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[Release Notes] - Sales Order Service API

by TGB

We deployed a new version of Sales Order Service API to production earlier today containing a few smaller improvements.


Release Notes Description
Unit cost set when quantity on hand is 0 We have implemented a change so that the unit cost for a row is set correctly when the quantity on hand is 0.
In addition we have also added a fallback to set the unit cost is warehouse is not set in the line(in this case we use the default warehouse set on the item).
Upgrade libraries to .NET 6.0.3 We have upgraded libraries to the latest .NET 6.0.3 March 2022 update.
Unit price not calculated correctly Previously the unit price was not calculated correctly when a order had a different currency than the base currency and the unit price was taken from the default price of the item. This has now been fixed.
Unbilled and Unshipped total amounts not set correctly Previously when a order contained rows with different operation the Unbilled and Unshipped total amounts were not calculated correctly. This has now been fixed.