Hei,Reskontro: Saldo på leverandørgjeld (2400) er 123 716,49 kr per 31.12.2021. ...
Hey! I'm trying to set up zapier to transfer invoice drafts from shopify. I mana...
Hi, I'm trying to request resources from the API using Javascript fetch but are ...
Hi!I'm integrating to eAccounting through the API.I would like to decide from my...
The description below assumes you have basic understanding or testing experience...
Hei!Vi er på vei til å lage en integrasjon mot Visma eAccounting for fysioterape...
Hi, some have been requesting JSON requests, so we at support have tried to crea...
Hi, Is there any API endpoints available to do the following things:- Create new...
Hi, Is there any APIs to this product: https://www.visma.no/elektronisk-signat...
Hi, I have some questions and perhaps bugs(?) in the eaccounting-sandbox.test.vi...
Hi, We are trying to create a customerledgeritem with voucher. And, somehow we ...
As described in this KB article, https://community.visma.com/t5/Brukertips-i-Vis...
Hi, I couldn't find any APIs that lets us add customers to a kundegruppe.
A week or so ago i posted the question Creating vouchers with a custom VoucherTy...
Hi all! I have been sitting with the Visma EAccounting API as part of an inter...
If you want to use a Visma integration that is free or provided by Visma, then t...
Hello everyone, How do i connect my visma e accounting report data to excel spre...
I want to retrive all Customers with a specified label.When i add the filter str...
I have created a Simple customer invoice with a voucher using the function “cust...
Hi, I'm trying to make the authorization work using OAuth2.0. The documentation ...
Hi! I would like to fetch customerinvoices bank account number (used by the cust...
Are there php code examples available anywhere for the API? Thanks
I have no problem using GET functions in the API but I cant find any documentati...
Hi, do you plan to support other flows in addition to Authorization code flow? I...
We have built an integration with Visma eAccounting. It basically just creates a...
We get alot of questions regarding how to set up integration with PCKasse, our U...
Hi All, i just called havneweb support and talked to one Ivar from there, he se...
Welcome! We would like to encourage all eAccounting API users (especially develo...
Read about the two different ways of creating invoices; the “CustomerInvoices” endpoint and the “CustomerLedgerItems” endpoint.
(UpdatedWe are pleased to introduce the eAccounting API foundation training that covers the following topics: User Interface trainingGetting started with API...
(UpdatedWhere to register bugs and requests
(UpdatedEndpoint: PUT v2/fiscalyears/openingbalances 1. Usability The purpose of this endpoint is to allow the user to update its opening balances on ...