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The goal of Visma is to make sure that the Community is a safe environment to communicate.
Moderators may provide directions, moderate and remove content and ban members.
How to use the Community
Be relevant - Please post in the area that is most relevant to your question or comment. It makes it more likely that you get a quick and relevant reply. Visma moderators might move your post to the relevant forum.
Share your experience and ask questions - You are an important contributor for the community to grow and remain a place where the members can get answers. If you contribute more to the community, other members will be inspired to contribute to as well as giving you recognition.
Be generous - If you get good information, we encourage you to reward the other member by liking the content or leaving a comment.
Report abuse - Please report communication that is breaking these guidelines to Visma.
Add a profile picture to your profile - It is nicer to have a face on the person you are talking with.
Be honest about who you are - Your user name in Visma Community has to be your full name.
Be nice - Being polite, demonstrate good manners and respect for other members is the most important guideline for Visma Community.
Private information - Protect your own and others privacy. Don’t post your phone number, email, account number or other confidential information. What you write will be visible to other users.
Source of information - A lot of the information in the Community is created by members that are not Visma employees. While many of the Visma customers who post here are very knowledgeable and may often provide helpful answers, we can’t be held responsible for inaccurate advice posted by non-employees.
No solicitation - Content that is advertising, selling a product, spam, junk mail, chain letters or any kind of solicitation will be deleted by a moderator.
The guidelines will be extended if Visma finds it necessary to ensure a safe environment.
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- community guidelines