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API - Partner Program

31-01-2022 13:11 (Bijgewerkt op 15-07-2022)
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  • 626 Weergaven


To get access to our Youforce resource you need to be a partner of Visma | YouServe.

We have a Partner Program with different levels:

  1. Access partner

  2. Collaboration partner

  3. Software partner

1. Access partner

With Access partner, we focus on Integration only. Our aim is to increase customer satisfaction and create a great user experience for our mutual customers.


As Access Partner you are able to add value to your software because of the integration you have with Visma | YouServe. You will be listed on our Website and in our Marketplace giving you exposure to more than 10.000 Visma | YouServe clients that serve more than 1.2 mln users.


Do you want to get more information on becoming an Access Partner, please contact Thomas Huisman


2. Collaboration partner

With Collaboration partner, we engage in collaborations in our ecosystem with renowned vendors that add specific value to the Visma | YouServe portfolio and have a large footprint in their market.


As a collaboration partner, you will not only integrate with Visma | YouServe software but also be presented as a preferred supplier of Visma | YouServe and be part of our marketing campaigns. We will recommend each other and If the recommendation results in a sale a referral fee is applicable.


Do you want to get more information on becoming a Collaboration Partner, please contact Thomas Huisman  


3. Software partner

Software partners are vendors that, for various reasons, are of strategic value for Visma | YouServe and need to be integrated into the Visma | YouServe portfolio as part of the ‘one-stop-shop’ approach of Visma | YouServe.


Customers will sign a contract for the partner software via Visma | YouServe. Visma|YouServe will also service the partner software via the Service Centre and implementation of the software will be executed by our Customer Success organization.


Software partners are deeply integrated with the Visma | YouServe software. Visma | YouServe is also the reseller of the software (sometimes white labeled). A joined Sales & Marketing program with pipeline reviews will be part of the Governance as well as frequent alignment on the Roadmap of the partner software.


Do you want to get more information on becoming a Software Partner, please contact Thomas Huisman 
