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I am having difficulties with pulling reports from Visa please. I can't seem to find a report which has all transactions details including ones that are unreleased, released, on hold, posted etc. and from all sources including AP, AR, journals etc.
I was using the GL Edit Detailed report extract however when we released some documents, they disappeared from this report. I have attached a screenshot of the reports i have access to.
Any help would be amazing please. Apologies I don't speak Swedish.
Many thanks
Löst! Gå till lösning.
Thank you so much Johan - this is perfect! Apologies for my simple question!
Sorry I also need to find out how to add a new column to a report as i want to include a sub-account we have created for each P&L line
Please check out the inquiry Voucher details inquiry if this could be an option? It's easier to adjust inquiries than reports and also easier to work with different filters.
You can Export the inquiry to Excel if needed and for example filter on different statuses and choose to include unreleased documents with a checkbox.
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