Hello, the following statuses are available for JT,
On hold: This status is usually assigned to newly created batches. Batches with the On hold status cannot be released or posted. If an On hold batch has total debits equal to the total credits, its status can be changed to Balanced once you clear the Hold check box.
Balanced: This status indicates that the debit total of the batch equals the credit total and that the batch is ready to be released or posted. A balanced batch can be modified or deleted, but changes can be saved only if the batch credit and debit totals are equal.
Scheduled: This status indicates that the batch was attached to a schedule. Scheduled batches are used as templates for generating similar general ledger batches, with the dates calculated according to the schedule settings. The batch can be scheduled if its status is Balanced. A batch with a Scheduled status can be modified, but it can be saved only if the debit and credit totals are equal.
Unposted: This status indicates a balanced batch that was released but not yet posted. Such a batch cannot be edited or deleted.
Posted: This status indicates that batch journal entries were posted or were used for updating appropriate general ledger account balances. Posted batches cannot be modified or deleted; they are available only for viewing.
Void: This status indicates that this batch is invalid and was cancelled, for example, in cases when the batch was removed from the schedule before the schedule was completed. However, because it is needed for auditing, the batch cannot be deleted.
It's possible that the export / report filtering you have configured in the UI has sort of status filter for only exporting "Released" documents, whereas if you don't have any query parameter for filtering, the API can return all the existing documents.
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