to get a personalized navigation.
to get a personalized navigation.
Does it exist the ability to set the customerNo using sociate_create API? I see that this field is possible as an input parameter but I get: field value can only be allocated automatically.
The same issue with setting the orderNo using order_create API.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hi @Scruha
You can query the current settings with the API like this:
query CompanyInformationParams ($cid: Int) {
useCompany(no: $cid){
companyInformation {
You should also be able to edit the value, as shown below. The value in the example should fit your needs in terms of being able to create specific order, associate and customer numbers. NB! Keep in mind that the current parameter value may be there for a reason, changing parameter values should always be cleared with the customer before changes are made. If you don't know the consequences, always consult the customer's partner before making changes.
mutation CompanyInformationParams ($cid: Int) {
useCompany(no: $cid){
value: {onlyAutomaticAssignment: 7}) {
The described field is also available in the UI, in the Company information table. It is not visible by default in the standard layouts, so you have to add it. Ctrl+U, search for "+" in the available columns, and add it to the selected columns in the layout.
Hi @Scruha Yes, it is. I suggest you take a look at the API documentation, here.
mutation CreateCustomer ($cid: Int) {
useCompany(no: $cid){
# create the associate with desired input
customerNo: null
name:"Erik Larsen",
addressLine1: "Testveien 1"
postCode: "3270"
items {
Example of an order creation:
mutation UseCompany { useCompany(no: 123456) { order_create(values: { orderNo: 10639, customerNo: 10639 }) { items { orderNo } } } }
I always get: A record with the same primary key already exists.
It doesn't matter what orderNo is passed and that this order with this orderNo does not exist (sounds like an error on Visma's side).
Yes, here is the question I need to set customerNo not on the Visma side.
Also, I need to set orderNo using order_create API.
But Visma doesn't provide this possibility, although based on the API it should be possible.
As an example making:
mutation UseCompany {
useCompany(no: 132456) {
associate_create(values: { name: "Some name", customerNo: 12600 }) {
items {
I get:
@Scruha Most probably because there is a parameter in Company data preventing you from entering a value, it only allows suggesting one, either with "+" in the UI, or by the API. The parameter is named "Next on + only" in the UI, and should have a value corresponding to your needs. It can also be in play with the order number, so please check it out.
The same error through the UI. Could you provide details on where I can set up this ability?
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