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Error message "For Invoice type INV with invoice number..."

av Anonymous

Trying to POST a customerinvoice from swagger to visma but keep getting this error message

"message": "For Invoice type INV with invoice number , you cannot update Field. Document status: Balanced." 


Im using the CustomerInvoiceV2 version



 My JSON string looks like this


  "creditTermsId": {
    "value": "30"
  "cashDiscountDate": {
    "value": "2021-01-29T00:00:00"
  "documentDueDate": {
    "value": "2021-01-29T00:00:00"
  "taxDetailLines": [
      "taxId": {
        "value": "01"
  "invoiceLines": [
      "operation": "Insert",
      "accountNumber": {
        "value": "3041"
      "subaccount": [
          "segmentId": 49422,
          "segmentValue": "00000000000000"
	"lineNumber": {
        "value": 0
  "customerNumber": {
    "value": "10021"
  "documentDate": {
    "value": "2020-12-30T00:00:00"
  "origInvoiceDate": {
    "value": "2020-12-30T00:00:00"
  "postPeriod": {
    "value": "122020"
  "locationId": {
    "value": "Primär"



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av Anonymous

The minimum attributes that is needed when creating customerinvoice are customerNumber, postPeriod, documentDate, invoiceText, invoiceLines (operation, accountNumber, quantity, unitPriceInCurrency, manualAmountInCurrency, lineNumber and vatCodeId). 
I missed that and could not found it in the documentation. 

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