Mariecarlander has earned 13 badges!
First Kudos11-12-2018Earned by 16,539Another user has given you kudos.
Second New Topic07-02-2019Earned by 12,758You have started 2 new topics.
First Kudos Given16-11-2018Earned by 30,771You have given kudos to another user.
Second Reply10-12-2018Earned by 17,568You have written a reply to 2 new topics.
5 Kudos28-02-2019Earned by 8,262Another user has given you kudos 5 times.
20 Kudos10-03-2022Earned by 3,676Another user has given you kudos 20 times.
5 New Topics23-05-2019Earned by 5,671You have started 5 new topics.
10 New Topics19-11-2021Earned by 2,914You have started 10 new topics.
20 Kudos Given10-09-2020Earned by 3,944You have given kudos to another user 20 times.
40 Kudos Given06-09-2022Earned by 2,028You have given kudos to another user 40 times.
10 Replies05-06-2019Earned by 5,203You have written a reply to 10 topics.
20 Replies24-02-2020Earned by 2,790You have written a reply to 20 topics.
50 Replies27-01-2023Earned by 1,099You have written a reply to 50 topics.