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HR Core and Payroll API - Domain model and concepts
(Bijgewerkt op
- 0 Antwoorden
- 1 kudos
- 589 Weergaven
- Employee
- Contract
- Salary Scale
- Value lists and other entities
- Company Collective Labor Agreement
- Organizational Unit
- Establishment Unit
- Values lists
This API is intended for external HR solutions and other external consumers in order to create and update data in HR Core and Payroll.
This is an entity driven API, based on the following entities:
- Employee: Person that belongs to a company
- Contract: Employee in a specific position
- Payroll data: Benefits, fixed payments and one off payment of an employee
- Value lists
De beschikbare velden voor dit end-point zijn terug te vinden in de bijlage "HR Core and Payroll API - Domain model and concepts.xlsx"
De beschikbare velden voor dit end-point zijn terug te vinden in de bijlage "HR Core and Payroll API - Domain model and concepts.xlsx"
Salary Scale
De beschikbare velden voor dit end-point zijn terug te vinden in de bijlage "HR Core and Payroll API - Domain model and concepts.xlsx"Value lists and other entities
Company Collective Labor Agreement
Element Number | Label | Description |
47 | Code | Code |
65 | WorkSchedule | Work Schedule |
191 | ClientCLA | Client CLA |
194 | NameCLAImplementationCompany | Name CLA Implementation Company |
549 | Name | Name |
565 | WorkHoursScheduleWeek1 | Work Hours Schedule Week 1 |
587 | FlexBundleIdentification | Flex Bundle Identification |
893 | EmployerCategory | Employer Category |
10520175 | SequenceNumberCompanyCLA | Sequence Number Company CLA |
18 | CompanyCode | Company Code |
Organizational Unit
Element Number | Label | Description |
548 | Code | Code |
549 | Name | Name |
7011 | BackupManager | Backup Manager |
7012 | NumberOfFTEs | Number Of FTEs |
7137 | Manager | Manager |
7271 | NumberKvK | Number KvK |
7475 | OrganizationType | Organization Type |
7476 | NumberOfEmployees |
Number Of Employees
7477 | YearEstimation | Year Estimation |
7478 | EducationBudget | Education Budget |
Establishment Unit
Element Number | Label | Description |
147 | StreetHouseNumber | Street House Number |
548 | Code | Code |
7271 | NumberKvK | Number KvK |
7375 | FaxNumber | Fax Number |
7380 | HouseNumberMailingAddress | House Number Mailing Address |
7381 | MunicipalityMailingAddress | Municipality Mailing Address |
7382 | PostalCodeMailingAddress | Postal Code Mailing Address |
7383 | StreetMailingAddress | Street Mailing Address |
7384 | HouseNumberSuffixMailingAddress |
House Number Suffix Mailing Address
7415 | TelephoneNumber | Telephone Number |
7445 | WorklocationName | Worklocation Name |
7446 | Location | Location |
7447 | EmailAddress | Email Address |
7451 | HouseNumber | House Number |
7452 | HouseNumberSuffix | House Number Suffix |
7453 | PostCode | PostCode |
7454 | Street | Street |
7456 | Website | Website |
7571 | CountryMailingAddress | Country Mailing Address |
8099 | LocationDescription | Location Description |
8100 | LocationDescriptionMailingAddress |
Location Description Mailing Address
8101 | RegionNameAbroadMailingAddress |
Region Name Abroad Mailing Address
8110 | Country | Country |
10205283 | NameRegionAbroad | Name Region Abroad |
Values lists
- MaritalStatus - 37
- Gender - 36
- Nationality - 10204761
- Communication Language - 10
- 34 Home Address - 7571 Postal Address - Country
- AccountType1-10 (10000085,10000086,10000087,10000088,10000089,10000090,10000091,10000092,10000093,10000094)
- JobProfile - 97
- ContractType - 10204687
- Location - 75
- Classification - 474
- CostCenter - 53
- Salary Scale - 10300574
- Department - 96
- writtenLaborAgreement - 10524364
- onCallAgreement - 10524365
- mainOrAncillaryContract - 10524210
- probationaryPeriod - 7145
- EmploymentType - 7393
The value list endpoints return a list of codes and descriptions.