Mine områder

How to register accumulated overtime?

03-07-2019 15:08
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  • 1642 Visninger

Sign in at: Connect.visma.com.

  1. Once signed in, the first page will have a menu where you can choose between; Calendar | Expense | Payslip | Community. To register accumulated overtime, click on Calendar.


2.If this is your first time using the Calendar a guide will pop up and show you a few functions on how to use the Calendar. Click the green arrow when you are done. 


3. The calendar will show the current month, but you can freely go back and forth by using the arrows in the bottom left and right corner. 


4. Click on the actual day you wish to register accumulated overtime for. To register accumulated overtime, look for the banner At work and click other attendance.


5. Click on the area Event code and choose between overtime 100%, 50% and 40%. Thereafter, click Save. 


6. Once you have registered overtime, the calendar will update accordingly. Remember to send in the calendar for approval by clicking Confirm until and thereafter Save. 


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