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Learning API - Endpoints

28-01-2022 11:24 (Bijgewerkt op 27-01-2022)
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  • 1832 Weergaven


Swagger documentation

The following swagger page gives an overview of the endpoints:



GET employees
The endpoint GET employees gives a list of employees with the personal and employment details of an employee.
GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/employees 


GET employee by id
The endpoint GET employee by id gives a list of the versions of the employee with the given id, including the personal and employment details of the employee.
GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/employees/1 


GET employee by person code
The endpoint GET employee by person code gives a list of the versions of the employee with the given person code, including the personal and employment details of the employee.
GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/employees?personcode=1001 


GET users
The endpoint GET users return user information for a single employee. For the User Identity is relevant for consumers who want to implement the Single Sign-On solution of Visma Raet.
GET https://http://api.youserve.nl/learning/v0.1/users(employeeId=1005)

Organization units

GET organizationUnits
The endpoint GET organizationUnits gives the organization structure of the tenant. It is possible to include filters by changedAfter and changeUntil parameters.
GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/organizationUnits
GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/organizationUnits??changedAfter=2020-10-08&changedUntil=2020-11-17 


GET organizationUnit by id
The endpoint GET organizationUnits by id gives the versions of the organizational unit with the given id.
GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/organizationUnits/1


GET organizationUnit by short name
The endpoint GET organizationUnit by short name gives the versions of the organizational unit with the given short name.
GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/organizationUnits?shortName=OrgUnit1


GET roleAssignments
The endpoint GET roleAssignments gives a list persons “who” are responsible in “which” Role for a specific part of the organization. It is possible to include filters by changedAfter and changeUntil parameters.
GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/roleassignments
GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/roleassignments?changedAfter=2020-10-08&changedUntil=2020-11-1...

Job profiles

GET jobProfiles
The endpoint GET jobProfiles gives a list of job profiles of the tenant details of an employee.
GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/jobProfiles


GET companies
The endpoint GET companies gives a list of company versions of the tenant.
GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/companies
GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/companies?changedAfter=2020-10-08&changedUntil=2020-11-17


GET company by code and validAt
The endpoint GET company by code and valid at gives the version of the company with the given code and valid at the given date. If the validAt parameter is not set, then the current date is taken.
GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/companies/1000?validat=2020-10-01

Contract types

GET contractTypes
The endpoint GET contractTypes gives a list of contract type versions of the tenant.
GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/contractTypes
GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/contractTypes?changedAfter=2020-10-08&changedUntil=2020-11-17 


GET contractType by code and validAt
The endpoint GET contractType by code and valid at gives the version of the contract type with the given code and valid at the given date. If the validAt parameter is not set, then the current date is taken.
GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/contractTypes/1000?validat=2020-10-01

Employment types

GET employmentTypes
The endpoint GET employmentTypes gives a list of employment type versions of the tenant.
GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/employmentTypes
GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/employmentTypes?changedAfter=2020-10-08&changedUntil=2020-11-1...


GET employmentType by code and validAt
The endpoint GET employmentType by code and valid at gives the version of the employment type with the given code and valid at the given date. If the validAt parameter is not set, then the current date is taken.
GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/employmentTypes/0001?validat=2020-10-01

Cost centers

GET costCenters
The endpoint GET costCenters gives a list of cost centers versions of the tenant.
GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/costCenters
GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/costCenters?changedAfter=2020-10-08&changedUntil=2020-11-17


GET costCenter by code and validAt
The endpoint GET costCenter by code and valid at gives the version of the cost center with the given code and valid at the given date. If the validAt parameter is not set, then the current date is taken.
GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/costCenters/03?validat=2020-10-01


GET classifications
The endpoint GET classifications gives a list of classifications versions of the tenant.
GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/classifications
GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/classifications?changedAfter=2020-10-08&changedUntil=2020-11-1...


GET classification by code and validAt
The endpoint GET classification by code and valid at gives the version of the classification with the given code and valid at the given date. If the validAt parameter is not set, then the current date is taken.
GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/classifications/0001?validat=2020-10-01


GET locations
The endpoint GET locations gives a list of locations versions of the tenant.
GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/locations
GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/locations?changedAfter=2020-10-08&changedUntil=2020-11-17


GET location by code and validAt
The endpoint GET location by code and valid at gives the version of the location with the given code and valid at the given date. If the validAt parameter is not set, then the current date is taken.
GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/locations/1001?validat=2020-10-01

Salary scales

GET salaryscales
The endpoint GET salaryscales gives a list of salaryscales versions of the tenant.
GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/salaryScales
GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/salaryScales?changedAfter=2020-10-08&changedUntil=2020-11-17


GET salaryscale by code and validAt
The endpoint GET salaryscale by code and valid at gives the version of the salary scale with the given code and valid at the given date. If the validAt parameter is not set, then the current date is taken.
GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/salaryScales/1001?validat=2020-10-01

Job families

GET jobFamilies
The endpoint GET jobFamilies gives a list of job family versions of the tenant.
GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/jobFamilies
GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/jobFamilies?changedAfter=2020-10-08&changedUntil=2020-11-17


GET jobFamily by code and validAt
The endpoint GET jobFamily by code and valid at gives the version of the job family with the given code and valid at the given date. If the validAt parameter is not set, then the current date is taken.
GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/jobFamilies/DEV?validat=2020-10-01

File upload

POST employees/{personId}/documents/certificate
Endpoint for uploading a certificate to the Personal File System of Visma Raet. The endpoint returns a ticketId . The file will be stored in a standard folder for certificates. The name of the folder is “certificaat”. This name cannot be changed by the end-user or the API.
POST https://api.youserve.nl/learning/V1.0/api/employees/1/documents/certificate

The API will automatically upload the file to the Personal File System. This is an a-synchronized process with an automatic retry mechanism in case the file systems is not available. The retry mechanism will try to upload the file in a maximum of 6 hours. After this period the file will be rejected with a message.
Also if the file is too big (maximum 4 Mb) or isn’t a PDF file, the upload will be rejected.


GET documents/{TicketId}/status
Endpoint for getting the status of the file upload. The endpoint will return the status of the file. After the file is processed successfully the status Complete is returned.
GET https://api.youserve.nl/learning/v1.0/employees/documents/{{TicketId}}/status

Postman collection and environment

As attachment you can find a zip file with the collection and the environment.