om een gepersonaliseerde navigatie te krijgen.
om een gepersonaliseerde navigatie te krijgen.
This API is intended for external payroll systems and allows them to fetch the necessary data they need to run the payrolls.
Property |
Description |
Example |
Data type |
isDeleted |
If the employee was removed in the core system |
true |
boolean |
customerId |
The code of the tenant |
4024898 |
string |
companyId |
The id of the company |
15951 |
string |
upi |
The unique id assigned to the employee |
32789 |
string |
employeeCode |
The code of the employee |
1079224 |
string |
employeeId |
The employee id in the core system |
13665966 |
string |
contractId |
The contract id in the core system |
13665965 |
string |
hireDate |
The hire date of the contract |
2017-03-01T00:00:00 |
DateTime |
dischargeDate |
The discharge date of the contract |
2020-12-30T00:00:00 |
DateTime |
personData |
List of person data versions (*) |
validFromDate |
2017-03-01T00:00:00 |
DateTime |
validToDate |
2020-12-30T00:00:00 |
DateTime |
personalDetails (name, lastname, birthdate, prefix...) |
addresses (list of addresses (home and postal)) |
contactInformation (personal email, work email, work number...) |
extensions |
lastNameAtBirth |
The last name at birth of the employee. Also known as the family name |
Vries |
string |
prefixLastNameAtBirth |
The prefix of the employee's last name at birth |
de |
string |
lastNameToUse |
The last name used by the employee at present |
Vries - Van Eijck |
string |
prefixLastNameToUse |
The prefix of last name used by the employee at present |
Van |
String |
initials |
The initials of the employee |
A.B. |
string |
firstNames |
The official given names of the employee |
Amy Beatrice |
string |
knownAs |
The name which is used by the employee as first name |
Amy |
string |
titlePrefix |
The title prefix of the employee |
Mr. |
string |
titleSuffix |
The title suffix of the employee |
Jr. |
string |
gender |
Gender of the employee |
Female |
string |
dateOfBirth |
The date of birth of the employee |
1970-01-01 |
DateTime |
dateDeceased |
The date of the death |
2020-01-01 |
DateTime? |
countryOfBirth |
The country of birth of the employee |
ES |
string |
placeOfBirth |
The place of birth of the employee |
Amsterdam |
string |
maritalStatus |
The marital status of the employee |
1 |
string (reference list) |
primaryNationality |
The primary nationality of the employee |
0001 |
string (reference list) |
nationalIdentificationNumber |
The national identification number of the employee |
367565572 |
string |
addresses |
List of addresses |
array of objects |
type |
Home |
string |
street |
Kerkstraat |
string |
houseNumber |
1 |
string |
addition |
C |
string |
additionalInfo |
2nd floor |
string |
zipCode |
1234 AB |
string |
city |
Amersfoort |
string |
region |
Region |
string |
country |
NL |
string (reference list) |
contactInformation |
emailAddresses |
phoneNumbers |
emailAddresses |
List of email addresses |
type |
Private |
string |
address |
string |
phoneNumbers |
List of phone numbers |
type |
Home |
string |
number |
+3188 123 45 67 |
string |
extensions |
List of custom fields |
key |
AmountOfChildren |
string |
value |
3 |
string |
employmentData |
List of employment versions (*) |
validFromDate |
2017-03-01T00:00:00 |
DateTime |
validToDate |
2020-12-30T00:00:00 |
DateTime |
contractDetails |
costAllocations |
bankAccounts |
workAmountPattern |
extensions |
contractNumber |
The contract number |
1 |
string |
firstHireDate |
The first hire date or original hire date of an employee within the organization. |
2017-03-01T00:00:00 |
DateTime |
location |
The location of where the employment is being performed |
Headquarter |
string |
contractType |
The type of the contract |
string |
employmentType |
Code of the employment type |
4 |
string (reference list) |
daysPeriod |
Working days in a period for the employee |
5 |
decimal |
classification |
Classification |
110001 |
string (reference list) |
jobProfile |
The job profile code |
string (reference list) |
collectiveLaborAgreement |
The collective labor agreement of the company |
13124836 |
string (reference list) |
organizationalUnit |
The organizational unit of the employee |
string (reference list) |
terminationReason |
The reason of the termination of the contract |
string (reference list) |
costAllocations |
List of cost allocations |
costCenter |
cc1 |
string |
percentage |
100 |
int |
bankAccounts |
List of bank accounts |
country |
NL |
string (reference list) |
iban |
NL62INGB1954254121 |
string |
accountOwner |
string |
bic |
string |
routingNumber |
string |
accountNumber |
1954254121 |
string |
bankName |
string |
bankAccountType |
01 |
string (reference list) |
currency |
string (by default is EUR) |
workAmountPattern |
workingAmount |
40 |
decimal |
workingUnit |
Hours |
string |
workingPeriod |
1 |
string (reference list) |
workPatternId |
40HoursWeek |
string |
workingPatterns (list of work pattern versions that applies to the period of the contract version) |
workingPattern |
validFromDate |
2017-03-01T00:00:00 |
DateTime |
validToDate |
2020-12-30T00:00:00 |
DateTime |
days (list of workingDay) |
workingDay |
dayIndexNumber |
1 |
int |
dayOfWeek |
Monday = 1 |
enum |
hours |
8 |
decimal |
Dependents |
List of dependents dependentId dependentPersonNumber dependentData: List of dependent versions |
dependentId |
Identifier of the dependent |
1 |
int |
dependentPersonNumber |
Person number of the dependent |
10001 |
string |
dependentData |
List of dependent versions |
prefix |
Van |
string |
lastName |
Vries |
string |
firstName |
Erika |
string |
gender |
Female |
string |
dateOfBirth |
2001-01-01 |
DateTime |
dateOfDeath |
DateTime |
relationship |
Partner |
string |
relationshipStartDate |
2020-01-01 |
DateTime |
relationshipEndDate |
2020-12-31 |
DateTime |
validFromDate |
2020-01-01 |
DateTime |
validToDate |
9999-12-31 |
DateTime |
extensions: List of custom fields per dependent and country |
(*) The list of versions of PersonData and ContractData includes all versions, when the employee is in service and out of service.
The extensions fields in PersonData, EmploymentData and DependentData would be filled in with custom fields.
No dependent data is available for German employees.
Property |
Description |
Example |
Data type |
IsDeleted |
If the employee was removed in the core system |
true |
boolean |
customerId |
The code of the tenant |
4024898 |
string |
employeeCode |
The code of the employee |
1079224 |
string |
employeeId |
The employee id in the core system |
13665966 |
string |
contractId |
The contract id in the core system |
13665965 |
string |
Benefits |
List of benefits of the employee |
PayComponent |
HourlySalary |
string |
value |
20 |
string |
validFrom |
2017-03-01T00:00:00 |
DateTime |
validTo |
2020-12-30T00:00:00 |
DateTime |
Pay components included as Benefits:
Pay component | Element number |
Property |
Description |
Example |
Data type |
IsDeleted |
If the employee was removed in the core system |
true |
boolean |
customerId |
The code of the tenant |
4024898 |
string |
employeeCode |
The code of the employee |
1079224 |
string |
employeeId |
The employee id in the core system |
13665966 |
string |
contractId |
The contract id in the core system |
13665965 |
string |
FixedPayments |
List of fixed payments of the employee |
PayComponent |
Fixed allowance |
string |
value |
10 |
string |
validFrom |
2017-03-01T00:00:00 |
DateTime |
validTo |
2020-12-30T00:00:00 |
DateTime |
Pay components included as Fixed payments:
Pay component | Element number |
Property |
Description |
Example |
Data type |
IsDeleted |
If the employee was removed in the core system |
true |
boolean |
customerId |
The code of the tenant |
4024898 |
string |
employeeCode |
The code of the employee |
1079224 |
string |
employeeId |
The employee id in the core system |
13665966 |
string |
contractId |
The contract id in the core system |
13665965 |
string |
OneOffPayments |
List of one off payments of the employee |
PayComponent |
Train ticket |
string |
value |
17 |
string |
date |
2017-03-01T00:00:00 |
DateTime |
Pay components included as One Off Payments:
Pay component | Element number |
Property |
Example |
Data type |
SocialSecurityNumber |
15090270W758 |
string |
TaxIdentificationNumber |
1234562001 |
string |
Property |
Example |
Data type |
CapitalAccumulationBenefits |
2 |
string (reference list) |
CertificationOfIncreasedPensionInsurance |
2 |
string (reference list) |
CertificationOfParenthood |
2 |
string (reference list) |
CertificationOfPensionInsuranceExemption |
2 |
string (reference list) |
ChildDaycareAllowance |
2 |
string (reference list) |
ChildTaxCredit |
1 |
string (reference list) |
CompanyCar |
1 |
string (reference list) |
CrossborderWorker |
5 |
string (reference list) |
DegreeOfDisability |
9 |
string (reference list) |
EducationDegree |
1 |
string (reference list) |
EmployeeGroup |
1 |
string (reference list) |
EmployerFundedPension |
1 |
string (reference list) |
HealthInsuranceType |
3 |
string (reference list) |
LevelOfEducation |
9 |
string (reference list) |
LimitedincomeTax |
2 |
string (reference list) |
MainEmploymentAtOtherEmployer |
2 |
string (reference list) |
Name |
Audi BKK |
string |
Place |
Ingolstadt |
string |
Religion |
10 |
string (reference list) |
TaxGroup |
1 |
string (reference list) |
TravelAllowance |
1 |
string (reference list) |
Vouchers |
2 |
string (reference list) |
With |
3 |
string (reference list) |
WorkingAs |
71394-3 |
string (reference list) |
WorkingLocation |
HH |
string (reference list) |
ContractType |
1 |
string (reference list) |
Property |
Description |
Example |
Data type |
Element number in HRCB |
LinkingTableBICCodeBelgium |
Linking table bic code |
2 |
string (reference list) |
10525244 |
StartDateLimosaNotification |
Effective date Limosa notification |
2020-01-01 |
DateTime |
10525245 |
NationalInsuranceNumberOld |
National Insurance number (old) |
750915 4998 658 |
string |
10525231 |
LanguagePayslip |
Salary slip language |
1 |
string (reference list) |
10525253 |
Flex |
Flex |
1 |
boolean |
10525255 |
IncomePartner |
Income of the partner |
2 |
string (reference list) |
10525252 |
CountryOfBirth |
Country of birth |
2 |
string (reference list) |
10517302 |
EndDateLimosaNotification |
End of limosa notification |
2021-01-01 |
DateTime |
10525246 |
NationalInsuranceNumber |
INSZ number |
750915 4998 659 |
string |
10517301 |
DegreeOfEducation |
Education degree |
2 |
string (reference list) |
10525254 |
MaritalStatusBE |
Marital status |
2 |
string (reference list) |
10517075 |
TaxCivilStatusOnEmployment |
Fiscal Marital status upon employment |
1 |
string (reference list) |
10519436 |
PrintPaySlips |
Print payslips |
1 |
boolean |
7707 |
CategoryEmployee |
Category of the employee |
A |
string (reference list) |
10525264 |
ReasonForDismissal |
Reason for dismissal |
BP |
string (reference list) |
SeniorityDate |
Seniority date | 2020/08/14 | DateTime | 10525233 |
HierarchicalStatute |
Hierarchical status | 1 | string (reference list) | 10520266 |
TaxStatus |
Tax status | 1 | string (reference list) | 10525251 |
StartDateParentalLeave |
Start date interruption parental leave | 2021/01/01 | DateTime | 10525234 |
EndDateParentalLeave |
End date interruption parental leave | 2021/03/01 | DateTime | 10525235 |
ParentalLeave |
Type interruption parental leave | OH | string (reference list) | 10525257 |
PercentageInterruptionParentalLeave |
Percentage interruption parental leave | 12,00 | number | 10525237 |
StartDatePalliativeLeave |
Start date interruption palliative leave | 2021/01/01 | DateTime | 10525238 |
EndDatePalliativeLeave |
End date interruption palliative leave | 2021/03/01 | DateTime | 10525239 |
PalliativeLeave |
Type interruption palliative leave | PD | string (reference list) | 10525258 |
PercentagePalliativeLeave |
Percentage interruption palliative leave | 13,00 | number | 10525240 |
StartDateMedicalAssistance |
Star date interruption medical assistance | 2021/01/03 | DateTime | 10525241 |
EndDateMedicalAssistance |
End date interruption medical assistance | 2021/01/04 | DateTime | 10525242 |
MedicalAssistance |
Type interruption medical assistance | MV | string (reference list) | 10525259 |
PercentageMedicalAssistance |
Percentage interruption medical assistance | 14,00 | number | 10525243 |
StartDateTimeCredit |
Start date interruption time credit | 2021/01/05 | DateTime | 10525261 |
EndDateTimeCredit |
End date interruption time credit | 2021/01/06 | DateTime | 10525262 |
TimeCredit |
Type interruption time credit | TV | string (reference list) | 10525260 |
PercentageTimeCredit |
Percentage interruption time credit | 15,00 | number | 10525263 |
Contract1Type |
Type of contract 1 | 1 | string (reference list) | 10525766 |
Contract2Type |
Type of contract 2 | 2 | string (reference list) | 10525767 |
Contract3Type |
Type of contract 3 | 3 | string (reference list) | 10525776 |
Contract1StartDate |
Start date of contract 1 | 01/01/2021 00:00:00 | DateTime | 10525770 |
Contract2StartDate |
Start date of contract 2 | 02/01/2021 00:00:00 | DateTime | 10525774 |
Contract3StartDate |
Start date of contract 3 | 03/01/2021 00:00:00 | DateTime | 10525775 |
Contract1EndDate |
End date of contract 1 | 01/31/2021 00:00:00 | DateTime | 10525771 |
Contract2EndDate |
End date of contract 2 | 02/28/2021 00:00:00 | DateTime | 10525772 |
Contract3EndDate |
End date of contract 3 | 03/31/2021 00:00:00 | DateTime | 10525773 |
NumberOfDependentChildren |
Number of dependent children for tax purposes |
1 |
int |
10517103 |
NumberOfDependentHandicappedChildren |
Number of disabled dependent children |
1 |
int |
10517104 |
PartnerIncome |
Professional income partner |
2 |
string (reference list) |
10517076 |
HandicappedPartner |
Disabled partner |
1 |
boolean |
10517102 |
HospitalizationInsuranceForPartner |
Hospitalization insurance for partner |
1 |
boolean |
10526113 |
NumberOfDependentPersons |
Number of other dependent residents <65 years |
1 |
int |
10517105 |
NumberOfDependentDependent |
Number of other disabled residents dependent |
1 |
int |
10517106 |
NumberOfDependentPersonsGt65 |
Number of other dependents >= 65 years |
1 |
int |
10517107 |
NumberOfDependentHandicappePersonsGt65 |
Number of disabled residents dependent> 65 years |
1 |
int |
10517108 |
TaxRegimeBE |
Belasting regime [BE] |
10528135 |
SocialSecurityReductionReasonBE |
Reden verlaging Sociale zekerheid [BE] |
10528136 |
TaxReductionReasonBE |
Reden belasting verlaging [BE] |
10528137 |
SocialSecurityRegimeBE |
Sociaal zekerheid regime [BE] |
10528138 |
PartimeIndicationBE |
Deeltijd indicatie [BE] |
10528139 |
WorkScheduleNumberBE |
Werkschema nummer [BE] |
10528141 |
PaymentMethodBE |
Betaalwijze [BE] |
10528223 |
EmployeeContractBE |
Arbeidsovereenkomst [BE] |
10528224 |
GroupNumberBE |
Groepsnummer [BE] |
10528225 |
DentalInsurancePlus18BE |
Dentalverzekering +18 [BE] |
10528226 |
DentalInsuranceMinus18BE |
Dentalverzekering -18 [BE] |
10528227 |
NationalRegisterNumberProTimeBE |
INSZ-nummer ProTime [BE] |
10528228 |
EMailProTimeBE |
E-mail ProTime [BE] |
10528229 |
PartnerProfessioneBE |
Beroep echtgenote [BE] |
10528231 |
PeopleDependentOn65InformalCareBE |
Personen ten laste 65+ mantelzorg [BE] |
10528239 |
PersonsAtChargeDisabledPartnerBE |
Pers. ten laste: Mindervalide echtgenote [BE] |
10528240 |
PersonsAtChargePartnerBE |
Personen ten laste-echtgenote [BE] |
10528241 |
HigherValueMealVouchersBE |
Hogere waarde maaltijdcheques [BE] |
10528242 |
MonthlyGrossIncomeScaleBE |
Barema brutoloon [BE] |
10528243 |
HourlyWageScaleBE |
Barema uurloon (chauffeurs) [BE] |
10528244 |
SalaryLevelBE |
Looncategorie [BE] |
10528245 |
HourlyWageBE |
Basis uurloon arbeiders [BE] |
10528246 |
MonthlyGrossIncomeBE |
Maandloon bedienden [BE] |
10528247 |
AlternativeHourlyWage2BE |
Basis uurloon chauffeurs [BE] |
10528248 |
ReasonWageIncreaseBE!! |
Reden loonsverhoging [BE] |
10528249 |
ExtraAllowance1BE |
Distributiepremie chauffeurs [BE] |
10528250 |
ExtraAllowance2BE |
Toeslag trainer chauffeurs [BE] |
10528251 |
WorkSchemeCodeBE |
Werkschema code [BE] |
10528252 |
DisabledEmployee |
Minder valide medewerker |
10528253 |
TypeOfPayslipBE |
Type loonstrook [BE] |
10528254 |
Regime5Or6BE |
Stelsel 5-6 [BE] |
10528259 |
BirthcountryBE |
Geboorteland [BE] |
10528257 |
Nationality |
Nationaliteit |
10519287 |
CountryBE |
Woonland [BE] |
10528256 |
FunctionLevelBE |
Functieniveau [BE] |
10528456 |
DepartureReasonBE |
Reden ontslag [BE] |
10528258 |
HospitalisationInsurancep18 |
Hospitalisatieverzekering +18 [BE] |
10528431 |
HospitalisationInsurancem18 |
Hospitalisatieverzekering -18 [BE] |
10528432 |
WorkLocation |
Work Location |
7449 |
LastNameToUse |
Last name to use |
590 |
NumberOfPeopleDependentOn65PlusInformCare |
Number of people dependent 65+ on informal care |
10528515 |
Property |
Description |
Example |
Data type |
Element number in HRCB |
DependentPersonStatus |
Status |
1 |
string (reference list) |
10519335 |
DependentPersonIsDisabled |
Disabled |
1 |
boolean |
10519251 |
HospitalizationInsuranceForChild |
Hospitalization insurance for a child? |
1 |
boolean |
10526114 |
DisabilityRate |
Disability rate |
50 |
decimal |
10526116 |
IsChildBenefitReceived |
Are child benefits received? |
1 |
boolean |
10526115 |
*For employees with a large amount of versions that cannot be stored, the solution is to remove the older versions until it fits in the storage structure.
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