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IAM API - Domain model and concepts

30-01-2022 09:37 (Bijgewerkt op 21-04-2022)
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  • 961 Weergaven



This API is intended for identity & access management systems and enabling the provisioning of users in other systems like Active Directory or IDP’s:

  • Retrieve employee data from Youforce

  • Retrieve organizational structures from Youforce

  • Retrieve job profile information from Youforce






The IAM API supports pagination with the help of a nextToken. With the help of the following properties: dateTime, validFrom and id a “bookmark“ is generated ensuring no records are “lost“ when skipping through pages. Below a breakdown of the nextToken url generated at the end of the response body.




  1. Next page token - Token generated at the end of the resultset page

  2. Date timestamp - The date timestamp of the last record of the result set page

  3. validFrom - The validFrom of the last record of the result set page

  4. Id - Primary key of the last record of the result set page.


Person layer in HR Core Business

An additional requirement to use the Persons endpoint: the Person layer needs to be enabled in HR Core Business.