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Give HR users the ability to only reset passwords in Portaal Beheer (YOU-I-130)
Currently, the admin resetting passwords in Youforce, has the ability to create, change and delete accounts as well.
Because of that, that person will need to be a super user with full admin rights.
We would like to have to option to give HR accounts the right to only reset passwords in Portaal Beheer. If this is possible, the task of resetting passwords can be delegated to a service desk employee, whom often is in contact with the employee at that moment, to fix his/her issue right away.
The current way of working forces the process to go into the 2nd line for a reset.
U moet een geregistreerde gebruiker zijn om hier een opmerking toe te voegen. Als u al geregistreerd bent, moet u zich aanmelden. Als u zich nog niet hebt geregistreerd, moet u zich registreren en aanmelden.