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Can't get bearerToken from web application

by popandepo

I'm trying to get a bearer token using since i have a tenantID-based system.
oauth2 works perfectly well and i can log in and get my email address, but the response when i try to get a token is 400 invalid_client.
i would like to keep both functions in one app if possible


by Yıldırım (Updated ‎22-02-2023 16:21 by Yıldırım VISMA )



what is the status of your application ? Has it been approved in the developer portal ? 

and if you want to use client_credentials OAuth2 grant type your application type should be "Service"


Please also double-check your clientID & Secret via the application tab. 

An application can not have multiple authentication method. It can be either one



by popandepo

it has been approved and is invite only on visma app store.
requests for vismanet employee api have been approved.

it is a web application currently, as the service doesn't have oidc
My current thoughts are to have the users log in using oidc/visma connect then i get an email address back, i can then use that valid and verified email address to look up in a database which tenantIDs are available and display information for each available employee tenant andd use the tenantid to get a token for API calls.

i assumed that would be the only way, but would it then be possible to forego all the visma app store/tenant stuff and only use oidc/appid+secret to connect to the api? how would that handle multiple tenants?
Thank you for your response!