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How to send the time sheet for approval?

03-07-2019 15:10 (Sist oppdatert 05-09-2023)
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In this article, you can read about how employees (and others in connection with the company) can confirm and send their timesheets. Verification is necessary for an employer to be able to process and confirm the timesheet for an employee. You can "avoid" the process if the employer confirms the timesheet on behalf of the employee. 


  1. Sign in at Visma.net.
  2. Go to Calendar.
  3. Click on the period's last day (= confirm all registration till this day, make sure to include this day as well)
  4. Click Confirm until in the dialogue that shows up (the orange line in the calendar illustrates the verification) 

Orange line.PNG

The time sheet will now be sent for approval. 


NB! Any registered absences (sickness/vacation) will not be transferred to the payroll system before the employer has confirmed/approved this period.


Can employees change confirmed/submitted timesheets?

Yes, it can be changed, but not after the timesheet is confirmed.

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