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Releases YouServe API's

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Extra fields endpoints Employees & Contracts We’ve added two fields "noRisk" & "endDateNoRisk" to the endpoint /contracts & /employees (V1 / V2) related to the data of HR coresystem HRCB (r1). In this HR core system users are able to manage the following WIA / no-risk related elements :   The field ‘No Risk polis van toepassing' is a dropdown with the options Ja/Nee. The field 'Einddatum no risk periode’ is a date field. For sharing this relevant information to external MLM systems / UWV, we’ve added two extra fields in the /contracts & /employees endpoints of the MLM API: noRisk (boolean field) > mapped to ‘No Risk polis van toepassing'. endDateNoRisk (date field) > mapped to ‘Einddatum no risk periode'. Latest version endpoint /contracts : (see row 25 & 26) [ { "validFrom": "2021-06-10T06:24:53.362Z", "validUntil": "2021-06-10T06:24:53.362Z", "extensions": [ { "key": "string", "value": "string" } ], "id": "string", "isDeleted": true, "employeeCode": "string", "personId": "string", "contractCode": "string", "originalHireDate": "2021-06-10T06:24:53.362Z", "dischargeDate": "2021-06-10T06:24:53.362Z", "hireDate": "2021-06-10T06:24:53.362Z", "company": "string", "employmentType": "string", "contractType": "string", "jobProfile": "string", "organizationUnit": "string", "fullTimeWorkingAmount": 0, "noRisk": true, "endDateNoRisk": "2021-06-10T06:24:53.362Z", "phoneNumbers": [ { "type": "string", "number": "string" } ], "emailAddresses": [ { "type": "string", "address": "string" } ], "workingAmount": { "amountOfWork": 0, "unitOfWork": "string", "periodOfWork": "string" } } ]     Latest version endpoint /employees : (see row 78 & 79) [ { "validFrom": "2021-06-10T06:25:58.121Z", "validUntil": "2021-06-10T06:25:58.121Z", "extensions": [ { "key": "string", "value": "string" } ], "id": "string", "personCode": "string", "isDeleted": true, "initials": "string", "firstNames": "string", "knownAs": "string", "lastNameAtBirth": "string", "lastNameAtBirthPrefix": "string", "lastName": "string", "lastNamePrefix": "string", "nameAssembleOrder": "string", "partnerName": "string", "partnerNamePrefix": "string", "titlePrefix": "string", "titleSuffix": "string", "gender": "string", "birthDate": "2021-06-10T06:25:58.121Z", "deceasedDate": "2021-06-10T06:25:58.121Z", "nationalIdentificationNumber": "string", "userUID": "string", "phoneNumbers": [ { "type": "string", "number": "string" } ], "emailAddresses": [ { "type": "string", "address": "string" } ], "addresses": [ { "type": "string", "streetName": "string", "houseNumber": "string", "houseNumberAddition": "string", "postalCode": "string", "city": "string", "country": "string" } ], "contracts": [ { "validFrom": "2021-06-10T06:25:58.121Z", "validUntil": "2021-06-10T06:25:58.121Z", "extensions": [ { "key": "string", "value": "string" } ], "id": "string", "isDeleted": true, "employeeCode": "string", "personId": "string", "contractCode": "string", "originalHireDate": "2021-06-10T06:25:58.121Z", "dischargeDate": "2021-06-10T06:25:58.121Z", "hireDate": "2021-06-10T06:25:58.121Z", "company": "string", "employmentType": "string", "contractType": "string", "jobProfile": "string", "organizationUnit": "string", "fullTimeWorkingAmount": 0, "noRisk": true, "endDateNoRisk": "2021-06-10T06:25:58.121Z", "phoneNumbers": [ { "type": "string", "number": "string" } ], "emailAddresses": [ { "type": "string", "address": "string" } ], "workingAmount": { "amountOfWork": 0, "unitOfWork": "string", "periodOfWork": "string" } } ] } ]   By using the fields ‘No Risk polis van toepassing' & 'Einddatum no risk periode’ in the above screen of HRCB the ‘sickleave coordinators' of our customers can manage all fields for administrative purposes. Only the red alligned elements are exposed to the MLM API for external sharing reasons.
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01-02-2022 13:14
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Extra fields endpoint Sickleaves We’ve added two fields "internalFollowUp" & "additionalNote" to the endpoint /sickleaves. HR coresystem HRCB (r1) added these two elements in the front-end application, see below :      By using the fields Actielijst & Korte notitie on the sickleave screen of HRCB the ‘sickleave coordinators' of our customers can select the necessary follow-up activities in the core system.The follow-up values are flexible configurable per client / tenant via Waardelijsten / Valuelists. The field Korte notitie can process up to 100 characters. Because of this we’ve added two extra fields in the /sickleaves endpoint of the MLM API: internalFollowUp (string) > mapped to ‘Actielijst’. Provides a code. Via /valuelists the corresponding values can be retrieved. additionalNote (string) > mapped to ‘Korte notitie’. Latest version endpoint /sickleaves :   [ { "id": "string", "isDeleted": true, "personId": "string", "contractId": "string", "reportingDate": "2021-05-11T09:25:42.632Z", "startDate": "2021-05-11T09:25:42.632Z", "hoursWorkedFirstDay": 0, "sicknessType": "string", "absenceReason": "string", "recoveryDate": "2021-05-11T09:25:42.632Z", "expectedRecoveryDate": "2021-05-11T09:25:42.632Z", "recourse": true, "ongoingSickness": true, "safetynet": "string", "dateWVP": "2021-05-11T09:25:42.632Z", "urgentCheckRequired": true, "expectedFinalResult": "string", "finalResult": "string", "internalFollowUp": "string", "additionalNote": "string", "partialRecoveries": [ { "illnessPercentage": 0, "startDate": "2021-05-11T09:25:42.632Z" } ], "nursingAddresses": [ { "startDate": "2021-05-11T09:25:42.632Z", "endDate": "2021-05-11T09:25:42.632Z", "nameCareAddress": "string", "streetName": "string", "number": "string", "numberAdditional": "string", "postcode": "string", "city": "string", "country": "string", "phoneNumber": "string", "faxNumber": "string", "emailAddress": "string", "region": "string", "locationDesignation": "string" } ], "therapeuticPeriods": [ { "startDate": "2021-05-11T09:25:42.632Z", "endDate": "2021-05-11T09:25:42.632Z", "workingAmount": { "amountOfWork": 0, "unitOfWork": "string", "periodOfWork": "string" }, "workingPercentage": 0 } ], "extensions": [ { "key": "string", "value": "string" } ] } ]     To use these extra elements, a full load in the API is needed!
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01-02-2022 13:11
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Extra field endpoint RoleAssignments For the client in our core system HR Core Business there’s a possibility to mark the level of authorisation of a specific Role Assignment. Some roles within an organisation might have more permissions to see or manage processes. In HR Core Business users can manage this via the field ‘Incl. onderliggende OE’s' :     Since 25-Mar '21 the MLM API will also expose this property in the output results of the RoleAssignments endpoint. The name is "includingChildOrgUnits" and will expose the values true / false. The endpoint will look like : [ { "id": "string", "shortName": "string", "fullName": "string", "organizationUnitId": "string", "personId": "string", "employeeId": "string", "includingChildOrgUnits": true, "isDeleted": true, "startDate": "2021-03-22T16:41:38.887Z", "endDate": "2021-03-22T16:41:38.887Z", "extensions": [ { "key": "string", "value": "string" } ] } ]      
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01-02-2022 13:09
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Release field “fullTimeWorkingAmount” In January we’ve improved the field “fullTimeWorkingAmount”, which indicates the full-time hours per period within a specific company. For example 40 or 36 hours per week. This field is now finally released to the PROD environments of the MLM API. In December 2020 this field was already correctly shown in the endpoint: Endpoint /companies [ { "validFrom": "2021-03-22T16:33:20.583Z", "validUntil": "2021-03-22T16:33:20.583Z", "extensions": [ { "key": "string", "value": "string" } ], "id": "string", "code": "string", "name": "string", "totalWorkAmount": "string", "establishmentCountry": "string", "isDeleted": true, "address": { "street": "string", "houseNumber": "string", "houseNumberAddition": "string", "postalCode": "string", "city": "string", "country": "string" }, "mailingAddress": { "boxNumber": "string", "postalCode": "string", "cityTown": "string" } } ]     In January 2021 we’ve corrected the position in the different body responses of other endpoints. Until Dec-2020 the field “fullTimeWorkingAmount” was part of the Person data details. However, the values of this specific field belong to contracts/employments. That’s why we’ve added the field to the endpoints: Endpoint /contracts [ { "validFrom": "2021-03-22T16:34:23.131Z", "validUntil": "2021-03-22T16:34:23.131Z", "extensions": [ { "key": "string", "value": "string" } ], "id": "string", "isDeleted": true, "employeeCode": "string", "personId": "string", "contractCode": "string", "originalHireDate": "2021-03-22T16:34:23.131Z", "dischargeDate": "2021-03-22T16:34:23.131Z", "hireDate": "2021-03-22T16:34:23.131Z", "company": "string", "employmentType": "string", "contractType": "string", "jobProfile": "string", "organizationUnit": "string", "fullTimeWorkingAmount": 0, "phoneNumbers": [ { "type": "string", "number": "string" } ], "emailAddresses": [ { "type": "string", "address": "string" } ], "workingAmount": { "amountOfWork": 0, "unitOfWork": "string", "periodOfWork": "string" } } ] Endpoint /employees [ { "validFrom": "2021-03-22T16:36:27.514Z", "validUntil": "2021-03-22T16:36:27.514Z", "extensions": [ { "key": "string", "value": "string" } ], "id": "string", "personCode": "string", "isDeleted": true, "initials": "string", "firstNames": "string", "knownAs": "string", "lastNameAtBirth": "string", "lastNameAtBirthPrefix": "string", "lastName": "string", "lastNamePrefix": "string", "nameAssembleOrder": "string", "partnerName": "string", "partnerNamePrefix": "string", "titlePrefix": "string", "titleSuffix": "string", "gender": "string", "birthDate": "2021-03-22T16:36:27.514Z", "deceasedDate": "2021-03-22T16:36:27.514Z", "nationalIdentificationNumber": "string", "userUID": "string", "phoneNumbers": [ { "type": "string", "number": "string" } ], "emailAddresses": [ { "type": "string", "address": "string" } ], "addresses": [ { "type": "string", "streetName": "string", "houseNumber": "string", "houseNumberAddition": "string", "postalCode": "string", "city": "string", "country": "string" } ], "contracts": [ { "validFrom": "2021-03-22T16:36:27.514Z", "validUntil": "2021-03-22T16:36:27.514Z", "extensions": [ { "key": "string", "value": "string" } ], "id": "string", "isDeleted": true, "employeeCode": "string", "personId": "string", "contractCode": "string", "originalHireDate": "2021-03-22T16:36:27.514Z", "dischargeDate": "2021-03-22T16:36:27.514Z", "hireDate": "2021-03-22T16:36:27.514Z", "company": "string", "employmentType": "string", "contractType": "string", "jobProfile": "string", "organizationUnit": "string", "fullTimeWorkingAmount": 0, "phoneNumbers": [ { "type": "string", "number": "string" } ], "emailAddresses": [ { "type": "string", "address": "string" } ], "workingAmount": { "amountOfWork": 0, "unitOfWork": "string", "periodOfWork": "string" } } ] } ]    
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01-02-2022 13:06
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  Field “fullTimeWorkingAmount” We’ve improved the field “fullTimeWorkingAmount”, which indicates the full-time hours per period within a specific company. For example 40 or 36 hours per week. This field was already correctly shown in the endpoint: Endpoint /companies [ { "validFrom": "2021-01-12T19:49:43.484Z", "validUntil": "2021-01-12T19:49:43.484Z", "extensions": [ { "key": "string", "value": "string" } ], "id": "string", "code": "string", "name": "string", "totalWorkAmount": "40", "establishmentCountry": "string", "isDeleted": true, "address": { "street": "string", "houseNumber": "string", "houseNumberAddition": "string", "postalCode": "string", "city": "string", "country": "string" }, "mailingAddress": { "boxNumber": "string", "postalCode": "string", "cityTown": "string" } } ] We’ve corrected the position in the different body responses of other endpoints. Until Dec-2020 the field “fullTimeWorkingAmount” was part of the Person data details. However, the values of this specific field belong to contracts/employments. So, that’s why we’ve added the field to the endpoints: Endpoint /contracts { "validFrom": "2021-01-12T19:51:10.147Z", "validUntil": "2021-01-12T19:51:10.147Z", "extensions": [ { "key": "string", "value": "string" } ], "id": "string", "isDeleted": true, "employeeCode": "string", "personId": "string", "contractCode": "string", "originalHireDate": "2021-01-12T19:51:10.147Z", "dischargeDate": "2021-01-12T19:51:10.147Z", "hireDate": "2021-01-12T19:51:10.147Z", "company": "string", "employmentType": "string", "contractType": "string", "jobProfile": "string", "organizationUnit": "string", "fullTimeWorkingAmount": 0, "phoneNumbers": [ { "type": "string", "number": "string" } ], "emailAddresses": [ { "type": "string", "address": "string" } ], "workingAmount": { "amountOfWork": 0, "unitOfWork": "string", "periodOfWork": "string" } } Endpoint /employees { "validFrom": "2021-01-12T19:52:29.217Z", "validUntil": "2021-01-12T19:52:29.217Z", "extensions": [ { "key": "string", "value": "string" } ], "id": "string", "personCode": "string", "isDeleted": true, "initials": "string", "firstNames": "string", "knownAs": "string", "lastNameAtBirth": "string", "lastNameAtBirthPrefix": "string", "lastName": "string", "lastNamePrefix": "string", "nameAssembleOrder": "string", "partnerName": "string", "partnerNamePrefix": "string", "titlePrefix": "string", "titleSuffix": "string", "gender": "string", "birthDate": "2021-01-12T19:52:29.217Z", "deceasedDate": "2021-01-12T19:52:29.217Z", "nationalIdentificationNumber": "string", "userUID": "string", "phoneNumbers": [ { "type": "string", "number": "string" } ], "emailAddresses": [ { "type": "string", "address": "string" } ], "addresses": [ { "type": "string", "streetName": "string", "houseNumber": "string", "houseNumberAddition": "string", "postalCode": "string", "city": "string", "country": "string" } ], "contracts": [ { "validFrom": "2021-01-12T19:52:29.217Z", "validUntil": "2021-01-12T19:52:29.217Z", "extensions": [ { "key": "string", "value": "string" } ], "id": "string", "isDeleted": true, "employeeCode": "string", "personId": "string", "contractCode": "string", "originalHireDate": "2021-01-12T19:52:29.217Z", "dischargeDate": "2021-01-12T19:52:29.217Z", "hireDate": "2021-01-12T19:52:29.217Z", "company": "string", "employmentType": "string", "contractType": "string", "jobProfile": "string", "organizationUnit": "string", "fullTimeWorkingAmount": 0, "phoneNumbers": [ { "type": "string", "number": "string" } ], "emailAddresses": [ { "type": "string", "address": "string" } ], "workingAmount": { "amountOfWork": 0, "unitOfWork": "string", "periodOfWork": "string" } } ] } System HR Core Business The values related to these HRCB clients were “0” until December 2020. In January 2021 we’ve improved the extraction of these values. System HR Core Online (BO4) The values related to these BO4 clients were empty until December 2020. We’ve improved the data extraction from BO4 system and the calculation behind it. Now the field “fullTimeWorkingAmount” will show the correct values from BO4. Extra field “Meerling” endpoint Maternity Leaves For both core systems HRCB and HR Core Online (BO4) we’ve added the field “multipleBirthIndication” to the endpoint Maternity Leaves. In case more than one child is expected, this can be defined in both core systems (field name in core systems: Meerling). Value “true” indicates that Multiple births are expected for this specific Maternity Leave case. Endpoint Maternity Leaves { "id": "string", "isDeleted": true, "personId": "string", "contractId": "string", "reportingDate": "2021-01-12T19:36:56.808Z", "startDate": "2021-01-12T19:36:56.808Z", "firstWorkingDay": "2021-01-12T19:36:56.808Z", "probableDeliveryDate": "2021-01-12T19:36:56.808Z", "actualDeliveryDate": "2021-01-12T19:36:56.808Z", "multipleBirthIndication": true, "extensions": [ { "key": "string", "value": "string" } ] } Extra filter on active & inactive sickness records For the endpoint /sickleaves there an additional (optional) filter available. The extra parameter is could be added while fetching all sickness records within a tenant/client. By default, the base URL of this endpoint will expose all available sickness records (active & inactive) within the specific client data set. By adding the active filter to the base URL of this endpoint, the response output will only show the current active records corresponding to this client. For example : https://api.raet.com/mlm/sickleaves?active=true Extra filter option based on ‘level’ For the endpoints /valuelists & /jobprofiles we’ve made it possible to execute an extra (optional) filter on the exposed data records. The body responses of both endpoints already expose a field “level”, which indicates the level this Job Profile or Valuelist is configured in the core system, for example, “client”, “company” or “system” level. By default the base URLs of these endpoints will expose all available jobprofile & valuelist records within the specific client data set. Example endpoint /jobprofiles { "validFrom": "2018-10-17", "validUntil": "9999-12-31", "extensions": [ { "key": "null", "value": "null" } ], "id": "AA123", "fullName": "receptionist", "level": "company", "companyCode": "20114", "isDeleted": false } By adding the level filter to the base URL of these two endpoints, the response output will only show the records corresponding to this level. For example : https://api.raet.com/mlm/jobprofiles?level=Company
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01-02-2022 13:01
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