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Better Error messages

by David Tandberg-Johansen


Sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong place, but I'm new to my role as a VNET developer and trying to figure out how to do things.


From time to time, we get error messages back from the API, but the messages are very generic and don't give us specific information.


For example, if we try to save a sales order (v2), and something is wrong on the lines, it would be nice to get some details back in the error message, such as lineNo or itemNumber.

It would help a lot to get specific details in the error message


by Yıldırım

Hi David, in V2, unfortunately we don't have error handling such as Line specification etc. The more detailed error / tracking schema is available with Sales Order Service API <> 




The the callenge is that we can get generic errors from other endpoints than SalesOrder. The mention of Salesorder merely as an example. But the challenge is that the API (v1/V2) just have generic error messages.


Is there any plans to move all the endpoints to the Service API? If no, it would help to implement a better error handling

Accepted solution

Hi, most of the endpoints have fields related error handling, for sure in some cases they might be vague. In those cases, by far the best option is trying the same operation with the same values in the UI, so that the system can highlight the error with more information. 

Yes, we have a plan for moving all the endpoints over time, meantime we're still working to improve existing endpoints.