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API for BI Systems - Release notes & highlights

08-05-2024 15:52 (Bijgewerkt op 14-05-2024)
  • 0 Antwoorden
  • 2 kudos
  • 212 Weergaven


08-05-2024: History days on leave and leave balance data

As described in the documentation of the API for BI systems, history data of max 4 years are made available. 

Recently we learned that this limitation was not in place for the datatypes leave (NL: verlofaanvraag) and leave balance (NL: verlofbalans). In stead, all data was delivered.


On 15-5-2024 we will release a fix to align the history data also for leave and leave balance.



After the fix only leave periods are delivered which are within scope of 4 years. If a leave period starts before the scope of 4 years, but ends after, it will still be delivered.


Leave balances

After the fix only leave periods are delivered which are within scope of 4 years. Most likely, leave entitlements start on the first of January. So if data is retrieved today (8-5-2024), taken in account that leave balance starts on first of January, the leave balance of 2020 up and till 2024 is delivered.