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WFM API - Endpoints
- 1 Antwoorden
- 2 kudos
- 5083 Weergaven
- Swagger documentation
- Endpoints
- Classifications
- Companies
- Cost centers
- Employments
- Employment types
- Jobprofiles
- Leaves
- LeaveBalances
- LeaveBalancesPayroll
- Leave types
- Leave reasons
- Locations
- Maternityleaves
- Organization Units
- Organization unit types
- Persons
- Sickleaves
Swagger documentation
The following swagger page gives an overview of the endpoints:
The endpoint returns a list of all classifications.
GET https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/classifications
The valueList can be configured on different levels in HRCB;
- The 1st level a property can be defined, this is the highest level. -
- The 2nd level, these items are defined on the tenant level and generally defined by the customer -
- The 3rd level, these items are defined on company level, meaning only relevant for the specific company the properties are defined for-
The company code is returned as part of the company type
Data mapping
Property |
Description |
Example |
HR Core Business |
shortName |
short name of classification |
fullName |
full name of the item |
level |
Indicates the level in the core system where the item is configured (“client” level or “company” level). |
validFrom |
The date from which the record is valid |
2020-04-01 |
N/A |
Peildatum |
validUntil |
The data from which the record is no longer valid. Contains a default date in case no “end date“ has been defined for the record. |
9999-12-31 2020-05-01 |
N/A |
N/A |
The endpoint GET companies gives a list of company versions of the tenant.
GET https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/companies
Retrieve 1 company by adding the id of the company:
GET https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/companies/<id>
Retrieve only records which that have changed within the provided date-time (UTC) range:
GET https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/companies?from=2020-01-01T09:00:00.000Z&to=2020-01-01T14:00:00.000Z . Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
Data mapping
Property |
Description |
Example |
HR Core Business |
id |
identifier of the company |
mutkey |
shortName |
short name of the company |
company code |
fullName |
full name of the company |
company name |
validFrom |
The date from which the record is valid |
2020-04-01 |
N/A |
Peildatum |
validUntil |
The data from which the record is no longer valid. Contains a default date in case no “end date“ has been defined for the record. |
9999-12-31 2020-05-01 |
N/A |
N/A |
isDeleted |
Cost centers
The endpoint returns a list of all cost centers.
GET https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/costcenters
The valueList can be configured on different levels in HRCB;
- The 1st level a property can be defined, this is the highest level. -
- The 2nd level, these items are defined on the tenant level and generally defined by the customer -
- The 3rd level, these items are defined on company level, meaning only relevant for the specific company the properties are defined for-
The company code is returned as part of the company type
Retrieve only records which that have changed within the provided date-time (UTC) range:
GET https://api.youserve.nl/wfm/v1.0/costcenters?from=2020-01-01T09:00:00.000Z&to=2020-01-01T14:00:00.000Z . Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ
Data mapping
Property |
Description |
Example |
HR Core Business |
shortName |
short name of cost center |
fullName |
full name of the cost center |
level |
Indicates the level in the core system where the item is configured (“client” level or “company” level). |
validFrom |
The date from which the record is valid |
2020-04-01 |
N/A |
Peildatum |
validUntil |
The data from which the record is no longer valid. Contains a default date in case no “end date“ has been defined for the record. |
9999-12-31 2020-05-01 |
N/A |
N/A |
isDeleted |
The employee endpoint returns information about the employments registered in HRCB ("Medewerker > Contract").
Retrieve 1 employment by adding the id of the employment.
Retrieve only records which that have changed within the provided date-time (UTC) range
Data mapping
Property |
Description |
Example |
HR Core Business |
id |
Employment id |
12459897 |
49 |
Contract mutkey |
personCode |
The unique id assigned to the employee |
32789 |
10519680 |
Persoon nummer |
personId |
The globally unique id assigned to an employee |
12345678 |
7014 |
Uniek Persoonlijk ID (UPI) |
employeeCode |
The code of the employee or employment |
12345 |
22 |
Medewerker code |
contractCode |
Code of the contract |
1 |
91 |
Contract id |
costAllocation |
Deprecated use costCenter instead |
dischargeDate |
The end date or discharge date of the employee. This is always an "up to and including" date. The field will always be in the response, even if the field is not filled. |
2018-12-31 |
10520479 |
Geplande laatste datum indienst
[Geplande laatste datum indienst] = [Datum uitdienst] - 1 day
Datum uitdienst = fieldnr 40 |
hireDate |
Date of hire for the employment |
2017-05-01 |
39 |
Datum in dienst |
originalHireDate |
The first hire date or original hire date of an employee within the organization. This date is important for the tenure or working anniversary of an employee |
2010-10-01 |
308 |
Datum in dienst organisatie |
Enddate |
Enddate of contract |
2022-12-31 |
7226 |
Afloopdatum |
company (deprecated) |
(deprecated) Unique identifier of company the where contract is concluded |
001 |
18 |
Bedrijfscode |
companyCode |
Unique identifier of company the where contract is concluded |
001 |
18 |
Bedrijfscode |
location |
The location of where the employment is being performed |
789 |
75 |
Vestiging |
site |
The location at which the employment is being fulfilled |
Vestiging 1 |
7449 |
Werklocatie |
costCenter |
The cost center under which the employment is registered |
012 |
53 |
Kostenplaats |
classification |
Cost allocation of the employment |
123 |
474 |
Classifiecatiekenmerk 1 |
employmentType |
Code of the employment type |
4 |
7393 |
Type medewerker |
jobProfile |
The job profile code |
9909 DEV |
97 |
Functie |
organizationUnit |
The organization unit id |
1234567 ZKH |
6000 |
Mutkey organisatorische eenheid |
employmentIndicator |
Indicator if employee is in or out of service |
1 = In service, 2 = Out of service |
38 |
Dienstverband indicatie |
emailAddresses |
Business email address |
Business |
7212 |
E-mailadres |
phoneNumbers |
List of phone numbers and types |
Business |
+3188 345 67 89 |
7374 |
Telefoonnummer intern |
workingAmount |
Working amount of the employment. |
amountOfWork: numeric value representing the work amount |
465 |
Uren periode |
periodOfwork: indicates the period for which amountOfWork and unitOfWork are defined |
463 |
Dagen/uren per
validFrom |
The date from which the record is valid |
2020-04-01 |
N/A |
Peildatum |
validUntil |
The data from which the record is no longer valid. Contains a default date in case no “end date“ has been defined for the record. |
9999-12-31 2020-05-01 |
N/A |
N/A |
isDeleted |
Provide the active/inactive status of the record in the core system. |
False |
Employment types
The endpoint returns a list of all employment types.
The valueList can be configured on different levels in HRCB;
- The 1st level a property can be defined, this is the highest level. -
- The 2nd level, these items are defined on the tenant level and generally defined by the customer -
- The 3rd level, these items are defined on company level, meaning only relevant for the specific company the properties are defined for-
The company code is returned as part of the company type
Data mapping
Property |
Description |
Example |
HR Core Business |
shortName |
short name of employment type |
001 |
fullName |
full name of the employment type |
Internship |
level |
Indicates the level in the core system where the item is configured (“client” level or “company” level). |
Client |
validFrom |
The date from which the record is valid |
2020-04-01 |
N/A |
Peildatum |
validUntil |
The data from which the record is no longer valid. Contains a default date in case no “end date“ has been defined for the record. |
9999-12-31 2020-05-01 |
N/A |
N/A |
isDeleted |
GET jobprofiles
The jobProfiles endpoint returns information about the job profiles (Dutch: "Functie informatie") registered.
Retrieve only records which that have changed within the provided date-time (UTC) range
Data mapping
Property |
Description |
Example |
HR Core Business |
id |
Unique identifier of Jobprofile |
mutkey of jobprofile |
shortName |
Code or short name of the Job Profile |
SE |
97 |
Functie code |
fullName |
Name or full title of the Job Profile |
Software Engineer 5 |
97 |
Functie omschrijving |
jobTitle |
Job title description |
Senior Software Developer |
932 |
Visitekaartje |
validFrom |
The date from which the record is valid |
2020-04-01 |
N/A |
Peildatum |
validUntil |
The data from which the record is no longer valid. Contains a default date in case no “end date“ has been defined for the record. |
9999-12-31 2020-05-01 |
N/A |
N/A |
Returns a list of all leaves for the tenant specified in the request header consisting of:
Retrieve 1 item by adding the id of the leave.
Retrieve all leaves from 1 person:
Retrieve only records which that have changed within the provided date-time (UTC) range
Data mapping
Note: When person layer is enabled in HRCore Business, the PersonId is equal to PersonCode.
Property |
Description |
Example |
HR Core Business |
id |
Technical and unique ID of the sickness registration. This unique ID is generated by the core system and can not be changed by a user. |
12345678 |
49 - leave mutkey |
employmentId |
Technical and unique ID, which is unique within the entity and tenant. The ID is generated by the system and can not be changed by a user. |
001 |
49 - Key of the contract |
personCode |
The Id of a unique person within a tenant. |
10056832 |
10519680 - Persoonscode |
leaveRequestDate | Represents the date the leave was requested. | 2022-04-01 | Request date / Datum aanvraag | |
leaveStartDate | Represents the startdate of the leave. | 2022-07-01 | Starting date / Begindatum | |
leaveEndDate |
Represents the enddate of the leave. |
2022-07-02 | End date / Einddatum | |
leaveDuration | Number of leavehours. | 16 | Leave (Units) / Verlof(eenheden) | |
leaveTypeId | Represents the code of a type of leave. All leavetypes can be retrieved in the endpoint leavetypes. |
Type of leave / Verlofsoort | |
leaveReason | Represents the code of a reason of leave. All leavereasons can be retrieved in the endpoint leavereasons |
Leave reason / Reden verlof | |
Represents if the leavehours should be deducted from the balance or not 1 = Settle / Verrekenen 2 = Do not settle / Niet verrekenen |
1 | Type of settlement / Soort verrekening | |
Represents the status of the leave request: granted, denied, etc 1 = Approved / Goedgekeurd 2 = To be approved / Te fiatteren 3 = Rejected / Afgewezen |
1 | Status leave request / Status verlofaanvraag | |
The date from which the record is valid |
2020-04-01 |
N/A |
Peildatum |
The data from which the record is no longer valid. Contains a default date in case no “end date“ has been defined for the record. |
9999-12-31 2020-05-01 |
N/A |
N/A |
isDeleted |
Provide the active/inactive status of the sickness record in the core system. |
False |
Returns a list of all available leave balances based on leave module in HR Core Business.
Leave balance in HR Core Business
Retrieve 1 leave balance by adding the id of the item.
Retrieve leave balance for 1 person:
Retrieve only records which that have changed within the provided date-time (UTC) range
Data mapping
Property |
Description |
Example |
HR Core Business (technical number) |
id |
Technical and unique ID of the leave balance. This unique ID is generated by the system and can not be changed by a user. |
35148458 |
n/a |
personId |
The Id of a unique person within a tenant. This field refers to the Id in the endpoint Persons. |
1000 |
Unique Person ID (7014) |
Technical and unique ID of the employment or contract This field refers to the Id in the endpoint Employments. |
Key of the contract (49) |
companyCode |
Reference to company of the employee |
CompanyCode |
employeeCode |
Reference to the employee |
EmployeeCode (22) |
yearBeginDate: Begin date of the leave entitlement |
n/a (configuration HRCB) |
yearEndDate: End date of the leave entitlement |
n/a (configuration HRCB) | |
expirationDate: Date of expiration of the entitlement. The leave hours are canceled after this date |
n/a (configuration HRCB) | |
leaveTypeId: This field refers to the shortName in the endpoint LeaveTypes.
n/a (configuration HRCB) | |
basicRights: The leave entitlements (in hours) granted per leave type. |
n/a (configuration HRCB) | |
ageRelatedLeaveHours: The leave entitlements (in hours) per leave type based on age and AOW age together. |
8,00 | n/a (configuration HRCB) | |
yearsOfServiceRelatedHours: The leave entitlements (in hours) per leave type based on years of service. |
8,00 | n/a (configuration HRCB) | |
additionalIndiviualRights: The extra rights granted (per hour) individually per leave type. |
32,00 | n/a (configuration HRCB) | |
The transferred entitlements (per hour) per leave type. |
8,99 | n/a (configuration HRCB) | |
The sum of the booked leave per leave type with status is "Approved" and "not to be settled". Hours are not substracted from the balance.
4,00 | n/a (configuration HRCB) | |
The sum of the booked leave per leave type with status is "Approved".
24,00 | n/a (configuration HRCB) | |
Total of leave balance for given leave type.
160,00 | n/a (configuration HRCB) | |
validFrom |
The date from which the record is valid |
2020-04-01 |
Reference date (peildatum) |
validUntil |
The data from which the record is no longer valid. Contains a default date in case no “end date“ has been defined for the record (9999-12-31). |
9999-12-31 2020-05-01 |
n/a |
isDeleted |
Provide the active/inactive status of the record in the core system. |
False |
n/a |
Returns a list of all available leave balances based on payroll calculations for the tenant.
Retrieve 1 LeaveBalancesPayroll by adding the id of the item.
Retrieve only records which that have changed within the provided date-time (UTC) range
Data mapping
Property |
Description |
Example |
HR Core Business |
id |
Unique ID of the leave entitlements. This unique ID is generated by the system and can not be changed by a user. |
2359055420217 |
Combined field of: [EmployeeId] + [Payroll year] + [Payroll period] Example: EmployeeId= 23590554 |
personId |
The Id of a unique person within a tenant. |
10056832 |
7014 - Unique Person ID |
employeeID |
Unique technical ID of the employee |
23590554 |
EmployeeId |
employmentId |
Technical and unique ID, which is unique within the entity and tenant. The ID is generated by the system and can not be changed by a user. |
001 |
49 - Key of the contract |
companyCode |
Reference to company of the employee |
001 |
CompanyCode |
employeeCode |
Reference to the employee |
T0120 |
EmployeeCode |
payrollYear |
Year of the monthly or 4-weekly payroll calculation |
2021 |
PayrollYear |
payrollPeriod |
Period of the monthly or 4-weekly payroll calculation |
7 |
PayrollPeriod |
leaveBalanceLegalHoliday |
Leave balance for regular leave as calculated by the payroll | 138,40 |
leaveBalanceLegalHoliday payroll element = 10524591 |
leaveBalanceAboveLegal |
Leave balance for regular leave as calculated by the payroll | 41,02 |
leaveBalanceAboveLegal payroll element = 10524590 |
leaveBalanceTVT |
Leave balance for "time for time" calculated by the payroll | 24,00 |
LeaveBalanceTVT payroll element = 10524137 |
leaveBalanceATV |
Leave balance for "Reduction of working hours" calculated by the payroll | 48,00 |
LeaveBalanceAtv payroll element = 10524136 |
Leave types
The endpoint returns a list of all leave types.
Data mapping
Property |
Description |
Example |
HR Core Business |
shortName |
Short name of leave type |
123 |
fullName |
full name of leave type |
level |
Indicates the level in HRCore Business where the item is configured: system, client, company. |
company |
If level is "company" then the |
validFrom |
The date from which the record is valid |
2020-04-01 |
N/A |
Peildatum |
validUntil |
The data from which the record is no longer valid. Contains a default date in case no “end date“ has been defined for the record. |
9999-12-31 2020-05-01 |
N/A |
N/A |
isDeleted |
Provide the active/inactive status of the record in the core system. |
False |
Leave reasons
The endpoint returns a list of all leave reasons.
Data mapping
Property |
Description |
Example |
HR Core Business |
shortName |
Short name of leave reason |
123 |
fullName |
full name of leave reason |
compassionate leave |
level |
Indicates the level in HRCore Business where the item is configured: system, client, company. |
company |
If level is "company" then the |
validFrom |
The date from which the record is valid |
2020-04-01 |
N/A |
Peildatum |
validUntil |
The data from which the record is no longer valid. Contains a default date in case no “end date“ has been defined for the record. |
9999-12-31 2020-05-01 |
N/A |
N/A |
isDeleted |
Provide the active/inactive status of the record in the core system. |
False |
The endpoint returns a list of all locations.
The valueList can be configured on different levels in HRCB;
- The 1st level a property can be defined, this is the highest level. -
- The 2nd level, these items are defined on the tenant level and generally defined by the customer -
- The 3rd level, these items are defined on company level, meaning only relevant for the specific company the properties are defined for-
The company code is returned as part of the company type
Data mapping
Property |
Description |
Example |
HR Core Business |
shortName |
Short name of location |
fullName |
full name of location |
Amsterdam |
level |
Indicates the level in the core system where the item is configured (“client” level or “company” level). |
Client |
validFrom |
The date from which the record is valid |
2020-04-01 |
N/A |
Peildatum |
validUntil |
The data from which the record is no longer valid. Contains a default date in case no “end date“ has been defined for the record. |
9999-12-31 2020-05-01 |
N/A |
N/A |
isDeleted |
Provide the active/inactive status of the sickness record in the core system. |
False |
Returns a list of all maternity leaves for the tenant specified in the request header consisting of:
Retrieve 1 maternity leave by adding the id of the item.
Retrieve only records which that have changed within the provided date-time (UTC) range
Data mapping
Property |
Description |
Example |
HR Core Business |
id |
Technical and unique ID of the maternity registration. This unique ID is generated by the core system and can not be changed by a user. |
12345678 |
7593 - Mutkey of the maternity |
isDeleted |
Provide the active/inactive status of the record in the core system. |
False |
personId |
The Id of a unique person within a tenant. |
10056832 |
7014 - Unique Person ID |
employmentId |
Technical and unique ID, which is unique within the entity and tenant. The ID is generated by the system and can not be changed by a user. |
001 |
49 - Key of the contract |
startDate | The first date of the sickness case. | 2010-10-01 | 7594 - Begindatum verlof / WAZO |
The first day the employee appears at his work after the maturity leave period. |
2010-10-04 |
7596 - eerste werkdag |
Organization Units
The organizationUnits endpoint returns information about the organization structures registered in Youforce, including:
Hierarchical information
OrganizationUnit types
Management information
Retrieve 1 item by adding the id of the item.
Retrieve only records which that have changed within the provided date-time (UTC) range
Data mapping
Property |
Description |
Example |
HR Core Business |
id |
Unique id of the organization unit |
12345678 |
N/A |
Mutkey organisatorische eendheid |
shortName |
Code or short name of the Organization Unit |
PD |
548 |
Code organisatorische eenheid |
fullName |
Name or full title of the Organization Unit |
Product Development |
549 |
Naam organisatorische eenheid |
parentOrgUnit |
Code of the parent organization unit |
6000 |
Bovenliggende organisatorische eenheid |
organizationUnitType |
Type of organization unit |
Divisie |
7475 |
Type organisatorische eenheid |
manager |
Unique id of the manager |
1234567 |
N/A |
Mutkey medewerker |
deprecated | |||
managerPersonId |
The globally unique id assigned to an the management employee |
12345678 |
10519680 |
Persoon nummer Corresponds with: Endpoint: Person, Property: personCode |
validFrom |
The date from which the record is valid |
2020-04-01 |
N/A |
Peildatum |
validUntil |
The date from which the record is no longer valid. Will contains a default date in case no “end date“ has been defined for the record. |
9999-12-31 |
N/A |
N/A |
isDeleted |
Organization unit types
The endpoint returns a list of all organization unit types:
The valueList can be configured on different levels in HRCB;
- The 1st level a property can be defined, this is the highest level. -
- The 2nd level, these items are defined on the tenant level and generally defined by the customer -
- The 3rd level, these items are defined on company level, meaning only relevant for the specific company the properties are defined for-
The company code is returned as part of the company type
Data mapping
Property |
Description |
Example |
HR Core Business |
HR Core Beaufort |
Data type |
shortName |
Short name of item |
string |
fullName |
full name of the item |
Amsterdam |
string |
level |
Indicates the level in the core system where the item is configured (“client” level or “company” level). |
Client |
string |
validFrom |
The date from which the record is valid |
2020-04-01 |
N/A |
Peildatum |
N/A |
N/A |
validUntil |
The data from which the record is no longer valid. Contains a default date in case no “end date“ has been defined for the record. |
9999-12-31 2020-05-01 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
isDeleted |
The endpoint persons gives a list of all persons (HRCore Business: "Medewerker > Persoon")) of the tenant.
Retrieve 1 person by adding the id of the employee.
Retrieve only records which that have changed within the provided date-time (UTC) range
Data mapping
Property |
Description |
Example |
HR Core Business |
id |
The globally unique id assigned to an employee |
12345678 |
7014 |
Uniek Persoonlijk ID (UPI) |
personCode |
The unique id assigned to the employee |
32789 |
10519680 |
Persoon nummer |
initials |
The initials of the employee |
A.B. |
25 |
Voorletters |
firstNames |
The official given names of the employee |
Amy Beatrice |
51 |
Voornamen |
knownAs |
The name which is used by the employee as first name |
Amy |
165 |
Roepnaam |
lastNameAtBirth |
The last name at birth of the employee. Also known as the family name |
Vries |
24 |
Achternaam |
lastNameAtBirthPrefix |
The prefix of the employee's last name at birth |
de |
26 |
Voorvoegsels |
lastName |
The last name used by the employee at present |
de Vries - van Eijck |
524 |
Opgemaakte naam aanhef The value is determined by the setting in nameAssembleOrder |
lastNamePrefix (not recommended to use this field. This field is the same as lastNameAtBirthPrefix) |
The prefix of the employee's last name at birth |
de |
26 |
Voorvoegsels |
nameAssembleOrder |
Code of the assemble order used by the core system for the last name. Values: |
3 |
28 |
Eigennaam code |
identity |
Identity field |
Johnson@email.com |
7013 |
Identity |
partnerName |
The last name of the employee's partner |
Eijck |
27 |
Naam Partner |
partnerNamePrefix |
The prefix of the partner's last name |
Van |
166 |
Voorvoegsels Partner |
titlePrefix |
Formal title prefix |
drs. |
94 |
Titel voor |
titleSuffix |
Formal title suffix |
Msc |
95 |
Titel na |
gender |
Gender of the employee |
2 |
36 |
Geslacht (0) Not known (1) Male (2) Female (9) Not applicable |
dateOfBirth |
Date of Birth |
1986-02-12 |
35 |
geboorte datum |
deceased |
This field indicates if an employee is deceased when false the property is not returned |
true |
10302568 |
Datum overlijden |
validFrom |
The date from which the record is valid |
2020-04-01 |
N/A |
Peildatum |
validUntil |
The data from which the record is no longer valid. Contains a default date in case no “end date“ has been defined for the record. |
9999-12-31 2020-05-01 |
N/A |
N/A |
isDeleted |
Provide the active/inactive status of the record in the core system. |
False |
phoneNumbers |
List of phone numbers and types |
Home |
+3188 123 45 67 |
7376 |
Telefoonnummer privé |
Mobile |
+316 12 34 56 78 |
7377 |
Telefoonnummer mobiel |
emailAddresses |
Private email addresses of the employee |
Private |
7213 |
E-mailadres privé |
Addresses |
List of addresses |
type |
Home |
street |
Kerkstraat |
391 |
Straat |
houseNumber |
1 |
392 |
Huisnummer |
houseNumberAddition |
C |
393 |
Huisnummer toevoeging |
additionalAddressLine |
2nd floor |
8099 |
Locatie omschrijving |
postalCode |
1234 AB |
394 |
Postcode |
city |
Amersfoort |
395 |
Woonplaats |
country |
NL |
34 |
Woonland |
type |
Postal |
street |
Poststraat |
7572 |
Straat (postadres) |
houseNumber |
1 |
7573 |
Huisnummer (postadres) |
houseNumberAddition |
A |
7574 |
Huisnummer toev (postadres) |
additionalAddressLine |
2nd floor |
8100 |
Locatie omschrijving (postadres) |
postalCode |
1234 AB |
7575 |
Postcode (postadres) |
city |
Amersfoort |
7576 |
Plaats (postadres) |
country |
NL |
7571 |
Land (postadres) |
Returns a list of all sick leaves for the tenant specified in the request header consisting of:
Retrieve 1 item by adding the id of the sickleave.
Retrieve only records which that have changed within the provided date-time (UTC) range
Data mapping
Property |
Description |
Example |
HR Core Business |
id |
Technical and unique ID of the sickness registration. This unique ID is generated by the core system and can not be changed by a user. |
12345678 |
7471 - Key of the sickness |
isDeleted |
Provide the active/inactive status of the sickness record in the core system. |
False |
personId |
The Id of a unique person within a tenant. |
10056832 |
7014 - Unique Person ID |
employmentId |
Technical and unique ID, which is unique within the entity and tenant. The ID is generated by the system and can not be changed by a user. |
001 |
49 - Key of the contract |
startDate | The first date of the sickness case. | 2010-10-01 | 7206 - Eerste verzuimdag |
expectedRecoveryDate |
The expected recovery date. |
2010-10-04 |
7443 - Verwachte hersteldatum |
sicknessType |
Type of sickness.
1 = Sick
in Dutch: |
5 |
7107 - Soort Ziekte |
recoveryDate |
The recovery date is defined as the first day the employee appears at his work after a sickness period. |
2010-10-05 |
7207 - Eerste werkdag |
safetynet |
Reason of Safetynet case |
N/A |
partial recovery |
startDate |
2010-10-05 |
7464 - Ziektepercentage |
therapeutic period |
startDate |
2010-10-07 |
7089 - Arbeidstherapiepercentage |
- Als gelezen markeren
- Als nieuw markeren
- Als bladwijzer markeren
- Markeren
- Afdrukken
- Ongepaste inhoud melden
In the Data Mapping table:
validUntil: | The data from which the record is no longer valid. Contains a default date |
Shouldn't this be?==>
validUntil | The data from which the record is no longer valid. Contains default date 9999-12-31 |