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Sales and profitability reports and BX Logistic(Handscanners)

av Ekonomiguneng (Uppdaterad ‎13-11-2023 11:24 av Ekonomiguneng )



This post concerns those who use BX Logistic Pro with Visma.NET .


Recently we have acquired Bx Logistic PRO with a purpose to get the correct cost from our outbound shipments and to have a better overview of our company performance.

The hand scanner has been successfully connected with Visma.NET and we get the correct values concerning the cost and the charged freight amount on invoice/sales order level.



But now we are facing a major problem. Visma.NET sees this freight line as a non-stock item hence the unit cost is missing from the sales and profitability reports, we are getting only Net sales in the reports. Basically, we are getting an incorrect margin on whole company level when we run the reports.

Have someone faced the same issues? And if so, how did by pass it?



Thanks for your attention.


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