for automatisk at få relevante produkter
for automatisk at få relevante produkter
function Get-VismaRecords {
$VismaRecords = @()
$VismaURI = "`$select=FirstName,SocialSecurityNumber&subscription-key=API-key"
do {
$VismaData=Invoke-WebRequest -Method GET -Uri $VismaURI -UseBasicParsing
[xml]$XMLVismaData = $VismaData.Content
$XMLVismaData.feed.entry | % {
$obj = New-Object PSObject
#Add properties to the object
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "SocialSecurityNumber" -Value $'#text'
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "FirstName" -Value $'#text'
#Return the object
$VismaRecords += $obj
#Check for the skiptokenID
$skiptoken = $XMLVismaData | Select-Xml -Namespace @{default=""} -XPath "//default:link[@rel='next']/@href" | % {($_.Node.Value -split "skiptoken=" | Select -Last 1).Trim("'")}
if ($skiptoken) {
$VismaURI = "`$select=FirstName,SocialSecurityNumber&`$skiptoken='$skiptoken'&subscription-key=API-key"
} while ($skiptoken)
return $VismaRecords
#Ouput # of records
#Output all returned data
I just wanted to share this code on how to retrieve data from the API using PowerShell. Finding the solution and asking for support from Datahub gave me quite a headache.
Please note: the SkiptokenID is only returned when using Invoke-WebRequest, not with Invoke-RestMethod.
I hope this helps a lot of developers who are new to Visma Datahub like me. Cheers!
Hi @MrX007
Thank you for sharing and for letting us know! We'll make sure to update our documentation accordingly. If you have any further questions or feedback, feel free to reach out.
Best regards
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