The fields under "inleverans" in screenid AP303010 are missing in the output data through the API. I would also like to have 2 extra date fields in the screen "valid from" and "valid through" . This is to be used to filter on dates, automatically activate / in activate or delete locations.
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I have that. Creating new token, works well to create new invoice, read customers, suppliers and more. I can also create the payment, but the action release will not work Still get error 403 - Forbidden message=Scope requirement not met
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When doing a POST with body like : { "type": { "Value": "Payment" } } I get error 403 - Forbidden If I just change to the old static token the same request works fine. All scopes are allowed in the app.
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It's urgent. All orders fail on import if one sets this value. Please don't shut down the old endpoint yet. Extend the grace period due to these types of errors. We had rollback to old version of the integration due to this.
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When trying to send salespersonid creating an order in V3, I recieve error 400 - bad request. This Id exists in Vn and works great using the old endpoint. ( I've tried with some of the other salespersons, but getting the same error.
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The performance is inconsistent and very slow. Almost 30 sec to create trying the exact same post moments later getting a 503 - service unavaliable
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So the SalesOrder endpoint in v2 will still have some of its functionality after June 1st? And it's only the get/put/post of salesorder that's affected? This meaning that we have to use both salesorder v2 and salesorder v3 in combination?
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When adding new orderlines to a existing salesorder, it seems to require the ETag header also. In the swagger documentation, this is as I can see only this documented on the PATCH /api/v3/SalesOrders/{type}/{orderId}/lines and PATCH /api/v3/SalesOrders/{type}/{orderId} Is this as it should be or should it not be required on POST /api/v3/SalesOrders/{type}/{orderId}/lines (adding new lines to the salesorder)
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Hi, this is still not fixed. I just tried with this: { "type": "SO" , "customer": { "id": "10001" }, "orderLines": [ { "inventoryId": "105","quantity": 1,"unitPrice": 100} ] } However, If one includes the subaccount, then it works: { "type": "SO", "customer": { "id": "10001" }, "orderLines": [ {"inventoryId": "105","quantity": 1,"unitPrice": 100,"subaccount":{ "1": "00", "2": "000", "3": "0000"}} ] } So we still need to provide subaccount when creating the salesorder.
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Great! So that means that this will work in SalesOrder API just as it works in the . And that we do not need to provide subaccount in the post-command.
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How can you use the same authentication on both api's ? SalesOrder requires an token generated from and access provided through the dev portal. And the uses ipp-company-id, ipp-application-type as headers, and also the "old" accesstoken. This means that you have to have 2 different settings as far as I can see. But please share idées if you have solved this.
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In the new SalesOrder api, I face the same issue as in the case described here , having to provide the correct subaccount array on orderlines. If we look at the "old" api, there is no need to include subaccount on orderlines. This should still be optional in the new api, and when omited, the orderline should inherrit the the default subaccont set on that inventroy in Just like it works today. From what I can see today, one have to either : - specify the subaccount in a settings-file or such. This will fail as soon as one changes the subaccount dimentions in - do a GET on inventory to get the subaccount of an inventory to set on orderlines - do a GET using the api to get subaccount from there. It's not always one wish to set subaccount, and thats why I still want it to be optional.
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Ok, hope this is high on the list to improve. Having to use both the api and the new salesorder-api in one solution to achieve the same thing that we get from api today is not really a good solution. And hope that the new salesorder-api will be extended with all the other endpoints that exists in the integration-api so we dont have to handle 2 different api's with different models and authentication methods. But have to say that the speed on the new salesorder-api is impressive. Thats very good.
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I'm starting my first app here now. When using GET /inventory it only returns stock-items. I can't see how to get non-stock items. How do I get all inventory items, both stock and non-stock items at the same time. Also, I can't see the attribute in the model that states whether it's a stock or non-stock item
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It could also be an idé to extend the InventorySummary endpoint to return a list of inventory with detailed info. And filter possibility just like on the Inventory endpoint.
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On ScreenId IN202500 and WarehouseDetails one can see all the warehouses and locations for the article. If one can expose IssueFrom and ReceiptTo to the warehouseDetails section it would be great.
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The property externalReference is missing in the endpoint cashsale. It's avaliable on CustomerInvoice. Needs to be avaliable also on the cashsales endpoint.
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Would be greate if one could get/set warehouse on customer Sometimes it's empty on the customer, and if one do not set the warehouse property on SalesOrder, it will fail. So to be able to do internal controlls if warehouse is set on customer before trying to add an salesorder would eliminate this issuse. Screenid AR303000 - Warehouse prop under Deliveryinfo
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Would be greate if one could get/set warehouse on customer Sometimes it's empty on the customer, and if one do not set the warehouse property on SalesOrder, it will fail. So to be able to do internal controlls if warehouse is set on customer before trying to add an salesorder would eliminate this issuse. Screenid AR303000 - Warehouse prop under Deliveryinfo
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