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Payroll API - Endpoints

28-01-2022 11:25 (Bijgewerkt op 17-03-2022)
  • 0 Antwoorden
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  • 1246 Weergaven


Swagger documentation

The following swagger page gives an overview of the endpoints:




Full load or initial load

To get the list of employee basic data of a tenant, the endpoint can be used without any additional parameters.

GET https://api.youserve.nl/payroll/v1.0/employees


Incremental load

To get the list of employee basic data of a tenant after a specific time, the changedAfter parameter should be included. Also it is possible to include the changedUntil parameter.

GET https://api.youserve.nl/payroll/v1.0/employees?changedAfter=2020-05-19


Get employee by Id

It is also possible to retrieve the data of a specific employee.

GET https://api.youserve.nl/payroll/v1.0/employees/13161246


Employee benefits

Full load or initial load

To get the list of employee benefits of a tenant, the endpoint can be used without any additional parameters.

GET https://api.youserve.nl/payroll/v1.0/employeeBenefits


Incremental load

To get the list of employee benefits of a tenant after a specific time, the changedAfter parameter should be included.

GET https://api.youserve.nl/payroll/v1.0/employeeBenefits?changedAfter=2020-05-19


Employee fixed payments

Full load or initial load

To get the list of employee fixed payments of a tenant, the endpoint can be used without any additional parameters.

GET https://api.youserve.nl/payroll/v1.0/employeeFixedPayments


Incremental load

To get the list of employee fixed payments of a tenant after a specific time, the changedAfter parameter should be included:

GET https://api.youserve.nl/payroll/v1.0/employeeFixedPayments?changedAfter=2020-05-19


Employee one-off payments

Full load or initial load

To get the list of employee one off payments of a tenant, the endpoint can be used without any additional parameters.

GET https://api.youserve.nl/payroll/v1.0/employeeOneOffPayments


Incremental load

To get the list of employee one off payments of a tenant after a specific time, the changedAfter parameter should be included.

GET https://api.youserve.nl/payroll/v1.0/employeeOneOffPayments?changedAfter=2020-05-19


File upload

POST employees/{employeeId}/paylips
Endpoint for uploading a payslip to the Personal File System of Visma Raet. The endpoint returns a ticketId . The document will be uploaded using the type of document provided in the request, or setting a type of document by default for that customer. If this document type is not provided, then the default ovSalaris is used.

The API will automatically upload the file to the Personal File System. This is an asynchronized process with an automatic retry mechanism in case the file systems is not available. The retry mechanism will try to upload the file in a maximum of 6 hours. After this period the file will be rejected with a message.
Also if the file is too big (maximum 4 Mb) or isn’t a PDF file, the upload will be rejected.


GET payslips/{ticketId}/status
Endpoint for getting the status of the uploaded file. The endpoint will return the status of the file. After the file is processed successfully the status Complete is returned.


Postman collection and environment

As attachment you can find a zip file with the collection and the environment.