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Webhooks Not Triggering for Visma App Service

by ali-dev-otisco


We are integrating the Visma Service app. Our app is on the app store, and clients can connect to it. We are currently using read-only permissions and have also obtained permissions for webhooks through Visma Connect IdP.


• Tenant Application Added v1: The application is added to a tenant. The notification receiver is the application added to the tenant.

• Once a client connects, we receive an email notification and get the information at our developer portal.


However, the webhook we generated and provided a HTTPS webhook URL for is not triggering from Visma. There is no error visible, and no retry attempts are seen. It appears the webhook is not being triggered.


We want to trigger a webhook that once any company will connect to our app on app store, and then webhook should trigger to send TenantId to our mentioned Webhook server URL and we can receive it and can process it.

Can we get some help? Is this a valid subscription webhook? Are there other steps we need to follow to trigger the webhook? What could be the issue causing it not to trigger?