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I have started to collect logs now. But the problem only occurs rarely, but cause big problems for us when it happens. I have sent mail to the email you provided, but no logs since we have not collected any faulty logs yet. But we really need to get this solved asap.
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We have a recurring problem with the endpoint /v1/shipment/xxxx/printShipmentConfirmation In some cases when we make a call to the above endpoint we get a response like this: You do not have enough rights to access SO64200S. If we try to make the exact same request right after the failed one, it usually goes through and works as expected after a few tries. This occurs only on some orders. Far from all. What could be the cause to why we get this error?
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When using this endpoint to create shipments for salesorders: /v2/salesorder/XXXXXXX/action/createShipment I some times get this error: "Another process has added 'note'" I am having a hard time figuring out what exactly causes this error. What exactly does this mean. What note is this?
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This is a general question as I do not really know how to proceed or where else to ask for help regarding this issue. The problem we encounter is that we can sometimes handle SalesOrders that are created by the customer today but should be delivered to the customer in for example 6 months. If we submit the order directly to Visma, this books up the stock for the relevant articles, which means that we cannot sell any of these to other customers between now and up until 6 months. If I were to put the order on hold. Would this avoid the items being booked up? Or what exactly does it mean when an order is marked as on hold. What does that flag mean in practice? If it cannot be achieved by marking the order as on hold. Is there anywhere we can specify a date or similar for when the goods should be deducted from the stock balance? Or is the solution that we would actually have to wait to send the order to until it is time for the stock to be deducted?
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Activity Feed for anton123
- Posted Re: Not enought rights to print on Forum in Developers 11-02-2025 09:17
- Posted Not enought rights to print on Forum in Developers 10-02-2025 15:29
- Posted Problem creating shipments on Forum in Developers 07-08-2024 14:01
- Posted Postpone stock deduction on Forum in Developers 20-10-2023 10:44