxxxxxxx Phone number: xxxxxxxx E-mail: xxxxx@xxxx.com). If you have any changes to your information please contact your user administrator. Before you can login to a Visma product you need to create a password. Click on the link below. Please note that the link below will be active for 30 days from you receive this e-mail. If you do not click on the link within the 30 days you need to login through Visma community, click on the Danish flag, select “Visma Løn & HR-administration” and then select your Visma Product in the Link menu on the right. When you have selected your product select “Glemt adgangskode?”. Link to Login-module. Please note that this e-mail. If you have any questions you are welcome to contact our technical support.)


To be setup and get a one-time-password, users must as a minimum provide his/hers e-mail address. Users who are not setup with phone number only has 72 hours to create a new password.


4. Log on Visma HR

Using the above-mentioned information plus password the user can now log on to the pages he/she has been given access to in Visma HR. Go to

http://community.visma.com/t5/Visma-HR/ct-p/DK_EN_Visma-HR and find the Links menu to the right. Click on “Log på Visma HR”




Fill in your company CVR-number, Username and the one-time-password which have been sent by sms or e-mail.


5. Employee access to Visma HR

Employees will as a standard have access the following menu items:

  • Employee

           - Employee

           - Relatives

           - Employment

           - Employment development

           - Absence

           - Salary registrations

  • Reports
  • Settings

 In addition to this you can give an employee access to the following menu items:


  • Salary and pension
  • Salary development
  • Benefits
  • Education
  • Special information
  • Documents
  • Work calendar
  • Vacation-/Absence balance

5.1 Employee

All employees have access to view but not edit their own employee information.


employee information.PNG

However, the system can be setup so you can give the employee access to edit certain cells if you want it to. The following options can be edited: All cells, address, Phone number, e-mail and reg./AccountNo.


5.2 Absence and Salary registrations

In connection to absence and salary registrations some “status codes” have been setup. These shows where in the process the individual recording is now.

  • Pending – registrations is pending for Leader approval
  • Approved – registrations are approved by the Leader
  • Redjected – registrations have been rejected by the Leader
  • Processed – registrations have been processed in the payroll system “Visma Løn”. The registrations can only be changed or edited by the administrator.

Approved absence can be sent as a meeting booking for the employees electronically calendar if this is setup on company level.


5.2.1 Absence

In the menu item Absence, the employees can record their own absence which will automatically get the status Pending.




The employee can edit or delete the recorded absence as long as the absence has not been processed and transferred to the payroll system Visma Løn.




If the leader approves the absence it will be transferred to payroll. The recording will now get the status Processed. Neither the employee nor the Leader can edit or delete approved absence.


If a leader declines the absence it will be shown to the employee with the status Rejected together with a reject comment. The employee can now edit or delete the rejected absence.

  • The employees should click on Edit (Ret) and on update when the absence have been edited. The absence will now get the status “Pending” and will be re-sent to the Leader for approval.
  • The employee should click on Delete. The absence will not be submitted for approval or payroll. The employee can choose to create a new absence recording.

In the top right corner of the absence image a filter for showing absence can be selected. The filter is used to choose a specific absence type or period. As a standard, the image will show all absence for the current vacation year.


If the absence need to be recorded on a project, it can only be done if it has been setup on company level.


5.2.2 Salary registrations

In the menu item Salary registrations, the employee can create his/her own variable salary registrations. These will automatically get the status Pending. The employee can edit and delete their own recordings as long as they have not been processed and transferred to the payroll system Visma Løn.




When the Lader approves the salary registrations it will be transferred to the payroll system. Neither the Leader nor the employee can edit or delete absence that has been processed and transferred to the payroll system.


If a Leader declines the salary registrations it will be shown to the employee with the status Rejected together with a reject comment. The employee can now edit or delete the rejected salary registrations.

  • The employees should click on Edit (Ret) and on update when the absence have been edited. The absence will now get the status Pending and will be re-sent to the Leader for approval.

The employee should click on Delete. The absence will not be submitted for approval or payroll. The employee can choose to create a new absence recording.




Regardless of the salary registration type it is possible for the employee to upload a document or write a comment connected to the registration. As an example, this could be a week’s recording of hours saved as an Excel-file.


The total amount of hours is recorded as one joint salary registrations and the file will be uploaded as support. When recording mileage, it is mandatory to fill out the cell “remark”. There is no validation on how the “remark” cell is filled out. It is also possible to attach a document that shows more details for the mileage recording. This means that it is only necessary to record one total recording for mileage.

In the top right corner of the absence image a filter for showing absence can be selected. The filter is used to choose a specific wage type or period.

If the wage types need to be recorded on a project, it can only be done if it has been setup on company level.


5.3 Work calendar

The work calendar gives you an overview of:

  • Own absence
  • Additional vacation days
  • Public holidays
  • Work schedule - either the companys work schedule or the employees individual work schedule

work calendar.PNG

5.4 Balances last payroll

In the menu item “Balances last payroll” it is possible to have the different vacation- and absence balances shown from the payroll system. Only the balances made available by the HR department will be shown.



5.5 Reports

The employees have access to the absence reports and a salary registrations report.




5.6 Settings (Indstillinger)

In “My settings” you can choose another language. Danish is the standard language but the employee can choose English as language.


my settings.PNG

All other cells in “My settings” should as a rule not be used or changed.


6. Leader


The Leaders only has access to information about the employees in their own department. This is determined in the setup of users and accesses.


6.1 Employee

The Leader will through the menu item “Employee” have access to the following menu items:

  •  Employee

         - Employee

         - Relatives

         - Employment

         - Employment development

         - Absence

         - Salary registrations

         - Approve absence and salary registrations

  • Reports
  • Settings


In addition to this you can give a Leader access to the following menu items:

  • Salary and pension
  • Salary development
  • Benefits
  • Education
  • Special information
  • Work calendar

Vacation-/Absence balance


 6.1.1 Employee overview

In the menu item “All employees” the Leaders can only view the employees in their own department. When the Leader clicks on the individual employee the personal data for this employee will appear.


employee list.PNG


6.1.2 Personal data

The Leader can only view, not edit, the employee’s personal data. This is a standard setup for the Leader role in Visma HR. It is possible to give access so the Leader can maintain address, e-mail, and if he Leader is given permission, edit, delete and update the employee’s personal information. See screen image in section 6.1.


6.1.3 Employment

The Leader can view, not edit, the employee’s employment record.




6.1.4 Absence

The Leader can view, approve or reject the employee’s absence. As a rule, it is the menu item “Approve absence and salary registrations” which is used to approved absence.


Approve the absence on a single employee

Absence that needs approval has the status “Pending”.




The Leader can choose to:

  • Approve the absence by clicking the “Edit” button on the individual absence recording and change the status to “Approved”
  • Reject the absence by clicking the “Edit” button and then choosing the status “Rejected”. “Reject comment” always needs to be filled out when the absence is rejected.


In the top part of the screen image totals for recorded absence are shown and you can search on a specific period and type of absence.


6.1.5 Salary registrations

The Leader can view, approve or reject the salary registrations for the employees. The menu item “Approve absence and salary registrations” is as a rule used to approve Salary registrations.


Approve Salary registrations on a single employee


salary reg.PNG

Salary registrations that needs approval has the status “Pending”.


The Leader can choose to:

  • Approve the salary registrations by clicking the “Edit” button on the individual salary registration recording and change the status to “Approved”
  • Reject the salary registrations by clicking the “Edit” button and then choosing the status “Rejected”. “Reject comment” always needs to be filled out when the salary registrations are rejected.

In the top part of the screen image the Leader can search on a specific period and wage type. On the bottom of the screen image totals are shown for each recorded wage type.


6.1.6 Approve absence ans salary registrations

This screen image consists of the tab “Absence” and “salary registrations”. This is where the Leader can view all registrations with the status “Pending” which are ready for approval. The registrations can be approved individually or all together by using the tick mark.


Below you can see the approval menu for absence – equivalent can be found for salary registrations.


approve absence.PNG


The Leader can choose to:

  • Approve the absence by tick marking the individual absence recording or all the recordings and clicking the “Approve marked” button.
  • Reject the absence by clicking the “Edit” button and then choosing the status “Rejected”. “Reject comment” always needs to be filled out when the salary registrations are rejected.

In the top part of the screen image the Leader can search on a specific employee, period, absence type and department. On the bottom of the screen image totals per wage type. By clicking the column headers, you can sort the contents of the columns.


6.1.7 Leaders own absence and salary registrations

A Leader can as a standard not approve his/her own absence and salary registrations.


6.2 Reports

The Leader had access to different standard reports for the employee’s employment, salary and pension including absence.



Please see the “Guide for reports in Visma HR” for a detailed description of the menu item reports.


6.3 Settings

In “My settings” you can choose another language. Danish is the standard language but the Leader can choose English as language.


my settings.PNG

This is also where the Leader can choose whether he or she wants to receive an e-mail when there are salary or absence recordings ready for approval. All other cells in “My settings” should as a rule not be used or changed.


7. Administrator

The company always need to have one or more people who has administrator rights in Visma HR. Typically, it will be the employees in HR or in the finance department. The administrator has access to the menu items:

  • Company
  • Employee
  • Courses and education
  • Reports
  • Multifunction
  • Settings
  • Import/Export

If you as a company which already uses Visma HR and you also buy the module that allows the employees to register in the system themselves you will also get access to the menu item “Approve absence and salary registrations”.


7.1 Employee

All the items in the menu item “Employee” is described in section 6 – Leader. Compared to the leaders the administrator will have access to view all employees and also have a few more powers. These are described below.


7.2 Edit approved absence and salary registrations

It is only the administrator and the employees themselves who can edit or delete absence or salary registrations (with the status “Pending” or “approved”).


7.2.1 Edit processed absence

An absence recording that has been processed and transferred to the payroll system (Visma Løn - MultiLøn Erhverv) can still be edited by an administrator. The following cells in the absence recordings can be edited:

  • Absence type, start or end date
  • Amount/number of absence
  • Absence rate

If the administrator edits the absence after a payroll the payroll consultant needs to remember to make an adjustment in the payroll system Visma Løn, after which the employee can make the correct recording.


7.3 Reports

The administrator has access to all standard reports for employment, salary and pension including absence and education for all employees and departments.


reports 1.PNG

7.4 Settings

In the menu item “Settings” the administrator has access to the following:

  • My settings - See section 6.3
  • Organisation
  • Lookup fields
  • Lookup codes
  • Special info. Categories
  • Special Fields
  • Absence calendar
  • Document categories
  • Project number
  • User/Roles
  • Salary types/ absence codes
  • Codes to occupation
  • Work plan
  • Absence by e-mail
  • Code setup
  • Cost center
  • Payment location
  • Real time balances – Finance customers

Some companies might not have access to all menu items in the menu item “settings”.

Below some of these items are described.


7.4.1 Lookup fields and lookup codes

This is where lookup fields and lookup codes can be created and maintained.


7.4.2 Users/Roles

This is where other users can be setup and given access to the system. Detailed description of “User/roles” can be found in “Guide for standard roles in Visma HR”.


7.4.3 Salary types/Absence codes

In the menu item “Salary types/Absence codes” the administrator can add new salary types. It is only salary types and absence codes that already exist in the payroll system Visma Løn. which will be transferred to the payroll system Visma Løn.


7.4.4 Code to occupation

Salary types and absence codes can be added to all or some job categories. This means that ex. salaried employees with the job category 1001 or 1002 can have access to different salary types and absence codes.


7.4.5 Code setup

In this menu item, the administrator can choose the absence and salary registrations which needs approval and choose it these should be hidden for the employees and Leaders.


7.4.6 Cost center

In this menu item, the administrator can setup new cost centers. New cost centers will automatically be created in Visma Løn as soon as you start using it on an employee.


7.4.7 Payment location

In this menu item, the administrator can setup new payment locations. New payment locations will automatically be created in Visma Løn as soon as you start using it on an employee.


Please see the separate “Guide for settings in Visma HR” where you will find a detailed description on how to setup all settings in Visma HR.




