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How to register hours and absences on your mobile device?

03-07-2019 15:11 (Sist oppdatert 03-07-2019)
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  • 1653 Visninger

You have the option to register your hours and absences on your phone now too. Customers of Visma.net Time & Absence can use the app Visma Employee to do this. 


Firstly, download Visma Employee on your mobile device, either from App Store or from Google Play. To sign in, use the same username and password that you use to sign in at Visma.net. 



When you are signed in, click on the + sign. 




Thereafter you will be redirected to this overview banner, which has all the codes you can register with. Choose the code that is applicable to your task and register your hours or absence in the next page.




This is where you can add the amount of hours / days you wish to register, you can also add a comment. Once completed, click Send. 


NB! If you wish to select a project while registering, read more here

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