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Release notes HR Core Business 2023-12 EN
- 0 Antwoorden
- 0 kudos
- 294 Weergaven
Solved message
Collective leave assigned to employee without leave scheme (4773615)
Employee > Leave > Taken leave
Settings > Leave > Collective leave
When granting collective leave, a day of leave was also granted to employees who were not linked to a leave scheme.
This has been resolved from release 2023-12. When entering collective leave in HR Core Business, no leave will be granted to employees who are not linked to a leave scheme.
If in your organization an employee without a leave scheme has been granted a collective leave day, this can be restored in two ways:
- By deleting and re-entering the collective leave day via Settings > Leave > Collective leave OR
- By removing the relevant leave request from the employees in question via Employee > Leave > Taken leave