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Could Someone Face Issues Integrating Visma with Third-Party CRM Systems?

av Keilani

Hello everyone. 😊❤️

I hope you are all doing well. I am contacting you to request help on connecting Visma with third party CRM systems, focusing on the challenges and best practices involved.

Our company now uses visma for ERP; but we want to link it with our existing CRM system to optimise sales and customer management procedures. While Visma has been wonderful for managing our accounting and financial operations, we are having some issues syncing data between Visma and our CRM.

  • We must ensure that client data; sales orders; and other essential information are properly linked between Visma and our CRM. we have seen issues with differences in data and coordinating delays. Are there any special tools and procedures you propose for ensuring consistent and real time data coordination?
  • We have been using the APIs supplied by Visma and our CRM system. While visma API documentation is extremely detailed; we are encountering several limits; especially in terms of data retrieval and update operations. Have any of you had similar problems; and how did you overcome them?
  • Effective error handling and logging are critical for diagnosing and addressing integration difficulties. We have had some difficulty putting up effective logging methods that capture and report failures without overloading our system. What methods have you found beneficial for managing and debugging issues in such integrations?
  • In some circumstances; it appears that special development may be required to bridge the gap between Visma and our CRM. If you've done customised work for similar integrations; what were the biggest problems you encountered and how did you solve them? Are there any best practices or lessons learnt that could prove useful?
  • We are concerned about how the integration may affect the end user experience. We want to make sure that the integration is seamless and does not add any more complexity to our sales and customer service teams. How did you manage to maintain a seamless user experience while integrating Visma with other systems?

Also I explored some topics related to this https://community.visma.com/t5/Diskusjon-i-Visma-net-Approval/salesforceadministratorJustering-i-det-nye-visma-approval-layout/m-p/593085 but I did not get the sufficient solution of my query so I would really want to get some help from a more experienced person

Any information; guidance; and suggestions you can offer would be highly appreciated. We want to learn from others experiences and discover the best techniques for a seamless and productive integration.
Thank you very much for your effort🤗❤️


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