Yesterday, on 18th June 2024, since around noon, GET KitAssembly query is not returning NonStockComponentLines, StockComponentLines, or KitAllocations fields in API calls anymore. What could be the reason for this? The request in question is a GET request to the following endpoint: /controller/api/v1/kitassembly/{type}/{refNo} Here is an example of the JSON response received from the API: { "type": "P", "refNo": "004120", "status": "B", "hold": false, "date": "2024-06-18T00:00:00", "postPeriod": "202406", "itemID": "1019000 ", "revision": "1", "description": "pihakaivot 537735", "warehouse": "1 ", "location": "1 ", "uoM": "KPL", "quantity": 4, "createdDateTime": "2024-06-18T11:39:22.127", "lastModifiedDateTime": "2024-06-18T11:39:22.127", "salesOrderLink": "SO 537735, Line No. 2", "timestamp": "0x00000000072024DD" }
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