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How to setup auto-email notification when a 'billed now'/'billed later' post have been updated?

av Philip_Lj

I get automatically generated email notifications when a project timeline has been exceeded in our Severa system. 

I want an automatically email notification to be generated as soon as someone have updated any infomation in the 'billed now'/'billed later' (financials) 'posts'. How do I set up that? With this possibility several of key persons in a project will automatically know when, for example, a billable date has been updated.



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av Anonymous

Hi Philip, the function you are requesting is not currently available in Project Management.

Perhaps you could try using the Description box which you will find at the top of each project instead to write down what was changed regarding Fees & other expenses for the project. However, it will require that members of the project check this field manually since there is no prompt sent out when the field is updated. 





I will add the notification function as a future feature request for coming releases but we can't promise if or when it will be implemented. 


Best regards! 



av Philip_Lj



Ok, thanks for answer. I'm very sorry to hear that. Yes, please add it to your list since it would be great to have such notifications of different kind!

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