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Registration of additional and reduced Flexitime

03-07-2019 15:12
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  • 1295 Visninger

This is how you register Additional and Reduced Flexitime - hours to spare. 

  1. Additional hours

Select a date in the calendar and choose Other attendance and then use the dropdown menu at the Event code field, and select Flexitime+.

Dialogue start phase.PNGFlexitime selected.PNG

2. Reducing the hours

Select a date in the calendar and click on Flexitime - part of day or Other absence (Register the amount of hours here).

-  You also have the option to mark off a checkbox for the entire day as well, if you are taking the entire day off. (This has to be approved by the manager/employer though). 

Dialogue start phase.PNG



Hours to spare

On the right side in the Calendar you can find a balance of hours to spare.

There is no balance on how many additional or reduced hours you can have yet, but that will come shortly. If it were to happen that additional or reduced hours would be recognized in the calendar prior to when they are actually incurring, these hours will not be included in the balance before that day it is incurred. 








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