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  Visma Verzuim is the online application for managing absenteeism in the organisation. With this user-friendly absenteeism software you can easily collaborate with all parties involved, such as the employee, occupational health service, company doctor, insurer and the UWV.   https://vismaverzuim.com/   Partner since 2021   These are the partners applications: Visma Verzuim DWC (DotWebCloud)   MLM API consumption details:   Endpoint Property HRCB Element Description Employees v2 PersonId 10519680 - Person number Technical key employee Employees v2 PersonCode 7014 - Uniek Persoonlijk ID (UPI) Unique person identifier Employees v2 NationalIdentificationNumber 10000018 - Burgerservice nummer National identification number Employees v2 LastNameAtBirth 24 - Achternaam Last name Employees v2 LastNameAtBirthPrefix 26 - Voorvoegsel Prefix Employees v2 firstNames 51 - Voornamen First names Employees v2 isDeleted Medewerker is verwijderd uit HRCore Deleted entity flag Employees v2 userUID 10523564 - PING ID PING assigned identifier Employees v2 lastName 524 - Opgemaakte naam Preferred last name Employees v2 lastNamePrefix 524 - Voorvoegsel Opgemaakte naam Preferred last name prefix Employees v2 partnerName 27 - Naam Partner First names partner Employees v2 partnerNamePrefix 166 - Voorvoegsel Partner Prefix partner Employees v2 nameAssembleOrder 28 - Eigennaam code Name preference code Employees v2 initials 25 - Voorletters Initials Employees v2 knownAs 165 - Roepnaam Calling name Employees v2 gender 36 - Geslacht Gender Employees v2 birthdate 35 - Geboorte datum Birthdate Employees v2 deceasedDate 10302568 - Datum overlijden Date of death Employees v2 addresses.streetName 391 - straat Streetname - home/treament address Employees v2 addresses.houseNumber 392 - Huisnummer Housenumber - home/treament address Employees v2 addresses.houseNumberAdditional 393 - Huisnummer toevoeging Housenumber addition - home/treament address Employees v2 addresses.postalCode 394 - Postcode Postal code - home/treament address Employees v2 addresses.city 395 - Woonplaats City of residence - home/treament address Employees v2 addresses.country 34 - Woonland  description Country of residence - home/treament address Employees v2 phoneNumbers.number Home : 7376 - Telefoonnummer prive Private phone number  Employees v2 phoneNumbers.number Mobile : 7377 - Telefoonnummer mobiel Mobile phone number Employees v2 phoneNumbers.number Business : 7374 - Telefoonnummer intern Business number Employees v2 emailAddresses.address Prive: 7213 - E-mailadres Prive Private email address Employees v2 emailAddresses.address Business : 7212 - E-mailadres Business email address Contracts originalHireDate 308 - Datum indienst organisatie Join date company Contracts hireDate 39 - Datum indienst Contract hire date Contracts dischargeDate 10520479 - Geplande laatste datum indienst  Contract last working date Contracts Id 49 - Mutkey of the contract Technical key contract Contracts Company 18 - Company code Technical key legal entity Contracts isDeleted Contract is verwijderd uit HRCore Entity deleted flag Contracts contractCode 91 - Contract Id Contract incremental number Contracts organizationUnit 6000 - Organisatorische eenheid Technical key organisational unit Contracts jobProfile 97 - Functie Technical key job profile Contracts workingAmount.amountOfWork 465 - Uren Periode Contractual hours per week Contracts validFrom Ingangsdatum versie Effective date validity contract Contracts validUntil Einddatum versie End date validity contract Contracts employmentType 7393 - Type Medewerker Employee type SickLeaves id 7471 - Key of the sickness Technical key sickness SickLeaves contractID 49 - Key of the contract Technical key of associated contract SickLeaves personId 10519680 - Person number Technical key of associated person SickLeaves isDeleted Ziekmelding is verwijderd uit HRCore Entity deleted flag SickLeaves reportingDate 7189 - Datum ziekmelding Reporting date sickness SickLeaves startDate 7206 - Eerste verzuimdag First date of sickness SickLeaves partialRecoveries.illnessPercentage 7464 - Ziekte percentage Sickness percentage of partial recovery SickLeaves partialRecoveries.startDate Ingangsdatum van het ziektepercentage Effective date validity sickness percentage of partial recovery SickLeaves sicknessType 7107 - Soort ziekte Type of sickness SickLeaves recoveryDate 7207 - Eerste werkdag First working date SickLeaves therapeutic period.workingPercentage 7089 - Arbeidstherapie percentage Occupational therapy percentage SickLeaves therapeutic period.startDate Ingangsdatum van arbeidstherapie percentage Effective date validity occupational therapy percentage SickLeaves therapeutic period.endDate Einddatum van arbeidstherapie percentage End date validity occupational therapy percentage SickLeaves therapeutic period.workingAmount Arbeidstherapie in uren Working hours during occupational therapie SickLeaves nursing address.nameCareAddress 7442 - Naam verpleeg adres Name of treatment address SickLeaves nursing address.streetName 391 - Straat Street name of treatment address SickLeaves nursing address.number 392 - Huisnummer House number of treatment address SickLeaves nursing address.numberAdditional 393 - Huisnummer toevoeging House number addition of treatment address SickLeaves nursing address.locationDesignation 8099 - Locatie omschrijving Location of treatment address SickLeaves nursing address.postalCode 394 - Postcode Postal code of treatment address SickLeaves nursing address.city 395 - Woonplaats City of treatment address SickLeaves nursing address.region 10205283 - Regionaam buitenland Regional name (foreign) of treatment address SickLeaves nursing address.country 34 - Woonland Country of treatment address SickLeaves nursing address.emailAddress 7447 - E-mailadres Email address of treatment address SickLeaves nursing address.phoneNumber 7455 - Telefoon Phone number of treatment address SickLeaves nursing address.faxNumber 7375 - Faxnummer Fax number of treatment address SickLeaves nursing address.startDate Ingangsdatum van het verpleegadres Effective date of validity treatment address SickLeaves nursing address.endDate Einddatum van het verpleegadres End date of validity treatment address MaternityLeaves Id 7593 - Key of the maternity Technical key of the maternity leave MaternityLeaves personId 10519680 - personNumber Technical key of the associated person to the maternity leave MaternityLeaves contractId 49 - Key of the contract Technical key of the associated contract to the maternity leave MaternityLeaves isDeleted Zwangerschapsverlof is verwijderd uit HRCore Entity deleted flag MaternityLeaves reportingDate 7595 - Datum melding Reporting date of the maternity leave MaternityLeaves startDate 7594 - Begindatum verlof / WAZO Start date of the maternity leave MaternityLeaves probableDeliveryDate 7598 - Vermoedelijke bevallingsdatum Presumed delivery date of the maternity leave MaternityLeaves multipleBirthIndication 7350 - Meerling Multiple births indicator of the maternity leave MaternityLeaves firstWorkingDay 7596 - Eerste werkdag First working date after maternity leave MaternityLeaves actualDeliveryDate 7599 - Feitelijke bevallingsdatum Actual delivery date of the maternity leave OrganisationUnits Id 6000 - Key org unit Technical key of the organisational unit OrganisationUnits ShortName 548 - Code OE Functional key of the organisational unit OrganisationUnits FullName 549 - Naam OE Description of the organisational unit OrganisationUnits ParentOrgUnit 6000 - Organisatie eenheid  Technical key of the parent organisational unit OrganisationUnits Manager 7137 - Manager Technical key of the manager of the organisational unit OrganisationUnits IsDeleted OE is verwijderd uit HRCore Entity deleted flag OrganisationUnits ValidFrom Ingangsdatum van de versie Effective date validity of the organisational unit OrganisationUnits ValidUntil Einddatum van de versie End date validity of the organisational unit OrganisationUnits organizationUnitType 7475 - Type organisatie Type of the organisational unit JobProfiles id Functie code Technical key of the job profile JobProfiles isDeleted Functie is verwijderd uit HRCore Entity deleted flag JobProfiles fullName Functie omschrijving Description of the job profile JobProfiles level Toont het niveau van inrichting (bedrijf of klant) Assigned level of the job profile (company or customer) JobProfiles companyCode Indien relevant het bedrijf Company code of the job profile when assigned to company JobProfiles ValidFrom Ingangsdatum van de versie Effective date validity of the job profile JobProfiles ValidUntil Einddatum van de versie End date validity of the job profile Role assignments Id 960 - Key of the role assignment Technical key of the role assignment Role assignments organizationUnitId 548 - Code of the Organisation Unit Technical key of the assigned organisational unit to the role assignment Role assignments personId 10519680 - Person number Technical key of the assigned person to the role assignment Role assignments shortName 549 - (short)name of the role assignment Description of the role assignment Role assignments validFrom Ingangsdatum van de versie Effective date validity of the role assignment Role assignments validUntil Einddatum van de versie End date validity of the role assignment Companies code Bedrijfscode Functional key of the legal entity Companies id Mutkey of the company Technical key of the legal entity Companies name Bedrijfsnaam Description of the legal entity Companies totalWorkAmount Normuren per week van het bedrijf Reference weekly hours of the legal entity Companies validFrom Ingangsdatum van de versie Effective date validity of the legal entity Companies validUntil Einddatum van de versie End date validity of the legal entity   Subscription options:   # Name Purpose Range 1 Historical days Data retention days 90-1095 2 Filter The ability to define specific population Company & employee type 3 Extensions Add extra fields Using extensions need to be approved by the partner  
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28-03-2022 14:10 (Bijgewerkt op 28-03-2022)
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