Hi, I'm not sure this issue is caused by the API per se, but I was told to put it here. When creating SalesOrders through the Visma.net API the order total does not include VAT from freight. Freight cost is determined from the values on the ShippingMethod (ShipVia). When creating invoice based on sales order the VAT is included and OrderTotal is correct. When creating a sales order without any sales order lines, the order total correctly includes VAT on freight. We've found a workaround where we first create a sales order without any sales order lines, and then perform an update adding the sales order lines, which results in correct order total. Attaching some print screens to showcase errors. BR { "orderType": { "value": "WS" }, "hold": { "value": false }, "customerRefNo": { "value": "36763" }, "customer": { "value": "49989" }, "note": {}, "shipVia": { "value": "PNP" }, "paymentMethod": { "value": "11" }, "cashAccount": { "value": "MC01" }, "soBillingAddress": { "value": { "overrideAddress": { "value": true }, "addressLine1": { "value": "Hyggevej 4" }, "postalCode": { "value": "8000" }, "city": { "value": "Aarhus C" }, "countryId": { "value": "DK" }, "county": { "value": "" } } }, "soShippingAddress": { "value": { "overrideAddress": { "value": true }, "addressLine1": { "value": "Hyggevej 4" }, "postalCode": { "value": "8000" }, "city": { "value": "Aarhus C" }, "countryId": { "value": "DK" }, "county": { "value": "" } } }, "soBillingContact": { "value": { "overrideContact": { "value": true }, "name": { "value": "Erik Larsson" }, "email": { "value": "eln@iadvice.dk" }, "phone1": { "value": "92153820" } } }, "soShippingContact": { "value": { "overrideContact": { "value": true }, "name": { "value": "Erik Larsson" }, "email": { "value": "eln@iadvice.dk" }, "phone1": { "value": "92153820" } } }, "shipComplete": { "value": "ShipComplete" }, "lines": [{ "operation": "insert", "inventoryId": { "value": "7350106391452" }, "warehouse": { "value": "11" }, "quantity": { "value": 1.0 }, "unitPrice": { "value": 119.96 }, "discountPercent": { "value": 0.0 }, "discountAmount": { "value": 0.0 }, "lineDescription": { "value": "LEGO iAdvice Office Set" }, "subaccount": [{ "segmentId": 1, "segmentValue": "01" } ] } ] }
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