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Vedlegg og/eller PDF av faktura/ordre

by nikolai-at-iizy-dot-no


Hvordan kan man hente ut vedlegg basert på et ordredokument. Jeg har prøvd å bruke forskjellige joinups og joindowns for å få det til, men alt returnerer null. Har prøvd å hente ut vedlegg via orderAttachment og det virker, men det hadde vært best å slippe to kall til APIet. 


Er det også mulig å få ut faktura som PDF fra API-et?

Med vennlig hilsen,
Nikolai Ommundsen
Utvikler @ iizy AS
  • nxt

by Øyvind Årseth

Hi Nikolai

Not 100% sure if this solution meets your requirements or fits in your context, but to get a copy of an order document and its' attachments, you could do something like this: 


The result will contain both the order document and attachment as base64 encoded text, so you would have to convert to see the actual pdfs. In this case I split the document and the attachment, if you want it all in one, you can easily omit the "splitAttachments"-argument. 
Quite similar to get an invoice-pdf: 


Content is still base64, as above. Useful examples can be found in this section in the API-doc. 
Let's hear from the community if anyone has other suggestions or improvements! 
