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Slow responsetime for customer/balance

by Thomas Adrian - Consili

I am making API calls to customer/balance to get all customers balance in the beginning of my script.

for some of my customers this takes very long time and sometimes even times out.











by Yıldırım

You can send your CompanyID & API Client ID to the so that our infrastructure team can investigate if there is any specific performance issue. 

I sent two mails in two days, no response

by Yıldırım

Hi Thomas, have you tried using lastModifiedDateTime to narrow data scope for each request ? This should also help you with the issue you're experiencing. 

I can't filter the requests. I am getting all customer balances before processing invoices.


is there something wrong with the api? it is not responding, keeps sending request,

please advice

by Thomas Adrian - Consili (Updated ‎29-11-2023 10:18 by Thomas Adrian - Consili )
