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API for BI systems - Model of all keyelements

21-07-2022 10:41 (Bijgewerkt op 16-04-2024)
  • 1 Antwoorden
  • 0 kudos
  • 1498 Weergaven

Within API for BI systems there are CSV files. These files contain 2 major components, that is the ID and ParentID collumn. 


In the attachment you can see the key elements (Entities) with their respective ParentID. This knowledge is necessary for knowing the relations between the key elements (Entities).


Attachment is stored as txt file, but it can be downloaded and converted to .json.

Miles Nuis
door Miles Nuis



The KeyElements suggest CSV names to be in English. But in our datalake the CSV files have Dutch names.

Do you have a KeyElements in Dutch?


Also I think this one might be outdated. I can't find "Verlofbalans.csv" (LeaveBalance) in the KeyElements.


I'd love to see an update.

