
Procedure for quarterly dividend

autors Anonymous



Does anyone have the procedure for paying out a quarterly dividend? The company AoA have been updated to allow for this, but what do we need to do accounting wise?


1. I understand that a company decision has to be made - does anyone have the format for this and do we just save a printed copy in our files afterwards?


2. We have to file "Uzņēmuma ienākuma nodokļa deklarācija" with EDS (every quarter). Let's assume we want to pay out 2.000 euros from the previous 3 months profit.


1: 2000

3: 2500

4: 500


Then "No" to all the questions except for "Or in the taxation period shall be paid out dividends or equivalent costs and a notional dividends?" where we check "Yes, dividend paid or the equivalent costs"


After this the system will generate a bill for EUR 500 to pay I guess?


3. Make all the payment and put them in books.


Anything else?


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