My Products

KnowledgeBase in About Visma Community

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Select your favourite products and groups and notice the difference in your community experience.  What are “My products”?   “My products” are the product and group shortcuts in your navigation. They also appear on the front page of your community profile. Simply put, selecting your preferred products & groups gives you a better user experience in Visma Community.   <screenshot> What are the benefits of selecting “My products”? By selecting your preferred products and groups, you enhance your user experience in several ways:   Faster navigation Easier access to products and services News and updates on your favourite topics   How do I select “My products”? It’s easy to select the products and groups you want to see.    Adjust “My products” Go to “My products” in the top navigation and select “Manage My products”     You can choose to remove products and groups you don’t use and add the ones you are interested in.    If you want to select a product (or group) with limited access, go to that product (or group) and ask for access following the information that appears in the information box.        You can also add products and groups directly from the specific product or groups. Navigate to the product or group you want to add, i.e. by using the search field for products and groups at the top of the page. NB! Remember to set the search-scope to “Visma Community”.   Click on “+ My products” on the right-hand side to add your selected product   Good luck in selecting your favourite products and groups and getting more value out of Visma Community!
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30-06-2021 09:00 (Updated 09-03-2022)
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A step-by-step guide to getting full access to Visma Community.   To give you full access, we need your professional email address. Simply follow the instructions below to get started.    Go to: You can also access this page by going to My settings - Personal profile - Email Click on Change in Visma Connect under Email settings Click on the pen in the right-hand corner of your account to edit Click Change email address under Email Confirm your password and add your professional email address in the New email address field. Click Send confirmation email   Check out how easy it’s done – it only takes a few keystrokes to change your email!     We look forward to seeing you in Visma Community!  
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29-06-2021 11:10 (Updated 08-03-2022)
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 The goal of Visma is to make sure that the Community is a safe environment to communicate.  Moderators may provide directions, moderate and remove content and ban members. How to use the Community Be relevant - Please post in the area that is most relevant to your question or comment. It makes it more likely that you get a quick and relevant reply. Visma moderators might move your post to the relevant forum.   Share your experience and ask questions - You are an important contributor for the community to grow and remain a place where the members can get answers. If you contribute more to the community, other members will be inspired to contribute to as well as giving you recognition.   Be generous - If you get good information, we encourage you to reward the other member by liking the content or leaving a comment.   Report abuse - Please report communication that is breaking these guidelines to Visma.   Add a profile picture to your profile - It is nicer to have a face on the person you are talking with.   Remember Be nice - Being polite, demonstrate good manners and respect for other members is the most important guideline for Visma Community.   Private information - Protect your own and others privacy. Don’t post your phone number, email, account number or other confidential information. What you write will be visible to other users.   Source of information - A lot of the information in the Community is created by members that are not Visma employees. While many of the Visma customers who post here are very knowledgeable and may often provide helpful answers, we can’t be held responsible for inaccurate advice posted by non-employees.   No solicitation - Content that is advertising, selling a product, spam, junk mail, chain letters or any kind of solicitation will be deleted by a moderator.   The guidelines will be extended if Visma finds it necessary to ensure a safe environment.   Link to General Terms & Conditions  
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20-09-2021 08:58 (Updated 23-09-2021)
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Community is built up in product and subject areas which in turn are divided into different types of content within that area. You have the ability to adjust the scope of the search before and after searching.   Search scope By default, the search is "from here and down" meaning all content that you have access to from where you are in the stucture and anything below.  For example, if you areat the knowledgebase in an area, the search engine is automatically set to search within those knowledgearticles. If you want to search a little wider than where you stand, select this in the menu to the left of the search field.     Search suggestions When you start writing, there will be suggestions for content you may be looking for. The various icons tell if the content is from a forum, knowledgebase, idea or news. You also see which area the autosuggests come from.     Search result page In the search result you can choose to change your filters by location, author, date, whether the content contains video etc. Blue "buttons" show active filters, these can be removed. In addition, you can sort by best match, date etc.  
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05-07-2021 10:10
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