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This document describes the ‘UMRA - Visma Raet IAM API’-connector. This connector has been built on top of the Visma Raet IAM API.

The following fields are used by the UMRA connector, required fields are highlighted in bold. 

API endpoint API attribute HR Core Business fieldname HR Core Online fieldname Functional description
Employees dateOfBirth N/A P00321 - Geboorte datum Birth date of employee
Employees emailAddresses 7212 - E-mailadres P01035 - E-mail adres werk Business email address of employee
Employees firstNames 51 - Voornamen P01002 - Voornamen First names of employee
Employees gender 36 - Geslacht P00330  - Geslacht Gender of the employee
Employees id Mutkey medewerker P01001 - Persoonsnummer Technical key of employee
Employees initials 25 - Voorletters P00303 - Voorletters Initials of the employee (with dots)
Employees knownAs 165 - Roepnaam P01003 - Roepnaam Calling name of the employee
Employees lastName 524 - Opgemaakte naam aanhef P01008 - Samengestelde naam Formatted name of the employee
Employees lastNameAtBirth 24 - Achternaam P00301 - Geboortenaam Own lastname of employee
Employees lastNameAtBirthPrefix 26 - Voorvoegsels P00302 - Geboortenaam voorvoegsels Own prefix of employee
Employees lastNamePrefix N/A P01009 - Samengestelde naam voorvoegsel Prefix of formatted name of employee
Employees nameAssembleOrder 28 - Eigennaam code P00304 - Gebruik achternaam Code of name preference employee
Employees partnerName 27 - Naam Partner P00390 - Partner naam Last name partner of employee
Employees partnerNamePrefix 166 - Voorvoegsels Partner P00391 - Voorvoegsel partner Prefix of partner employee
Employees personCode 7014 - Uniek Persoonlijk ID (UPI) P01001 - Persoonsnummer Unique person identifier of employee
Employees personId 10519680 - Persoon nummer P01001 - Persoonsnummer Unique person identifier of employee
Employees phoneNumbers 7374 - Telefoonnummer intern P01037  - Telefoonnummer werk business phone number employee
Employees validFrom Ingangsdatum van de versie Ingangsdatum van de versie The date from which the record is valid
Employees validUntil Einddatum van de versie Einddatum van de versie The date from which the record is no longer valid
Employment dischargeDate 10520479 - Geplande laatste datum indienst (40 - Datum uitdienst minus 1 dag) P00830  - Datum uit dienst The day after last working date
Employment employeeCode 22 - Medewerker code N/A The code of the employee or employment
Employment employmentCode N/A P01101  - Volgnummer dienstverband Incremental employment number
Employment employmentType 7393 - Type medewerker P01102 - Soort arbeidsrelatie Type of employee
Employment id 49 - Contract mutkey P01001 - Volgnummer dienstverband Technical key of employment
Employment jobProfile 97 - Functie P01107 - Primaire functie Assigned jobprofile (code+description)
Employment organizationUnit 6000 - Mutkey organisatorische eenheid P01106 - Hiërarchisch organisatorische eenheid Assigned organizational unit
Employment workingAmount 463 - Dagen/uren per week P01109 - Uren per week Contractual amount in hours per day
Assignments employmentCode N/A P01101  - Volgnummer dienstverband Incremental employment number
Assignments endDate N/A P01126 - Einde inzet Assignments end date
Assignments id N/A Id van de inzetregel  Unique id of the role assignment. the Id is unique within the entity and tenant. The id is generated by the system and can not changed by a user
Assignments jobProfile N/A P0122 - Operationele functie Assigned jobprofile (code+description)
Assignments organizationUnit N/A P1121 - Operationele organisatorische eenheid Assigned organizational unit
Assignments startDate N/A P01125 - Ingang inzet Assignments start date
Assignments workingAmount N/A P01109 - Uren per week Contractual amount in hours/days
Organization Units fullName 549 - Naam organisatorische eenheid Naam organisatorische eenheid Full description of organizational unit
Organization Units id Mutkey organisatorische eenheid P01061 - Code organisatorische eenheid Technical key orgizational unit
Organization Units parentOrgUnit 6000 - Bovenliggende organisatorische eenheid Organisatie eenheid > Onderdeel van Technical key parent orgizational unit
Organization Units shortName 548 - Code organisatorische eenheid P01061 - Code organisatorische eenheid Functional key organizational unit
Role Assignments endDate N/A P01064 - Einddatum roltoewijzing End date of role assignment
Role Assignments id N/A P01062 - roleId Technical key of role assignment
Role Assignments organizationUnit N/A P1121 - Operationele organisatorische eenheid Assigned organizational unit
Role Assignments personCode N/A P01001 - Persoonsnummer Unique person identifier of employee
Role Assignments shortName N/A P01062 - Rol code Functional key role assignment
Role Assignments startDate N/A P01063 - Ingangsdatum roltoewijzing Effective date of role assignment
Job Profiles fullName 97 - Functie omschrijving func_oms - Functie omschrijving Full description of job profile

This table is based on the general connector of Tools4Ever, please check with Tools4Ever if they made any client specific deviations from this table.

Connector details

Each day UMRA does a full-load on the described endpoints and detects changes on their side including future changes. Every employee needs to comply with the required fields when this is not met the employee will be ignored and not processed. To ensure proper working of the connector the required fields need to be properly configured in the Youforce customer setup. Employees which have been discharged will processed by UMRA for a duration of max. 90 days 

Value lists for HR Core Business-customers (for example jobprofile)

Fields with a complex type (code and description) need to be configured in the value lists on the customer level (any lower level is not supported). The value lists can be retrieved through the “valuelist” endpoint.