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Response ExceptionFaultCode 5520

by KonsultVn


Since about two weeks ago we have started receiving error messages with ExceptionFaultCode 5520.


What does this code means?

See example of an error below:


Exception message: requestUri: controller/api/v1/dimension/SUBACCOUNT/2 / method: put / headers: Content: application/json
Authorization: Bearer XXXXXXX
ipp-application-type: Financials
ipp-company-id: XXXXX
/ content: {"SegmentId":0,"SegmentValues":[{"Operation":"Update","Value":"XXXXX","Description":{"Value":"XXXX"}}]} / response content: {"ExceptionType":"IPPException","ExceptionMessage":"","ExceptionFaultCode":"5520","ExceptionMessageID":"5520_346b8ef1-0cfd-4a7b-a213-a98ad45a3728","ExceptionDetails":""} .


Every time when we rerun the request it works, which makes me wonder if it could be some kind of overload problem at times?


Do you have the opportunity to check the logs to see what could be causing this and look for a solution to this?


This error has occurred in the following endpoints for us

- PUT controller/api/v1/dimension/SUBACCOUNT/X

- PUT controller/api/v1/supplierInvoice/Invoice/X

- POST controller/api/v2/customerinvoice


We get a lot of errors because of this, would be grateful if you could look into a solution for this.

Thanks in advance!


by Magnus Johnsen


About how often do you see these errors?

To some degree they can be expected to happen, they are generally due to network issues.


by KonsultVn

This has started happening a few times a week for a period of like half an hour.

Problem today occured for example between: from ~09:50 to ~10:20.

This type of problem has not occurred in the same type of integration before.


The consequences of this issue over the last few weeks have been problematic. We would very much like to see you look into this error and find a solution that solves or reduce the problem.