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Scheduled maintenance for ERP API (Feb 7, 01:00 CET- Feb 7 02:00 CET)

by Yıldırım (Updated ‎07-02-2021 13:59 by Yıldırım VISMA )

Planned start date: Feb 7 2021, 01:00 CET
Planned end date: Feb 7 2021, 02:00 CET 
Affected services: ERP API

A minor maintenance has been planned for ERP API. We expect downtime, so we ask that you to plan your integrations accordingly, and we're sorry for any standstill this may cause.

We'll be using this time to perform an upgrade of Amazon RDS instance versions. To ensure uptime and stability of the platform, we are performing this upgrade on off-peak hours so that we can ensure a smooth transition.

During this maintenance,

  1. API Clients will not be able to start a new authorization request and obtain a new access token. Due to lack of connectivity to the database that we cannot verify Oauth client's details.
  2. API calls for which we don't have access token metadata cached will fail with 401 Unauthorized. Again due to lack of connectivity with the database we cannot verify the validity and access for these tokens. Once the DB connectivity is restored, these API calls will work again.
  3. API clients cannot make new webhook subscriptions.